
The pathetic idiot yurt thinks people can choose whether or not to be gay. lol...what a retard. He spends more time talking about dune than the topic. He must know blacksmiths have big muscles. Does thinking about my bulging muscles make you hot yurt?

actually, i have more posts on the topic than my 3 posts addressing your immature inability to discuss the issue, rather than solely ad hom. all you've done in this thread is insult people. you haven't once addressed the topic. you spend the bulk of your time insulting and groaning....why are you on a political board?

you're not a blacksmith, you're a loser troll who lives in his mom's basement. if you're going to just repeat your dumb insults ad nauseum instead of addressing the issue, don't bother posting. we get it, you're insecure about your sexuality so you lash out people who have a different opinion than you.
I don't understand some of the responses to this thread. I'm for gay marriage and I don't care if someone decides they're gay, but I also don't care if someone decides they're not gay anymore. There are many factors behind homosexuality and it's none of my damn business which lifestyle one chooses. I am surprised and frankly quite appalled by those who have chosen to criticize this man's decision to no longer associate with the gay lifestyle. Why is it okay for someone who lived the straight lifestyle to decide they're gay, but not the other way around? Why is it that when a gay person comes out of the closet, they are met with praise and support from the left; but when someone decides they weren't gay after all, they're met with scorn and contempt? I have observed this for years and I'm no closer to understanding it. The only thing that comes to mind is that most people who turn away from the gay lifestyle do so in response to a religious conversion. That, I believe, may be the source of the left's disapproval.

In other words, the Left hates religion?
Major Study Finds New Evidence That Childhood Family Factors Influence Sexual Orientation (10/06)

[Peer-reviewed journal, Archives of Sexual Behavior 10/06]

It provides striking new evidence for the influence of childhood family factors on sexual-orientation development.

The 12-year study used a population-based sample of 2,000,355 native-born Danes between the ages of 18 and 49. Denmark -- a country noted for its tolerance of a wide variety of alternative lifestyles, including homosexual partnerships -- was the first country to legalize homosexual "marriage".

The study found that men who did not live with both parents until age 18 were 56%-76% more likely to "marry" another man. The researchers Morten Frisch and Anders Hviid conclude by saying, "Whatever ingredients determine a person's sexual preferences and marital choices, our population-based study shows that parental interactions are important." Notice they didn't say "parental genes" were important but family structures. [FRC, 13Dec06]

The researchers assessed detailed marriage records for all Danish-born men and women marrying a same-sex partner from the years 1989 through 2001.

With access to the "virtually complete registry coverage of the entire Danish population," the study sample therefore lacked the problematic selection bias that has plagued many previous studies on sexual orientation.


I don't understand some of the responses to this thread. I'm for gay marriage and I don't care if someone decides they're gay, but I also don't care if someone decides they're not gay anymore. There are many factors behind homosexuality and it's none of my damn business which lifestyle one chooses. I am surprised and frankly quite appalled by those who have chosen to criticize this man's decision to no longer associate with the gay lifestyle. Why is it okay for someone who lived the straight lifestyle to decide they're gay, but not the other way around? Why is it that when a gay person comes out of the closet, they are met with praise and support from the left; but when someone decides they weren't gay after all, they're met with scorn and contempt? I have observed this for years and I'm no closer to understanding it. The only thing that comes to mind is that most people who turn away from the gay lifestyle do so in response to a religious conversion. That, I believe, may be the source of the left's disapproval.

I think that there are 2 distinct reasons there is hostility directed at the idea of someone choosing to go straight after being homosexual. Political activism and fear. That said I think there are also legitimate emotional reactions due to having someone you may care about who is homosexual- Wanting to be supportive of their choice can get lost in and of itself in the aforementioned reasons. That there are often religious conversions involved does add more hostility as well.
no, you got pissy because i posted facts that did not comport to your world view. so you insinuated i was homosexual. it is a lame "do you beat your dog" loaded question. the issue isn't about me, no matter how desperate you want to make it about me, isn't.

You can keep dancing around this all you want; but you can't truly say you're a hetorsexual, if you say it's a choice, without having experiances that helped you make that choice.
You seem to feel that being a homosexual is bad. Why do you feel that way? Are you truly homophobic?
You can keep dancing around this all you want; but you can't truly say you're a hetorsexual, if you say it's a choice, without having experiances that helped you make that choice.
You seem to feel that being a homosexual is bad. Why do you feel that way? Are you truly homophobic?

what have i danced around? you're the one continually misrepresenting what i said. once again, this is not about me. once again, i never said all people choose. for some, choosing sexuality is a choice. i posted a study to back to this up, but of course you ignore that and continue your personal immature attacks.

your last three sentences show you're just being a snotty asshole instead of discussing the issue. more loaded questions that have nothing at all to do with the topic.
Wow. Are you actually admitting that you don't know rules of debate and logical fallacies?

I'm agreeing that you are bigotted, in your assumptions, and have no real desire to accept the probablility of anything that upsets your personal view of how things should be.
Maybe someday you'll overcome your fear of the unknown.
what have i danced around? you're the one continually misrepresenting what i said. once again, this is not about me. once again, i never said all people choose. for some, choosing sexuality is a choice. i posted a study to back to this up, but of course you ignore that and continue your personal immature attacks.

your last three sentences show you're just being a snotty asshole instead of discussing the issue. more loaded questions that have nothing at all to do with the topic.

You commented that sexuality was a choice and I asked for the experiances you had, that helped you decide you were a hetrosexual instead of "choosing" a homosexual life.
I never misrepresented what you presented; but I am beginning to wonder why you're becoming so defensive about the discussion.
You commented that sexuality was a choice and I asked for the experiances you had, that helped you decide you were a hetrosexual instead of "choosing" a homosexual life.
I never misrepresented what you presented; but I am beginning to wonder why you're becoming so defensive about the discussion.

you're a broken record and your obsession with turning this thread into a thread about my sexuality is disturbing. you continually ignore what i say, put words in mouth, ignore the study i posted and just make stuff up because you have nothing of substance to add to the discussion.

this obviously needs repeating and maybe it will sink in so you can stop obsessing over my sexuality.

once again, this is not about me. once again, i never said all people choose. for some, choosing sexuality is a choice.
you're a broken record and your obsession with turning this thread into a thread about my sexuality is disturbing. you continually ignore what i say, put words in mouth, ignore the study i posted and just make stuff up because you have nothing of substance to add to the discussion.

this obviously needs repeating and maybe it will sink in so you can stop obsessing over my sexuality.

But if sexuality isn't a choice for everyone, then how can it be a choice for anyone.
You keep having a hissy fit over this; but you're the one that suggested it was a choice and all I did was ask what happened that helped you make the choice you did.
I haven't put anything in your "mouth" (your words); but you are being very defensive over this and that does cause me to wonder why!
But if sexuality isn't a choice for everyone, then how can it be a choice for anyone.
You keep having a hissy fit over this; but you're the one that suggested it was a choice and all I did was ask what happened that helped you make the choice you did.
I haven't put anything in your "mouth" (your words); but you are being very defensive over this and that does cause me to wonder why!

you're obviously too fixated with my sexuality to read the study i quoted. if you did, you would not need to ask the same questions over and over.

you seem to be the one defensive over obsessively making this about my sexuality? why is that? why are you so concerned with my sexuality?

FACT: for some, they can and do choose. for others, it is not a choice.

it bears repeating, stop obsessing over my sexuality and read the report. then you can get down to the subject matter instead of spending all your thoughts and energy about my sexuality. the report found that for some it is a choice and for others it is not. for some it can be nurture vs. nature.
Major Study Finds New Evidence That Childhood Family Factors Influence Sexual Orientation (10/06)

[Peer-reviewed journal, Archives of Sexual Behavior 10/06]

It provides striking new evidence for the influence of childhood family factors on sexual-orientation development.

The 12-year study used a population-based sample of 2,000,355 native-born Danes between the ages of 18 and 49. Denmark -- a country noted for its tolerance of a wide variety of alternative lifestyles, including homosexual partnerships -- was the first country to legalize homosexual "marriage".

The study found that men who did not live with both parents until age 18 were 56%-76% more likely to "marry" another man. The researchers Morten Frisch and Anders Hviid conclude by saying, "Whatever ingredients determine a person's sexual preferences and marital choices, our population-based study shows that parental interactions are important." Notice they didn't say "parental genes" were important but family structures. [FRC, 13Dec06]

The researchers assessed detailed marriage records for all Danish-born men and women marrying a same-sex partner from the years 1989 through 2001.

With access to the "virtually complete registry coverage of the entire Danish population," the study sample therefore lacked the problematic selection bias that has plagued many previous studies on sexual orientation.



you're obviously too fixated with my sexuality to read the study i quoted. if you did, you would not need to ask the same questions over and over.

you seem to be the one defensive over obsessively making this about my sexuality? why is that? why are you so concerned with my sexuality?

FACT: for some, they can and do choose. for others, it is not a choice.

it bears repeating, stop obsessing over my sexuality and read the report. then you can get down to the subject matter instead of spending all your thoughts and energy about my sexuality. the report found that for some it is a choice and for others it is not. for some it can be nurture vs. nature.

I'm not sure why you have such a narrow definition of the word "obsessing"; but if you feel that asking you to explain why you made the "choice" that you did is a fixation, then it says more about you then it does for me.
Then again; it is possible that you are unhappy with your choice.
Back in his 20's he thought it was important to “to stay unified under a ‘Gay’ political umbrella”. Now he discovered the truth: “I don’t think the gay movement understands the extent to which the next generation just wants to be normal kids. The people who are getting that are the Christian right.”

It's interesting that he's changed his perspective and orientation but that doesn't make him right about the christian right.