explain the supposed benefits of single payer health care

America already has a "Single Payer System" it's called the VA. That's where the patients wait months to see the doctors. The bloated bureaucracy trashes scheduled appointments, and other records lay piled on desk of employees who are on endless paid vacations and many of the facilities are unreachable for patients and under-maintained and lacking the latest technology and the cost to taxpayers is outrageous.

And just think, this is only a small sample prototype of what an American Single Payer System would look like. Imagine the same catastrophe on a massive mandatory national scale as the sole American healthcare insurance program. Doctors will retire. Medical schools will beg for students. Doctors will become a rare commodity "OR" wast, fraud and abuse will be the system's norm costing and scamming taxpayers for billions by the medical and pharmaceutical communities. Patients will die in waiting for critical operations. The rich and powerful will buy their way to the head of the line or go to Mexico for medical services and politicians will pour more and more loot into the system and taxes will be doubled or the national debt will bankrupt America.

Those are the attributes of an American Single Payer System.

"If you think healthcare is expensive now, wait till it's free."
Single-pay health care is superior because you cut away all the administrative machinery required to run a for-profit health care system.

That's hilarious! It takes government at least 10 administrators to do the same job one does in private industry.:rofl2::cof1:
Single-pay health care is superior because you cut away all the administrative machinery required to run a for-profit health care system. For one thing, obviously, there is no class of people extracting profit from the system, so you save that money. Then, as Obamacare has already done, you stop paying people to deny health insurance claims (which is totally fucking stupid).

Really it is obvious that single-payer systems are more efficient. The US spends more of its GDP for worse outcomes than all other developed countries.

You're beyond mere stupid.
It would drastically simplify the medical payment system.
It would basically put all personal injury attorneys out of business.

The current system allows for all insurance companies to set "allowable payments" and to "negotiate payment" amounts to different medical and doctor groups.

What is happening here in South Florida is that insurance companies are controlling where and how doctors can practice medicine, they are offering favorable deals to large doctor groups or hospitals that hire up all local doctors, effectively putting out of business the small doctor groups or sole practitioners. It changed the way medicine is practiced from a patient oriented focus to a billing oriented focus, which is not good for the health of the insured.

While a single payer system would clearly not be perfect, it could be designed to offer a balanced playing field for Doctors who chose to provide a patient centered practice instead of a billing centered practice. Those running the payment processing and allowable amount for procedures would be focused on something other than profit, hopefully focused on the best interest of the patient. There would be no societal benefit, medically speaking, to being born rich.

Cost shifting, which costs the insured and those with money, lots of money would be eliminated.

I could go on, that's enough to start with.
Most importantly it would eliminate the prejudice against poor people that our system has historically promoted.
It would drastically simplify the medical payment system.
It would basically put all personal injury attorneys out of business.

The current system allows for all insurance companies to set "allowable payments" and to "negotiate payment" amounts to different medical and doctor groups.

What is happening here in South Florida is that insurance companies are controlling where and how doctors can practice medicine, they are offering favorable deals to large doctor groups or hospitals that hire up all local doctors, effectively putting out of business the small doctor groups or sole practitioners. It changed the way medicine is practiced from a patient oriented focus to a billing oriented focus, which is not good for the health of the insured.

While a single payer system would clearly not be perfect, it could be designed to offer a balanced playing field for Doctors who chose to provide a patient centered practice instead of a billing centered practice. Those running the payment processing and allowable amount for procedures would be focused on something other than profit, hopefully focused on the best interest of the patient. There would be no societal benefit, medically speaking, to being born rich.

Cost shifting, which costs the insured and those with money, lots of money would be eliminated.

I could go on, that's enough to start with.

can you explain the financial aspect of cost shifting? how would that work as compared to what we have today?
It would drastically simplify the medical payment system.
It would basically put all personal injury attorneys out of business.

The current system allows for all insurance companies to set "allowable payments" and to "negotiate payment" amounts to different medical and doctor groups.

What is happening here in South Florida is that insurance companies are controlling where and how doctors can practice medicine, they are offering favorable deals to large doctor groups or hospitals that hire up all local doctors, effectively putting out of business the small doctor groups or sole practitioners. It changed the way medicine is practiced from a patient oriented focus to a billing oriented focus, which is not good for the health of the insured.

While a single payer system would clearly not be perfect, it could be designed to offer a balanced playing field for Doctors who chose to provide a patient centered practice instead of a billing centered practice. Those running the payment processing and allowable amount for procedures would be focused on something other than profit, hopefully focused on the best interest of the patient. There would be no societal benefit, medically speaking, to being born rich.

Cost shifting, which costs the insured and those with money, lots of money would be eliminated.

I could go on, that's enough to start with.

Yes and the gobblement will provide it all for free and very simply too because EVERYTHING the gobblement does is free and simple
Single payor healthcare would run just like AMTRAK and the Post Office. It would be AWESOME and there would be free unicorns for everyone and there would be no poor and there would be no hungry and ISIS would like us. They would really, really like us.

I am always amused to hear an attorney wax poetic about the healthcare system of which he knows nothing about except what he is spoon fed