Fact-opinion differentiation

Dutch Uncle

* Tertia Optio * Defend the Constitution
American adults have difficulty identifying the difference between fact and opinion. Anyone who watch the political extremists on JPP could see that for themselves. LOL

Note that 50% is average for random guessing on the 12-question exam.

Fact-opinion differentiation
Across ten items, Mitchell et al. (2018) found that respondents had an overall success rate of 69.3%. That percentage risks being interpreted unduly positively. The items are dichotomous—the only choice options are that the statement being evaluated is a statement of fact or a statement of opinion—meaning, on average, a respondent guessing randomly would have scored 50%. To acknowledge this 50% baseline, we describe success rates in terms of respondents’ levels of improvement over chance. Our reassessment of the prevalence of faulty fact-opinion differentiation suggests that judgmental failures are widespread. On our survey, nearly half of respondents (45.7%) exhibited no improvement over chance....

...Respondents on the 2019 survey rated twelve claims, including ten drawn from Mitchell et al. (2018), as statements of fact or statements of opinion. Results are shown in Table 1. Parallel results for the ten Pew items examined by Mitchell et al. (2018) are also reported. Across all items, accuracy ranges between 26% and 80% and averages 64%.
The dying West is now so corrupt that so-called facts are often straight up lies from power....just look at the fact checking industry for illustration.
The dying West is now so corrupt that so-called facts are often straight up lies from power....just look at the fact checking industry for illustration.

The so-called "fact checking" industry is nothing but opinion. Those who are in it are writing opinion pieces, not fact checking so much. Once you realize that, it's easy to see their opinion pieces for what they are.

The problem with the quiz linked in the OP is that the author(s) don't differentiate between subjective and objective facts. Subjective facts really come in two 'flavors.' Ones that aren't fully provable but have a good degree of being correct, and ones that are clearly nonsense or wrong. Objective facts are measurable and observable as true.

Thus, their question in the quiz about the age of the Earth being 5,000 to 10,000 years old where they claim that as a fact--if wrong--isn't really factual, but subjective and therefore more of an opinion than fact. Put another way, it is in a very grey zone between opinion and fact where the person taking the quiz could have great difficulty deciding where to categorize it. Not a good test question, particularly in a test with just 12 questions.

Thus, objective facts are facts. Subjective facts might be facts, but usually are just opinions masquerading as facts.
The so-called "fact checking" industry is nothing but opinion. Those who are in it are writing opinion pieces, not fact checking so much. Once you realize that, it's easy to see their opinion pieces for what they are.

The problem with the quiz linked in the OP is that the author(s) don't differentiate between subjective and objective facts. Subjective facts really come in two 'flavors.' Ones that aren't fully provable but have a good degree of being correct, and ones that are clearly nonsense or wrong. Objective facts are measurable and observable as true.

Thus, their question in the quiz about the age of the Earth being 5,000 to 10,000 years old where they claim that as a fact--if wrong--isn't really factual, but subjective and therefore more of an opinion than fact. Put another way, it is in a very grey zone between opinion and fact where the person taking the quiz could have great difficulty deciding where to categorize it. Not a good test question, particularly in a test with just 12 questions.

Thus, objective facts are facts. Subjective facts might be facts, but usually are just opinions masquerading as facts.

No....it is part of the brainwashing apparatus of the Regime you hopelessly out of date moronic useless fuck.

I did not bother to read anymore...because why would I.
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The New Slavers seem to living in fear....

Why do you suppose that is?

I smell desperation.

If they're the slavers, why are they afraid? Who are they afraid of?

I don't even know who these "New Slavers" are, #10, since I'm not a member of the Lone Gunman Club.

Are you sure it's not you?
There was a study of news consumers about a decade ago, and FOX viewers were the most likely to not have knowledge of facts.

The first one contains some opinion.

For example, the first quote given, rated half-true. “I had zero emails that were classified.”

This is a lie by omission (look that up), not to mention just an opinion. Since the Hildabeast never--NEVER--turned over the complete unredacted version of her illegal, private, server to the government, we don't know if this is true or not for certain. Since the Hildabeast is saying it, doesn't make it a fact. There were documents and e-mails in what she turned over that were classified, or became classified, so the facts we do know indicate she is most likely lying her ass off. Classifying this statement as "Mostly false," or as a "Lie," would be accurate. In any case, it is the Hildabeast's opinion not a fact in what she said.
The first one contains some opinion.

For example, the first quote given, rated half-true. “I had zero emails that were classified.”

This is a lie by omission (look that up), not to mention just an opinion. Since the Hildabeast never--NEVER--turned over the complete unredacted version of her illegal, private, server to the government, we don't know if this is true or not for certain. Since the Hildabeast is saying it, doesn't make it a fact. There were documents and e-mails in what she turned over that were classified, or became classified, so the facts we do know indicate she is most likely lying her ass off. Classifying this statement as "Mostly false," or as a "Lie," would be accurate. In any case, it is the Hildabeast's opinion not a fact in what she said.

The FBI found Hillary's deleted emails on Weiner's laptop proving she lied and did pass classified information via email. James Comey testified to the matter which is why the Left hates him.
American adults have difficulty identifying the difference between fact and opinion. Anyone who watch the political extremists on JPP could see that for themselves. LOL

Note that 50% is average for random guessing on the 12-question exam.

Fact-opinion differentiation
Across ten items, Mitchell et al. (2018) found that respondents had an overall success rate of 69.3%. That percentage risks being interpreted unduly positively. The items are dichotomous—the only choice options are that the statement being evaluated is a statement of fact or a statement of opinion—meaning, on average, a respondent guessing randomly would have scored 50%. To acknowledge this 50% baseline, we describe success rates in terms of respondents’ levels of improvement over chance. Our reassessment of the prevalence of faulty fact-opinion differentiation suggests that judgmental failures are widespread. On our survey, nearly half of respondents (45.7%) exhibited no improvement over chance....

...Respondents on the 2019 survey rated twelve claims, including ten drawn from Mitchell et al. (2018), as statements of fact or statements of opinion. Results are shown in Table 1. Parallel results for the ten Pew items examined by Mitchell et al. (2018) are also reported. Across all items, accuracy ranges between 26% and 80% and averages 64%.

Indeed. I've experienced people in this forum call my opinions "lies". One of them is in this thread.
American adults have difficulty identifying the difference between fact and opinion. Anyone who watch the political extremists on JPP could see that for themselves. LOL

Note that 50% is average for random guessing on the 12-question exam.

Fact-opinion differentiation
Across ten items, Mitchell et al. (2018) found that respondents had an overall success rate of 69.3%. That percentage risks being interpreted unduly positively. The items are dichotomous—the only choice options are that the statement being evaluated is a statement of fact or a statement of opinion—meaning, on average, a respondent guessing randomly would have scored 50%. To acknowledge this 50% baseline, we describe success rates in terms of respondents’ levels of improvement over chance. Our reassessment of the prevalence of faulty fact-opinion differentiation suggests that judgmental failures are widespread. On our survey, nearly half of respondents (45.7%) exhibited no improvement over chance....

...Respondents on the 2019 survey rated twelve claims, including ten drawn from Mitchell et al. (2018), as statements of fact or statements of opinion. Results are shown in Table 1. Parallel results for the ten Pew items examined by Mitchell et al. (2018) are also reported. Across all items, accuracy ranges between 26% and 80% and averages 64%.
Pretty big sample size. Given the choices, it's fairly evident which ones are opinion.
Indeed. I've experienced people in this forum call my opinions "lies". One of them is in this thread.

As opposed to being wrong? LOL

Political extremists seem to be the most confused about difference. Most posts on JPP are opinion. Those who past links backing up their posts are more factual given they are stating facts from the link and not embellishing. :)
As opposed to being wrong? LOL

Political extremists seem to be the most confused about difference. Most posts on JPP are opinion. Those who past links backing up their posts are more factual given they are stating facts from the link and not embellishing. :)

Well, you can post links to support your posts as much as you want but they'll still be dismissed frequently by the maga cult as "fake news".
Well, you can post links to support your posts as much as you want but they'll still be dismissed frequently by the maga cult as "fake news".

Of course. MAGAts are liars. It's part of their code:

MAGAt rule #1 A bold-faced lie is your best defense
Facts are whatever one wants them to be. Covid is the latest example. I still see people wearing a mask.
American adults have difficulty identifying the difference between fact and opinion. Anyone who watch the political extremists on JPP could see that for themselves. LOL

You are describing yourself, Sock. Learn what 'fact' means. It does NOT mean 'Universal Truth' or 'proof'.