
and once again the two posters obsessed with my sexuality fail to address the study. yet, one of you or both of you, whined that SM ignored your cites, and here you are doing the same thing. you don't want to actually debate or discuss this issue, you just want to obsess about dear ol' yurt's sexuality and ad hom. why don't you two get a room and hash it out.

and yes, you did call me gay.

If the shoe fits...
and once again the two posters obsessed with my sexuality fail to address the study. yet, one of you or both of you, whined that SM ignored your cites, and here you are doing the same thing. you don't want to actually debate or discuss this issue, you just want to obsess about dear ol' yurt's sexuality and ad hom. why don't you two get a room and hash it out.

and yes, you did call me gay.

Would you care to provide the post, where I said you were gay; that is, unless you can't.
But "to cite" is; which you obviously made a "choice" to ignore.
You're forgiven.

you are seriously retarded...that is completely wrong

why do you continue to ignore the study and obsess over my sexuality, especially given you whined SM ignored your sources? hypocrite much....
you are seriously retarded...that is completely wrong

why do you continue to ignore the study and obsess over my sexuality, especially given you whined SM ignored your sources? hypocrite much....

You are getting really good, at your emo lifestyle.
Expecially when you continue to ignore where I've said that I'm not obsessing over your sexuality; but instead was just asking you for what you used to help you make the "choices" that you did.
Now add in that you consider a response as "whining".

So, are you into using the eye shadow or do you just sit around and write sad poems?
still ignoring the study

keep your head in the sand USF, your ignorance suits you well, so does your hypocrisy....you and dune are perfect for each other, both whiners, obsessed about my sexuality and massive hypocrites

i mean really, how in the world can you say you're not a hypocrite when you bitched at SM for not reading your links, and yet you refuse to even discuss the study i've repeatedly posted because you're so obsessed with my homosexuality.....you have to be some kind of lunatic to be able to do that
still ignoring the study

keep your head in the sand USF, your ignorance suits you well, so does your hypocrisy....you and dune are perfect for each other, both whiners, obsessed about my sexuality and massive hypocrites

i mean really, how in the world can you say you're not a hypocrite when you bitched at SM for not reading your links, and yet you refuse to even discuss the study i've repeatedly posted because you're so obsessed with my homosexuality.....you have to be some kind of lunatic to be able to do that

You definetly have an odd way of making up your own definitions.
When I replied to a post; first you said I was whining and now I'm supposed to have bitched at him.
If a single reply is all that, what do you call what you've been doing as of late?

Or is this an example of your ability to make a "choice"?
You definetly have an odd way of making up your own definitions.
When I replied to a post; first you said I was whining and now I'm supposed to have bitched at him.
If a single reply is all that, what do you call what you've been doing as of late?

Or is this an example of your ability to make a "choice"?

you're an idiot....if that is the best you have, semantics, then you're just a waste of oxygen. and you're still ignoring the study. coward. i've addressed the study, talked to you about the study and why i believe some can make a choice and all you have is semantics and word play.

you're an idiot....if that is the best you have, semantics, then you're just a waste of oxygen. and you're still ignoring the study. coward. i've addressed the study, talked to you about the study and why i believe some can make a choice and all you have is semantics and word play.


Since you're having such a hissy over this, could you at least explain how it would be determined that a "choice" was made?
Major Study Finds New Evidence That Childhood Family Factors Influence Sexual Orientation (10/06)

[Peer-reviewed journal, Archives of Sexual Behavior 10/06]

It provides striking new evidence for the influence of childhood family factors on sexual-orientation development.

The 12-year study used a population-based sample of 2,000,355 native-born Danes between the ages of 18 and 49. Denmark -- a country noted for its tolerance of a wide variety of alternative lifestyles, including homosexual partnerships -- was the first country to legalize homosexual "marriage".

The study found that men who did not live with both parents until age 18 were 56%-76% more likely to "marry" another man. The researchers Morten Frisch and Anders Hviid conclude by saying, "Whatever ingredients determine a person's sexual preferences and marital choices, our population-based study shows that parental interactions are important." Notice they didn't say "parental genes" were important but family structures. [FRC, 13Dec06]

The researchers assessed detailed marriage records for all Danish-born men and women marrying a same-sex partner from the years 1989 through 2001.

With access to the "virtually complete registry coverage of the entire Danish population," the study sample therefore lacked the problematic selection bias that has plagued many previous studies on sexual orientation.



maybe when USF calms down over my rejection of his advances, he will realize i've addressed his question numerous times and i again point you to this study, which, due to your obsession regarding my sexuality, you continue to ignore

when you calm down enough to rationally discuss the facts and issues of the thread, let me know, i'm tired of your immature games
maybe when USF calms down over my rejection of his advances, he will realize i've addressed his question numerous times and i again point you to this study, which, due to your obsession regarding my sexuality, you continue to ignore

when you calm down enough to rationally discuss the facts and issues of the thread, let me know, i'm tired of your immature games

When are you going to stop lying and trying to present that I said something that I haven't.
You said you thought that sexuality was a choice and all I did was ask what occured that caused you to make the choice you did and what do you.
You do what you always do. You go emo and start lying, in what is an apparent effort to make yourself appear that you're telling the truth.
It's either a choice, or it isn't; because it you believe it's a choice, then you agree with SM and are of the idea that someone who is gay can be have their behavior changed.
sheeesh, USF is still in meltdown mode and can't even bring himself to discuss the thread topic

if this is your best attempt at running away from the truth, ignoring facts, studies that don't comport to your world view, i almost feel sorry for you. but you brought on yourself. i've given you numerous chances to discuss the study, facts and issues of the case. but you want to obsessively make this thread about me. its a little creepy.
Doesn't it beg the question, "Why would someone want to stop doing what they enjoy?"

Usually alcoholics or drug addicts, while enjoying what they do, realize the detrimental effects (job loss, financial problems, etc). What detrimental effects can be attributed to homosexuality other than bigotry and prejudice on the part of others?

Broken lives- If you have ever been involved in the gay community you would see that drug and alcohol addiction are quite prevalent, as well as numerous sexual partners-suicide etc. But getting back to the point that there are large numbers of homosexuals who want to to stop being so- The political animus against that segment of homosexuals, has stifled research, and as a result harmed that segment of homosexuals. Listed below are reasons why some homosexuals want out of the lifestyle as well as providing examples of their lifestyle...since you asked "why?"


Contrary to media propaganda, these practices are not always taking place "behind closed doors", in the privacy of one's own bedroom. According to The Gay Report, a homosexual magazine; the most frequented places to practice homosexual behavior are:
public restrooms;
bus stations,
service stations,
public libraries,
rest stops;
"health clubs" where groups gather to watch others engage in
sodomy or go to private booths for themselves;
"gay bars" and night clubs;
street corners where they "cruise" for others,
"glory holes" (circular holes cut out of partitions between stalls
in public restrooms allowing anonymous oral sodomy with the
person in the next stall);
pornographic bookstores,
peep shows,
movie houses,
public parks where groups gather in the bushes;
beaches and public baths.

The homosexual lifestyle is an extremely dangerous one. According to numerous studies, many of which have been commissioned by homosexual publications; 20% of homosexuals report of participating in sadomasochism where their partner is hurt, scratched, bruised and/or bloodied. 41% of male homosexuals and 8% of lesbians report "fisting"; where the arm is inserted up the rectum of one's partner. Over 90% of male homosexuals participate in the insertion of the penis into the rectum of their sexual partner's.

This practice carries great risk for both participants. The rectum was not created to withstand this abuse. Fecal matter can inter through the urethra, and sperm breaks through the single layer of the columnar epithelium of the rectum, causing massive immunological disruptions in the blood system, making the person at much greater risk for infection. It's no wonder that homosexuals are 245% more apt to report 2 or more sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) at a time, than heterosexuals.

The consequences of this behavior is magnified when one looks at the number of partners the average homosexual has in his/her lifetime. Most homosexual sex is performed with strangers. 70% admitting to having sex only once with over half of their partners. The average Homosexual has had 300 to 500 partners during a lifetime. 28% have performed sodomy on over 1000 partners. Only 2% have had monogamous relationships, and those are defined as lasting anywhere between 9 and 60 months.

Of these monogamous relationships;
5% drank urine,
7% incorporated fisting,
33% ingested feces,
53% swallowed semen.

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