
I'm glad to see that you're still jumping to conclusions and running in circles; because it's probably the only exercise you get.

I haven't rejected anything that has been presented. It's just that the presentations failed, or were so weak that they weren't able to support their own "assumptions".

Once again; your ability to misread and assume what someone means, is astonding and a little disturbing.

Weren't you the one that said you have been gone, because you had other things to do; so why are you ignoring that others may have obligations also.
I take it you missed where SM tried to fix a post that Dune had left and then implied that him and Dune could possibly be the same poster.

While no one is trying to have you change your "choice", in your sexuality; it is becoming a possiblity that you've been giving it a great deal of consideration.

so the strawmen, red herring and lies continue. what does me being gone have to do with anything i've said to you? have i said you haven't discussed the issue because you had other obligations? NO.

you claim you have not rejected anything presented, YET, you haven't once discussed one word of the study. i've posted it numerous times, told you a quick summary of it and you simply ignore it and focus on my sexuality and my "choice". get through your head, this is not about me, no matter how badly you want it to be, it isn't. your last sentence is calling me a fag, you've done this since day one.

since you are never going to engage in a mature discussion in this matter, instead keep obsessing about sexuality, you can pound sand and continue to talk with dune about sexuality. it is creepy that two guys care so much about sexuality. you had your chance to discuss this and you showed you don't want to.

But so many people do-especially those in the homosexual community. In fact that is why so many irreplaceable years in research have been lost-

Part of the problem is the stigma associated with people calling it a disease. And that is exactly what would happen if a "cure" were announced.
Part of the problem is the stigma associated with people calling it a disease. And that is exactly what would happen if a "cure" were announced.

The stigma comes from its categorization as a deviance in psychiatric journals- It is still technically a deviance, though it has been removed from the journals- Therein lies the rub- it is not, nor ever will be, a sexual norm-it just won't be. Removing its actual medical definition from journals does remove its actual deviance.
The stigma comes from its categorization as a deviance in psychiatric journals- It is still technically a deviance, though it has been removed from the journals- Therein lies the rub- it is not, nor ever will be, a sexual norm-it just won't be. Removing its actual medical definition from journals does remove its actual deviance.

That it is a deviance in the biological or medical sense is not really the big issue. That these people are still harrassed, fired from jobs, refused jobs, and even beaten up for who they love is tragic.

The biggest thing that society, as a whole, needs to realize is that it is not just about sex. It is about being in love. Now I love my wife. I have male friends that I can honestly say that I love. But those two emotions are very different. I cannot even imagine having such feelings for a man. Just as a gay man cannot fathom having those feelings for a woman, or a lesbian for a man.

If they are seeking a cure, I believe they are doing so because of society's pressures and harrassment.

My sister is a lesbian. Many years ago she and her partner were walking around a local park in the spring time. They were young and newly in love. She told me she wanted to hold hands so bad, but didn't want to cause a scene. That is tragic. But then, there have been plenty of small tragedies in Alabama due to closed-minds and hate.
That it is a deviance in the biological or medical sense is not really the big issue. That these people are still harrassed, fired from jobs, refused jobs, and even beaten up for who they love is tragic.

The biggest thing that society, as a whole, needs to realize is that it is not just about sex. It is about being in love. Now I love my wife. I have male friends that I can honestly say that I love. But those two emotions are very different. I cannot even imagine having such feelings for a man. Just as a gay man cannot fathom having those feelings for a woman, or a lesbian for a man.

If they are seeking a cure, I believe they are doing so because of society's pressures and harrassment.

My sister is a lesbian. Many years ago she and her partner were walking around a local park in the spring time. They were young and newly in love. She told me she wanted to hold hands so bad, but didn't want to cause a scene. That is tragic. But then, there have been plenty of small tragedies in Alabama due to closed-minds and hate.

2% of male homosexuality is monogamous. - Fat people are harassed; refused jobs; beaten; and ill treated- as well as numerous other groups of people- This is not an argument for preventing research and treatment of a deviant behavior-albeit voluntary treatment. No humane person can deny that homosexuals have been subject to bad treatment- and that has no place in a civil society- but civil societies have bullies who bully-they always have and they always will. You treat bullying, no matter the target, with just consequences-that is all you can do.

A FB friend of mine has a sister who was a lesbian for almost 20 years- she is now married to a man. Sexuality is, for women, emotionally driven. Women can become frigid when they are emotionally empty and neglected. Female homosexuality is different from male homosexuality. Very little research has been done on it...again a victim of 1970's political activism.
You don't fix bullying by lying about homosexuality. You fix bullying by shining the harsh light of truth on bullies.
You've missed the point entirely. *shrug*

In msg 88 I commented on the author’s statement, “Homosexuality, delivered to young minds, is by its very nature pornographic,” he claimed.

In msg 89 you wrote, “The market for porn is made up of young men; very, very few young women.”

In msg 98 I replied, “How many magazines and videos depict homosexuality compared to heterosexuality? How many gay prostitutes are there compared to straight ones? Call services? Strip clubs?

In msg 99 you responded, “You've missed the point entirely.”

What is your point?

My point is heterosexuality, delivered to young minds, is by its very nature pornographic and much more prolific. Be it on TV or in magazines the vast majority of females dress and act in a fashion to attract males. Very few homosexuals dress and act in a fashion to attract other males. In fact, many homosexuals deliberately avoid dressing and acting in a way that may expose their homosexuality (in the closet).

So, for the author to imply homosexuality is pornography when heterosexuality is rampant is absurd.
Broken lives- If you have ever been involved in the gay community you would see that drug and alcohol addiction are quite prevalent, as well as numerous sexual partners-suicide etc. But getting back to the point that there are large numbers of homosexuals who want to to stop being so- The political animus against that segment of homosexuals, has stifled research, and as a result harmed that segment of homosexuals. Listed below are reasons why some homosexuals want out of the lifestyle as well as providing examples of their lifestyle...since you asked "why?"


Contrary to media propaganda, these practices are not always taking place "behind closed doors", in the privacy of one's own bedroom. According to The Gay Report, a homosexual magazine; the most frequented places to practice homosexual behavior are:
public restrooms;
bus stations,
service stations,
public libraries,
rest stops;
"health clubs" where groups gather to watch others engage in
sodomy or go to private booths for themselves;
"gay bars" and night clubs;
street corners where they "cruise" for others,
"glory holes" (circular holes cut out of partitions between stalls
in public restrooms allowing anonymous oral sodomy with the
person in the next stall);
pornographic bookstores,
peep shows,
movie houses,
public parks where groups gather in the bushes;
beaches and public baths.

The homosexual lifestyle is an extremely dangerous one. According to numerous studies, many of which have been commissioned by homosexual publications; 20% of homosexuals report of participating in sadomasochism where their partner is hurt, scratched, bruised and/or bloodied. 41% of male homosexuals and 8% of lesbians report "fisting"; where the arm is inserted up the rectum of one's partner. Over 90% of male homosexuals participate in the insertion of the penis into the rectum of their sexual partner's.

This practice carries great risk for both participants. The rectum was not created to withstand this abuse. Fecal matter can inter through the urethra, and sperm breaks through the single layer of the columnar epithelium of the rectum, causing massive immunological disruptions in the blood system, making the person at much greater risk for infection. It's no wonder that homosexuals are 245% more apt to report 2 or more sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) at a time, than heterosexuals.

The consequences of this behavior is magnified when one looks at the number of partners the average homosexual has in his/her lifetime. Most homosexual sex is performed with strangers. 70% admitting to having sex only once with over half of their partners. The average Homosexual has had 300 to 500 partners during a lifetime. 28% have performed sodomy on over 1000 partners. Only 2% have had monogamous relationships, and those are defined as lasting anywhere between 9 and 60 months.

Of these monogamous relationships;
5% drank urine,
7% incorporated fisting,
33% ingested feces,
53% swallowed semen.


Frankly, it sounds revolting! :barf:
Actually, choosing homosexuality is a choice, with heterosexuality being the natural, or default position. One doesn't choose heterosexuality any more than one chooses to be born.

Perhaps it's like love. Do we choose who we're going to love or does it just happen? Can we choose love?

Off topic but I think many people do choose partners for various reasons, financial being the main one. I also think that's the reason so many relationships end in divorce. The people were never "in love".
Since I have defeated debaters in the past in all likelihood I will defeat you now. That's why you're afraid to have a civil debate.

There is no need to debate you.
Your entire premise is that it's a choice and therefore has no legal standing when it comes to marriage or things that hetrosexual couples enjoy.
You don't want to debate.
You just want to stay obtuse.
so the strawmen, red herring and lies continue. what does me being gone have to do with anything i've said to you? have i said you haven't discussed the issue because you had other obligations? NO.

you claim you have not rejected anything presented, YET, you haven't once discussed one word of the study. i've posted it numerous times, told you a quick summary of it and you simply ignore it and focus on my sexuality and my "choice". get through your head, this is not about me, no matter how badly you want it to be, it isn't. your last sentence is calling me a fag, you've done this since day one.

since you are never going to engage in a mature discussion in this matter, instead keep obsessing about sexuality, you can pound sand and continue to talk with dune about sexuality. it is creepy that two guys care so much about sexuality. you had your chance to discuss this and you showed you don't want to.


I have brought forward the part of your post, that raised a question as to why someone was gone.

Yurt said:
it is quite interesting that when i said you and dune should get a room as you were acting and talking identical, that he stopped posting....did i hit a little too close to home? sock puppet or lover?

Now; either you're being willfully stupid or are just plain stupid, but I'll let you show which it is.

Please show me where I, in my "last sentence", called you a fag.
Then you can begin showing where I've done this, since "day one".

Since you've declared this as my last chance; does it then hold true that you've also had your last chance to show what experiances caused you to make the "choice" to be a hetrosexual.
In msg 88 I commented on the author’s statement, “Homosexuality, delivered to young minds, is by its very nature pornographic,” he claimed.

In msg 89 you wrote, “The market for porn is made up of young men; very, very few young women.”

In msg 98 I replied, “How many magazines and videos depict homosexuality compared to heterosexuality? How many gay prostitutes are there compared to straight ones? Call services? Strip clubs?

In msg 99 you responded, “You've missed the point entirely.”

What is your point?

My point is heterosexuality, delivered to young minds, is by its very nature pornographic and much more prolific. Be it on TV or in magazines the vast majority of females dress and act in a fashion to attract males. Very few homosexuals dress and act in a fashion to attract other males. In fact, many homosexuals deliberately avoid dressing and acting in a way that may expose their homosexuality (in the closet).

So, for the author to imply homosexuality is pornography when heterosexuality is rampant is absurd.
Thanks for documenting that you missed the point entirely.
Perhaps it's like love. Do we choose who we're going to love or does it just happen? Can we choose love?

Off topic but I think many people do choose partners for various reasons, financial being the main one. I also think that's the reason so many relationships end in divorce. The people were never "in love".

I chose, and did so wisely (25 years next month). So did my parents (59 years until one died) and my grandparents (52 years until one died). :D
There is no need to debate you.
Your entire premise is that it's a choice and therefore has no legal standing when it comes to marriage or things that hetrosexual couples enjoy.
You don't want to debate.
You just want to stay obtuse.
They ain't born that way.