Fairness Doctrine

As Desh said. If you just broadcast the news (aka truth) the fairness doctrine does not even come into play. Some fear the truth apparently.
They can still air whatever they want. They just have to give some equal airtime to someone who requests to air a desenting opinion. If they dont want to air desenting opinion then only air facts in your news and not opinion.

Just out of curiosity, would you in turn force the same on newspapers and magazines?
comprimise time. seperate news and commentary. clearly tell viewers/listeners what is commentary and what is news.

I dont agree.

What we now have is a media that has full license to lie to the people.

They use OUR airwaves.
Ok Desh lets take our average AM radio station in the US. Rush from 12 EDT to 3pm. Hannity and O'Reilly thrown in there somewhere for good measure. With the fairness doctrine there would have to be three OPPOSING view radio programs. Name me three? Then name me three that have enough of a listenership that the radio stations can afford to put them on and make MONEY with them on. If NO ONE listens then no one buys air time for ads and radio stations close down. Do you advocate that the Government pay radio stations to put on opposing views? Because that government money would come, in part from ME. As much as I think Rush is an idiot, he pays for himself and then some. You cannot force people to listen to radio stations. No listenership at certain times means no ads space purchased. You want to force feed people things no one seems to want to listen to on AM radio. Do you think that Rush listeners just need to hear a liberal and they will change their minds? Do you think that Rush converts liberals to his cause?
Ok Desh lets take our average AM radio station in the US. Rush from 12 EDT to 3pm. Hannity and O'Reilly thrown in there somewhere for good measure. With the fairness doctrine there would have to be three OPPOSING view radio programs. Name me three? Then name me three that have enough of a listenership that the radio stations can afford to put them on and make MONEY with them on. If NO ONE listens then no one buys air time for ads and radio stations close down. Do you advocate that the Government pay radio stations to put on opposing views? Because that government money would come, in part from ME. As much as I think Rush is an idiot, he pays for himself and then some. You cannot force people to listen to radio stations. No listenership at certain times means no ads space purchased. You want to force feed people things no one seems to want to listen to on AM radio. Do you think that Rush listeners just need to hear a liberal and they will change their minds? Do you think that Rush converts liberals to his cause?

That brings up the question of why we have so much propaganda.
Rush is allowed to say anything he wants. So is Hannity and ORielly and Savage. Fuck sakes people, produce something that people want to listen to and they WILL. If you can't do that you don't DESERVE an audience.
Rush is allowed to say anything he wants. So is Hannity and ORielly and Savage. Fuck sakes people, produce something that people want to listen to and they WILL. If you can't do that you don't DESERVE an audience.

Problem is the truth often sucks.
Problem is the truth often sucks.

Soc, there's no principle involved here it is purely partisanship as citizen shows above. He and Desh (and others) believe only Democrats or liberals speak the truth. They are entitled to that belief of course but forcing government policy based on that belief? No.
Ok Desh lets take our average AM radio station in the US. Rush from 12 EDT to 3pm. Hannity and O'Reilly thrown in there somewhere for good measure. With the fairness doctrine there would have to be three OPPOSING view radio programs. Name me three? Then name me three that have enough of a listenership that the radio stations can afford to put them on and make MONEY with them on. If NO ONE listens then no one buys air time for ads and radio stations close down. Do you advocate that the Government pay radio stations to put on opposing views? Because that government money would come, in part from ME. As much as I think Rush is an idiot, he pays for himself and then some. You cannot force people to listen to radio stations. No listenership at certain times means no ads space purchased. You want to force feed people things no one seems to want to listen to on AM radio. Do you think that Rush listeners just need to hear a liberal and they will change their minds? Do you think that Rush converts liberals to his cause?

No you seem to misuderstand the doctrine. They could put on any show they wanted. But when someon called into the Rush show offices and said I would like to air a refutation of the things you said about me the Rush show would have to give that person the same amount of time to refute what Rush said about them. What swould happen is Rush would have to curtail his lies because he would have to allow people to refute his lies about them. As it stands he can say anything he wants and the ONLY recourse is to sue him.
hey I offered a compromise above, just clearly let the viewers/listeners know that is is either factual news or commnetary.

accross the screen bottom on video and 4 times an hour on radio. or when it changes from news to commentary.

Nothing partisan about that.
Soc, there's no principle involved here it is purely partisanship as citizen shows above. He and Desh (and others) believe only Democrats or liberals speak the truth. They are entitled to that belief of course but forcing government policy based on that belief? No.

Cawacko do you understand that not just republicans and right wingers would be held to this standard?
Funny its mostly the right that hates the fairness doctorine?

Why is it liberals dont mind airing opposing ideas?
Cawacko do you understand that not just republicans and right wingers would be held to this standard?

wacko understands that they have the vast majority of the media so it would impact them more.
but it is the liberal media :roilleyes:
Funny its mostly the right that hates the fairness doctorine?

Why is it liberals dont mind airing opposing ideas?
I don't think anyone on the right minds airing opposing ideas. I think that they, llike me, and I am no rightie, mind when the government tells Rush or anyone else he MUST give equal time to people that have no investment in his show. You want to get out your opposing ideas, get them out. PODCAST, YouTube, MySpace, JPP, FullPolitics (well ok no one is there anymore) and others provide ample opportunity for people to voice their opinions. But don't try to use the force of the Government to get your voice heard because then no one will buy what your selling anyway.
No you seem to misuderstand the doctrine. They could put on any show they wanted. But when someon called into the Rush show offices and said I would like to air a refutation of the things you said about me the Rush show would have to give that person the same amount of time to refute what Rush said about them. What swould happen is Rush would have to curtail his lies because he would have to allow people to refute his lies about them. As it stands he can say anything he wants and the ONLY recourse is to sue him.

How would the government oversee this?
Funny its mostly the right that hates the fairness doctorine?

Why is it liberals dont mind airing opposing ideas?

Yes you do. You hate Fox News which is one of the few places conservatives have voices on TV and you hate talk radio where conservatives have voices. Your comment is almost comical.
I thought that conservatives were all about this when it came to the CPB and PBS... why now do they express outrage....