
It was di-rec-tly on poi-nt.
It helps if you understand the definitions of words:

Definition of NON SEQUITUR
: an inference that does not follow from the premises; specifically : a fallacy resulting from a simple conversion of a universal affirmative proposition or from the transposition of a condition and its consequent
: a statement (as a response) that does not follow logically from or is not clearly related to anything previously said

Enjoy your life of living like a rock; because it's apparent that you reject everything that doesn't agree with your presumptions.
You really shouldn't worry so much; because no one is trying to convince you that you're a homosexual.

tff.....as you have yet to address a study that doesn't seem to agree with your pressumptions

tff.....as you have yet to address a study that doesn't seem to agree with your pressumptions


It warms my heart to see that you and SM have finally found a common ground to unite on, even though you both are incorrect and raises the question as to why trying to prove that homosexuality is a "choice" is so important to you both.
It warms my heart to see that you and SM have finally found a common ground to unite on, even though you both are incorrect and raises the question as to why trying to prove that homosexuality is a "choice" is so important to you both.
If I am incorrect then you should have no problem proving that. :)
It warms my heart to see that you and SM have finally found a common ground to unite on, even though you both are incorrect and raises the question as to why trying to prove that homosexuality is a "choice" is so important to you both.

so you still ignore and reject everything that doesn't agree with your presumptions:

because it's apparent that you reject everything that doesn't agree with your presumptions.

^ not only have you proven you're a pathetic hypocrite, you've also proven you're a liar in this thread for making repeated false claims. it is clear you're not in this thread to discuss the actual issue, as we can all see from your post above, you are still obsessed with other people's sexuality and insinuating they are gay.

it is quite interesting that when i said you and dune should get a room as you were acting and talking identical, that he stopped posting....did i hit a little too close to home? sock puppet or lover?
If I am incorrect then you should have no problem proving that. :)

There have been numerous threads, in the past, that others can attest to; where you have ignored anything presented and dismissed everything that didn't fit your narrow view.
Since you didn't listen then, it's apparent that you won't listen now.
so you still ignore and reject everything that doesn't agree with your presumptions:

^ not only have you proven you're a pathetic hypocrite, you've also proven you're a liar in this thread for making repeated false claims. it is clear you're not in this thread to discuss the actual issue, as we can all see from your post above, you are still obsessed with other people's sexuality and insinuating they are gay.

it is quite interesting that when i said you and dune should get a room as you were acting and talking identical, that he stopped posting....did i hit a little too close to home? sock puppet or lover?

I'm glad to see that you're still jumping to conclusions and running in circles; because it's probably the only exercise you get.

I haven't rejected anything that has been presented. It's just that the presentations failed, or were so weak that they weren't able to support their own "assumptions".

Once again; your ability to misread and assume what someone means, is astonding and a little disturbing.

Weren't you the one that said you have been gone, because you had other things to do; so why are you ignoring that others may have obligations also.
I take it you missed where SM tried to fix a post that Dune had left and then implied that him and Dune could possibly be the same poster.

While no one is trying to have you change your "choice", in your sexuality; it is becoming a possiblity that you've been giving it a great deal of consideration.
There have been numerous threads, in the past, that others can attest to; where you have ignored anything presented and dismissed everything that didn't fit your narrow view.
Since you didn't listen then, it's apparent that you won't listen now.
Since I have defeated debaters in the past in all likelihood I will defeat you now. That's why you're afraid to have a civil debate.