
Major Study Finds New Evidence That Childhood Family Factors Influence Sexual Orientation (10/06)

[Peer-reviewed journal, Archives of Sexual Behavior 10/06]

It provides striking new evidence for the influence of childhood family factors on sexual-orientation development.

The 12-year study used a population-based sample of 2,000,355 native-born Danes between the ages of 18 and 49. Denmark -- a country noted for its tolerance of a wide variety of alternative lifestyles, including homosexual partnerships -- was the first country to legalize homosexual "marriage".

The study found that men who did not live with both parents until age 18 were 56%-76% more likely to "marry" another man. The researchers Morten Frisch and Anders Hviid conclude by saying, "Whatever ingredients determine a person's sexual preferences and marital choices, our population-based study shows that parental interactions are important." Notice they didn't say "parental genes" were important but family structures. [FRC, 13Dec06]

The researchers assessed detailed marriage records for all Danish-born men and women marrying a same-sex partner from the years 1989 through 2001.

With access to the "virtually complete registry coverage of the entire Danish population," the study sample therefore lacked the problematic selection bias that has plagued many previous studies on sexual orientation.



It is not a fact and you have not offered evidence you prove it. The only proof of this statement would be for you to admit that you left your gay lifestyle after being born again. Since you are clearly unwilling to tell the truth about yourself, shutup.

The OP is right wing propaganda, nothing less, nothing more. Your participation in this thread proves you are naught but a right wing hack.

The more often you repeat your self serving lie about homosexuality being a choice the more you besmirch yourself.

The only choice involved in homomsexuality is whether to practice it or not.

the faggot groan king makes it personal again. why are you and USF so obsessed over my sexuality? why is it you two constantly ignore the study i've repeatedly posted? USF once again focused on me and not the actual, you of course do likewise because from the beginning my sexuality has been of high interest to you, despite informing you i am not homosexual and therefore a great disappoint to your dreams for me.

you and USF have to ignore the facts and study and deflect the issue into personal attacks. this shows you are both nutter hacks. i have not lied about anything in this thread. perhaps you and USF can overcome your insecurity about homosexual issues and not make it personal and instead discuss the facts.

i won't be surprised though if yoiu and USF continue to ignore the study and ignore the guy in OP's testimony that he did indeed make a choice. but you and USF are kreskin and know what he really feels, you want so desperately for him to be homosexual. kind of weird.
the faggot groan king makes it personal again. why are you and USF so obsessed over my sexuality? why is it you two constantly ignore the study i've repeatedly posted? USF once again focused on me and not the actual, you of course do likewise because from the beginning my sexuality has been of high interest to you, despite informing you i am not homosexual and therefore a great disappoint to your dreams for me.

you and USF have to ignore the facts and study and deflect the issue into personal attacks. this shows you are both nutter hacks. i have not lied about anything in this thread. perhaps you and USF can overcome your insecurity about homosexual issues and not make it personal and instead discuss the facts.

i won't be surprised though if yoiu and USF continue to ignore the study and ignore the guy in OP's testimony that he did indeed make a choice. but you and USF are kreskin and know what he really feels, you want so desperately for him to be homosexual. kind of weird.

Are you saying that you're unsure why you "choose" to be hetrosexual and that it's possible you might someday make the "choice" and turn to homosexuality?
the faggot groan king makes it personal again. why are you and USF so obsessed over my sexuality? why is it you two constantly ignore the study i've repeatedly posted? USF once again focused on me and not the actual, you of course do likewise because from the beginning my sexuality has been of high interest to you, despite informing you i am not homosexual and therefore a great disappoint to your dreams for me.

you and USF have to ignore the facts and study and deflect the issue into personal attacks. this shows you are both nutter hacks. i have not lied about anything in this thread. perhaps you and USF can overcome your insecurity about homosexual issues and not make it personal and instead discuss the facts.

i won't be surprised though if yoiu and USF continue to ignore the study and ignore the guy in OP's testimony that he did indeed make a choice. but you and USF are kreskin and know what he really feels, you want so desperately for him to be homosexual. kind of weird.

Let me dumb it down a bit more for ya yurt, see if you can follow; One could choose to no longer have gay sex, as in the OP. That does not mean one chose to"not be gay" anymore. That is just a deluded fantasy not based in any fact whatsoever, regardless of whatever study your gay pride organisation is currently pushing.
Are you saying that you're unsure why you "choose" to be hetrosexual and that it's possible you might someday make the "choice" and turn to homosexuality?

no surprise you still ignore the article and instead obsessively inquire about my sexuality. i'm not gay USF, so you can't stop fantasizing, though i'm sure dune will appreciate your advances.
Let me dumb it down a bit more for ya yurt, see if you can follow; One could choose to no longer have gay sex, as in the OP. That does not mean one chose to"not be gay" anymore. That is just a deluded fantasy not based in any fact whatsoever, regardless of whatever study your gay pride organisation is currently pushing.


i will not address the study because it shows i could be wrong. i will ignore facts and simply repeat rote words. i will ignore other opinions and studies because they make me uncomfortable.

idiot dune is too dumb to realize that i, nor the study, are saying that not having gay sex, is the choice to not be gay. dune needs logical fallacies to try and make a point. red herring, go fish dune.
no surprise you still ignore the article and instead obsessively inquire about my sexuality. i'm not gay USF, so you can't stop fantasizing, though i'm sure dune will appreciate your advances.

I never said you were gay.
All of my offered probabilities are the result of your failure to respond to the questions.
You're the one that suggested that ones sexual orientation is a choice and I was asking what you used to make your decision.
Why are you being so defensive and evasive about this?
Pretending that you lack reading comprehension ability doesn't gain you back any credibility. Try staying on topic; it works better.

If pretending things help you make it through the day, go for it.
I was on topic, until you decided to trot out your strawman defense and failed.
i, nor? is you or is you not edumacated?

I never said you were gay.
All of my offered probabilities are the result of your failure to respond to the questions.
You're the one that suggested that ones sexual orientation is a choice and I was asking what you used to make your decision.
Why are you being so defensive and evasive about this?

and once again the two posters obsessed with my sexuality fail to address the study. yet, one of you or both of you, whined that SM ignored your cites, and here you are doing the same thing. you don't want to actually debate or discuss this issue, you just want to obsess about dear ol' yurt's sexuality and ad hom. why don't you two get a room and hash it out.

and yes, you did call me gay.