explain the supposed benefits of single payer health care

No, that is a perfect example of fat old men such as yourself sending boys to war and then refusing to be responsible for the damage you inflicted upon them.

Cry harder you repugnant dumbfuck. LMAO

When you send a boy to war and he comes back injured you are obligated to fund his recovery regardless of cost.
Double dumb of you to not think of that before starting the wars idiot.
All the VA proves is that the right is underfunding it.

There it is again; from the liberal retard talking points....it's all Republicans fault because Obama has been golfing the last seven years and too busy to run the Government.

The VA is a pathetic mess because it is RUN BY THE GOVERNMENT. GOVERNMENT IS INNNEFICIENT because it is not held accountable for ANYTHING and when Government fucks up, they just raise taxes on willing idiots like you because you really are THAT FUCKING DENSE.
typical liberal answer is throw more money at the issue. it's too bad you sought fit to ban me in your other threads, since we seem to agree on at least 75% of other issues.

Yeah, it has always been apparent to me you two have much in common, you just have better manners, and aren't as overt.
Nuff said?
Explain why Medicare cost 80% less to administer than private insurance.

They don't care about fraud waste abuse or efficacy of care. They love to write big checks with other people's money free of audit scrutiny.
And the companies that actually administer it cover those costs. So their 6% is valueless overhead.