F*cking Biden..

Biden will wipe the floor with Trump unless the topic is whether electrocution is worse than shark bite.
90 minutes at night... They're preparing him now... All that stuff takes a while to get ready...
Your language is way way way way worse than that
And now you know why

I give you lying russian whores exactly what you deserve

I tried civil and kind for years

Guess what that got me in return

Death threats that included shit like threads about my CLIT
And now you know why

I give you lying russian whores exactly what you deserve

I tried civil and kind for years

Guess what that got me in return

Death threats that included shit like threads about my CLIT
BDS is a mental disorder. Get help before its too late!

What's really sad, is that really is the best you can do.

You copy and paste a lot of shit from the Marxist hate sites, but when you have to provide a direct response; well, you're just not very witty...

But then, leftists just aren't funny. You have so much hatred and bitterness you just can't come up with anything funny. Look at the Hate Night Shows and the Onion. Once they were funny - now they are just sad.
Pride of Republican decency

Never pretend your fellow lie gobblers have any morals
Anyway, I didn't act when you posted threads with "clit" in title because folks didn't report your threads. One I moved to War Zone and deleted the tweet, the other when Twitter objected I deleted the tweet.

And as I said, the only person to ever post any thread with clit in the title was you.

About 5 posts back or so I said this:

Actually, the only threads with "clit" in the title are yours, Desh.


The post you were complaining about in the second was not the OP and it wasn't in a title until you put it there.
Well the forum seems only to have one rule about calling people pedos. That's it. Seems everything else is fair game. Not sure why they don't update the rules area.

I didn't bring it up.

Put down the bong and try to follow along.

See, this is why you only get a gig trolling backwater JPP - you'll never work up to Twitter this way...
Euh you asked if I got paid for posting. So, yes you did bring it up. Thanks for the extra $$$
Biden's response to the magas in here..
