Fairness Doctrine

LOL...not only...............

Yes you do. You hate Fox News which is one of the few places conservatives have voices on TV and you hate talk radio where conservatives have voices. Your comment is almost comical.

is desh comical she is also a fool...sing it Aretha...

The concept of "public airwaves" is a misnomer of profound proportions. Radio and broadcast television use the electromagnetic spectrum as their transmission medium. No one, government nor the people, "owns" the electromagnetic spectrum. Certain regulations were put in place so one broadcast station does not interfere with the broadcast of a competitor station. The regulations and licensing simply prevent the chaos that would occur if people could just randomly start broadcasting on whatever frequency they want. They do not in any way imply an "ownership" of the "public airwaves".

When a broadcast company puts on a show, regardless of the type of show, they pay for the equipment that sends out the signal, they pay for the engineers and technicians that run the equipment, and they pay the salaries - some of which can get quite large (like Opra) - of the personalities on those shows. In that, the company owns the show being broadcast. The company makes money by selling advertising on those shows they broadcast. The more people watch a show, the more money the broadcast company can seel their ad space for.

The government has no authority, nor should they ever have the authority, to tell individuals that own and/or control a broadcast show what they should do with the content of their show. The people, via governmental authority, have no right to demand something from a broadcast company they have not paid for. If enough people want to hear opinions that oppose those currently heard on popular talk shows, let them support their own talk shows.

Forcing broadcast companies to give "equal time" to all opposing opinions would be no different than a government agency coming to you the day after a protest you were involved in and telling you to carry a sign from the opposing point of view in a different demonstration.
I thought that conservatives were all about this when it came to the CPB and PBS... why now do they express outrage....

I'm sorry Jeepers, you have heard of conservatives calling for the Fairness Doctrine in the past? Please Sir or Ma'am, I will be the first to apologize to you if you can show me where a conservative has done this.

Start with this law and with the links you can follow the history of how and why ae have communication laws and why the airwaves belong to the people.

Its like you guys dont really want to face the power of the medium and how it could really harm the US if not used properly. We could end up in a war constructed on lies and have our people killed and our economy wrecked. hmmmmmm.

Start with this law and with the links you can follow the history of how and why ae have communication laws and why the airwaves belong to the people.

Its like you guys dont really want to face the power of the medium and how it could really harm the US if not used properly. We could end up in a war constructed on lies and have our people killed and our economy wrecked. hmmmmmm.
Would you care to point out one fact about the Radio Act of 1912 that disputes what I said was the reason for federal regulation of radio (and later, television) broadcast frequencies? The reason was to assure people did not interfere with each other, or with military communications (a factor I left out in my first explanation) Want to show me ONE place where the intent was to claim "ownership" for the people of the electromagnetic spectrum? The medium of broadcast simply IS. It exists because of physics, not politics. It does not "belong" to anyone, enmasse or individually. The concept is ridiculous, and is only used by authoritarians who wish to force their view on others by stealing time, equipment use, power costs, labor costs, etc. from their opponents.

The equipment used to broadcast a signal over the medium IS privately owned. Just like a person's protest sign is privately owned. Forcing a person to give away time on their show for opposing opinion is authoritarian in the extreme. It would be no different than forcing someone to carry a demonstration sign supporting side B of an issue because they carried a sign supporting side A the day before. (Or are you going to claim that demonstrations have zero influence?)

I do not listen to any of the shows listed in this thread. But I find it interesting when perusing various political discussion sites that those who oppose the views of Rush and the like are significantly more likely to have listened to his last show than those from his supposed target audience. Could it be the people who detest Rush and Hannity are, in fact, the larger part of their audience?

If people want public shows that consistently support their political philosophy, they need to support those shows that do. It is not like the modern liberal POV has never had a talk show available to them. But for some reason, most of them do not draw a following and fail. Is it the fault of Rush, or Hannity or the like that those shows did not draw an audience adequate enough to support the cost of the show? Maybe people who want their views aired on radio talk shows need to examine why previous attempts have not succeeded, instead of turning to the government to force their view on shows paid for by others.
Ok Desh lets take our average AM radio station in the US. Rush from 12 EDT to 3pm. Hannity and O'Reilly thrown in there somewhere for good measure. With the fairness doctrine there would have to be three OPPOSING view radio programs. Name me three? Then name me three that have enough of a listenership that the radio stations can afford to put them on and make MONEY with them on. If NO ONE listens then no one buys air time for ads and radio stations close down. Do you advocate that the Government pay radio stations to put on opposing views? Because that government money would come, in part from ME. As much as I think Rush is an idiot, he pays for himself and then some. You cannot force people to listen to radio stations. No listenership at certain times means no ads space purchased. You want to force feed people things no one seems to want to listen to on AM radio. Do you think that Rush listeners just need to hear a liberal and they will change their minds? Do you think that Rush converts liberals to his cause?

The last thing you need is more government control of what is broadcasted. This is different than regulating what is not allowed to be broadcasted such as foul language.

If the government is placed in the position of controlling the local programing, you do not have freedom of speech and freedom of the press. You have total control of opinion. Besides, there is always going to be more than one opposing view. It is not just Democrat and Republican. There are many more political parties that have opinions that oppose each other.

It would not be just 3 programs that oppose Rush, Hannity, and O'Reily. There would be somewhere between 9 and 27 opposing programs. If you really believe in Freedom, then you need to keep governmental control out of the programing market.

Start with this law and with the links you can follow the history of how and why ae have communication laws and why the airwaves belong to the people.

Did you even read the link?

Its like you guys dont really want to face the power of the medium and how it could really harm the US if not used properly. We could end up in a war constructed on lies and have our people killed and our economy wrecked. hmmmmmm.

Maybe you should look to who has control of Congress. They are the ones that control the fate of the economy and decide how we go to war as they control the funding for such endeavors.

All you really want to do is to take Rush, Hannity, and O'Reilly off of the radio.

Two corollary rules of the doctrine, i.e., the "personal attack" rule and the "political editorial" rule, remained in practice until 2000. The "personal attack" rule applied whenever a person (or small group) was subject to a personal attack during a broadcast. Stations had to notify such persons (or groups) within a week of the attack, send them transcripts of what was said and offer the opportunity to respond on-the-air. The "political editorial" rule applied when a station broadcast editorials endorsing or opposing candidates for public office, and stipulated that the unendorsed candidates be notified and allowed a reasonable opportunity to respond.

The U.S. Court of Appeals, District of Columbia Circuit, ordered the FCC to justify these corollary rules in light of the decision to repeal the Fairness Doctrine. The FCC did not provide prompt justification, and ultimately ordered their repeal in 2000.

The media has consolidated and this was allowed to expire under the Bush admin. I would like you to think about how this aided the Lies that led us to war. People like Hans Blix could not go on air to defend against the lies being said about him. Sations like Fox could hide stories about the harm of hormones in Milk and the people who were Knew these stories to be hidden could not require rebuttle time to alert the people about the lies. What you end up with is corporate owned media lying to the people with impunity. I dont know about you but I dont want someone able to spread lies that harm Americans simply because they have enough money to own a station or 100 stations.

How can we remain a free country if we cant even get the truth?
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Two corollary rules of the doctrine, i.e., the "personal attack" rule and the "political editorial" rule, remained in practice until 2000. The "personal attack" rule applied whenever a person (or small group) was subject to a personal attack during a broadcast. Stations had to notify such persons (or groups) within a week of the attack, send them transcripts of what was said and offer the opportunity to respond on-the-air. The "political editorial" rule applied when a station broadcast editorials endorsing or opposing candidates for public office, and stipulated that the unendorsed candidates be notified and allowed a reasonable opportunity to respond.

The U.S. Court of Appeals, District of Columbia Circuit, ordered the FCC to justify these corollary rules in light of the decision to repeal the Fairness Doctrine. The FCC did not provide prompt justification, and ultimately ordered their repeal in 2000.

Here is the problem with governmental involvement in programing. This past week, HAMAS gave support to Obama by saying and I am going to paraphrase, it would be good if Obama won the election. McCain made the observation that this happened and Obama took this as an attack.

Would this be censored or prohibited within the rules of the Fairness Doctrine? Obama considered it a personal attack. He seemed to ignore that it was the truth. What if Obama is in power? Will that "incident" be allowed to be broadcasted over the airwaves? It is the truth and yes, Obama considered it to be a personal attack, but so does every other Democrat. Telling the truth about a Democrat where the truth is somewhat irritating or negative is considered to be a personal attack because the truth is not flattering. Obama has stated this and even attacked back to McCain implying that McCain did not have control of his faculties. That was indeed a personal attack against McCain.

This just shows that even Obama is not above using personal attacks to defend his position from the truth.
Did you even read the link?

Maybe you should look to who has control of Congress. They are the ones that control the fate of the economy and decide how we go to war as they control the funding for such endeavors.

All you really want to do is to take Rush, Hannity, and O'Reilly off of the radio.

Yes I read the link and all the history of the entire links which bring us to the present.

I will now inform you that the current congress and congresses in the past have tried to reinstate the law and they were vetoed by republican presidents. You are right the republican congress , republican president and a few democratic congress critters gave us this war. The media beat the drums the whole way and fired people who were trying to question the lies.

If you read the links then you must realize this would not take ANYONE off the airwaves but would make it so someone who has lies told about them or their cause could request some rebuttle time from the liar. Rush may just have to stop telling blatent lies about people or allow them to have air time to correct the record.

What the right ALWAYS seems to ignore about this fairness act is that it applies to EVERYONE liberal and conservative and everything in between. Ifr you truely think the media is liberal then you would embrace the chance to have your side aired. The funny thing is you dont really think the media is liberal any more than I do or you would see this as a chance to thwart the liberal media bias.
Here is the problem with governmental involvement in programing. This past week, HAMAS gave support to Obama by saying and I am going to paraphrase, it would be good if Obama won the election. McCain made the observation that this happened and Obama took this as an attack.

Would this be censored or prohibited within the rules of the Fairness Doctrine? Obama considered it a personal attack. He seemed to ignore that it was the truth. What if Obama is in power? Will that "incident" be allowed to be broadcasted over the airwaves? It is the truth and yes, Obama considered it to be a personal attack, but so does every other Democrat. Telling the truth about a Democrat where the truth is somewhat irritating or negative is considered to be a personal attack because the truth is not flattering. Obama has stated this and even attacked back to McCain implying that McCain did not have control of his faculties. That was indeed a personal attack against McCain.

This just shows that even Obama is not above using personal attacks to defend his position from the truth.

Boy are you confused!

McCain does not own any airwaves. Maybe his wife does but we may never know about that because she wont release her finances.


If someone felt they had been lied about they could request equal airtime to correct the record on air.

Quit arguing things that are not in the law.
What the right ALWAYS seems to ignore about this fairness act is that it applies to EVERYONE liberal and conservative and everything in between. Ifr you truely think the media is liberal then you would embrace the chance to have your side aired. The funny thing is you dont really think the media is liberal any more than I do or you would see this as a chance to thwart the liberal media bias.
Or maybe those who oppose the so-called fairness act (like forcing people to support a view they oppose is "fair") do not care whether a show has a liberal or a conservative bias. Your accusation that all who oppose the fairness doctrine are right leaning is completely without merit. Forcing a person to carry a protest sign for the other side is not "fair", it is totalitarian.

I don't care HOW biased a show is or which direction - especially when it is a talk (opinion) show. Al Franken, whom I think most would agree is a liberal equivalent to Rush, can host his own show all he wants. (In fact, I believe he had a show of his own for a while. Didn't it fall flat?) And Rush, Hannity, etc. can host their shows. I do not watch any of them, but fully support their right to have their shows without governmental interference.

I DO expect a reasonable balance in NEWS shows, and if I see too much bias in either direction, I do not watch that news outlet. But we are not talking about news shows, we are talking about opinion shows. (Anyone who would define the shows Rush, Hannity, etc. put on as "news" is too messed in the head to worry about fairness doctrine.)

The people who pay for the production of the show have the right to determine the content of the show. That includes Rush, and includes Franken. The government (people) do NOT have the right to force "fairness" on such shows any more than they have the right to force "fairness" in a protest demonstration.
Or maybe those who oppose the so-called fairness act (like forcing people to support a view they oppose is "fair") do not care whether a show has a liberal or a conservative bias. Your accusation that all who oppose the fairness doctrine are right leaning is completely without merit. Forcing a person to carry a protest sign for the other side is not "fair", it is totalitarian.

I don't care HOW biased a show is or which direction - especially when it is a talk (opinion) show. Al Franken, whom I think most would agree is a liberal equivalent to Rush, can host his own show all he wants. (In fact, I believe he had a show of his own for a while. Didn't it fall flat?) And Rush, Hannity, etc. can host their shows. I do not watch any of them, but fully support their right to have their shows without governmental interference.

I DO expect a reasonable balance in NEWS shows, and if I see too much bias in either direction, I do not watch that news outlet. But we are not talking about news shows, we are talking about opinion shows. (Anyone who would define the shows Rush, Hannity, etc. put on as "news" is too messed in the head to worry about fairness doctrine.)

The people who pay for the production of the show have the right to determine the content of the show. That includes Rush, and includes Franken. The government (people) do NOT have the right to force "fairness" on such shows any more than they have the right to force "fairness" in a protest demonstration.


What it does in force them to face the truth. Instead of taking years of court time in slander cases it forces the liar to allow a person to correct the record in a weeks time.

How you can be against something that thwarts the lies on both sides is just unbelievable.

The airwaves will always be regulated to some extend because they are like rivers and air. No one can own them outright without effecting everyone in the country.

Start with this law and with the links you can follow the history of how and why ae have communication laws and why the airwaves belong to the people.

Its like you guys dont really want to face the power of the medium and how it could really harm the US if not used properly. We could end up in a war constructed on lies and have our people killed and our economy wrecked. hmmmmmm.

How does the radio wreck our economy?
Yes I read the link and all the history of the entire links which bring us to the present.

I will now inform you that the current congress and congresses in the past have tried to reinstate the law and they were vetoed by republican presidents. You are right the republican congress , republican president and a few democratic congress critters gave us this war. The media beat the drums the whole way and fired people who were trying to question the lies.

If you read the links then you must realize this would not take ANYONE off the airwaves but would make it so someone who has lies told about them or their cause could request some rebuttle time from the liar. Rush may just have to stop telling blatent lies about people or allow them to have air time to correct the record.

What the right ALWAYS seems to ignore about this fairness act is that it applies to EVERYONE liberal and conservative and everything in between. Ifr you truely think the media is liberal then you would embrace the chance to have your side aired. The funny thing is you dont really think the media is liberal any more than I do or you would see this as a chance to thwart the liberal media bias.

There is no doubt that the mainstream media is Liberal. Are you saying that Dan Rather, just to mention one person, was not a Liberal? ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN all have the same thing to say. They are countered by Rush, Hannity, O'Reilly, FOX news and the rest of what is the "Right Wing" media.

The "Right Wing" radio such as Rush, Hannity, and Laura Ingraham are what you consider "Equal Time". They contradict the mainstream media all the time.

And what about PBS? Are they of a Conservative bias. If not, then they should be required to have 50% of their air time devoted to the Conservative viewpoint.

Who is responsible for programing "Left Wing" opposing views for Rush, Hannity, and the rest of who you do not agree with? Why should a radio or TV station have to air a "Liberal minded" show that you will not watch? What happened to Air America. It failed and during the Bush Administration. Would you require CBS to hire Rush for a 30 minute show nightly? How many "Right Wing" shows are on the major news networks? Lets see, we could have Rush on CBS, Hannity on NBC, Laura Ingraham on ABC. What about CNN? No one could ever consider them to be "Right Wing". Maybe CNN could be required to have 12 hours daily for Rush, Hannity, Laura Ingraham, and Michael Savage. If the fairness doctrine was to be fairly implemented, this is what you would have. Does that sound fair? While it would probably cause a rise in ratings for CNN, what business of the government's is it what CNN should be forced to air? Or does the fairness doctrine only apply to direct opposition to "Right Wing" or "Conservative" media counterparts?

What is the reason for the mandatory opposing views? After all, they are opinions of the host. You do not have to agree with them. You do not even have to listen to the show. Yet somehow, you seem determined to make it mandatory to have a counter opinion. If you search the channels of XM Radio or Satellite Radio, you will see several channels devoted to Conservative Talk and Liberal Talk. There you have your "Fairness Doctrine".

Start with this law and with the links you can follow the history of how and why ae have communication laws and why the airwaves belong to the people.

Its like you guys dont really want to face the power of the medium and how it could really harm the US if not used properly. We could end up in a war constructed on lies and have our people killed and our economy wrecked. hmmmmmm.

I'm going to assume you are talking about the war in Iraq and not Afghanistan. How did radio cause the U.S. to enter the war in Iraq?
I'm going to assume you are talking about the war in Iraq and not Afghanistan. How did radio cause the U.S. to enter the war in Iraq?

Lets be fair... You forgot Bosnia and Somalia and the attack on the aspirin factory in Sudan.
A large mass of people trying to bash each other over the head with the opinion that their belief is the only one that is or could possibly be believed.