Faith is not "without evidence" argument

Awesome. When will they come out with a video about how the Third Reich work camps were beneficial to gays, mentally ill, genetically defective and, of course, the Jews?

Obviously there were some benefits since a job is a job. They were protected by guards against bigots in the German population. They didn't have to serve in the military. Lots of good came out of it so it wasn't all bad like the Lefties keep claiming. :thup: /sarcasm

Can you believe the nerve of that racist bigot William Allen? :laugh:
If I, the messenger, am a bigot, he has to be, doesn't he?
No. Your error is claiming you're only a messenger when, in fact, you are the sender. You made this mistake several times and I've come to doubt both your judgement and veracity.

Do you always answer questions with questions, 'Mode?
No. I don't have an opinion. Atheism is the default position. If you claim to believe in Superman, it's your burden to prove it. You don't demand that I disprove it.

Scientists all the time accept the possibility of things for which there is no direct tangible evidence:

The multiverse
Extraterrestrial life
The many worlds hypothesis
String theory
Cosmic inflation
A cure for cancer
The graviton

The possibility of a superhero flying around in a red cape, or a pink polka-dotted leprechaun is easily Investigated by direct observation and inquiry.

The possibility of a higher organizing principle outside the laws of physics underlying the cosmos is not that easy to test or investigate. But neither is the multiverse.
Scientists all the time accept the possibility of things for which there is no direct tangible evidence:

The multiverse
Extraterrestrial life
The many worlds hypothesis
String theory
Cosmic inflation
A cure for cancer
The graviton

The possibility of a superhero flying around in a red cape, or a pink polka-dotted leprechaun is easily Investigated by direct observation and inquiry.

The possibility of a higher organizing principle outside the laws of physics underlying the cosmos is not that easy to test or investigate. But neither is the multiverse.

Actually these things you list are merely HYPOTHESES, no one necessarily says that the multiverse is ipso facto true or that string theory is ipso facto true. The same CANNOT be said for believers in God. They claim it IS TRUE.

Yet there is no evidence for it.

So it is "belief" without evidence.

In reality "atheism" IS the default position. Just as the null hypothesis is the default position on String Theory or the Multiverse of the Graviton. The mere POSSIBILITY of something does NOT equal it's reality. Yes, God MAY exist. No problem. But that is insufficient to BELIEVE God exists.

You really should take some science classes to understand how the null and alternate hypotheses work.
There is probably nothing that we can claim to be true with 100% certainty if you have a sufficiently creative brain, so it comes down to a level of certainty based on available evidence. The only current evidence of the existence of the God of the Bible, or any other gods, are writings by men.

The "god of the Bible" is a cartoon. I am not talking about the god of the Bible. I am talking about response to something you said about "imaginary beings." And I have described what I mean by gods.

"Men who, in that period of time and before, witnessed a world which they had no ability to scientifically explain. Men who killed and buried animals under buildings hoping to appease celestial beings and bring good luck. Their writings are the only current "evidence"."


That being true, I don't see any reason to believe in gods.

I do not care whether you believe in any gods or not. I DO NOT BELIEVE IN ANY GODS. I DO NOT BELIEVE ANY GODS EXIST.

I also do not believe there are no gods.

But you mentioned gods as imaginary beings. And I asked a question about that statement.

I am hoping you answer it at some point.

All one has to do is apply the same requirements for belief in gods that you apply to anything else in life, to become a non-believer. You aren't going to read the Iliad and the Odyssey and start believing in those gods, right?

I am a non-believer. I do not "believe" any gods exist...and I do not "believe" there are no gods."

You, on the other hand, seem to be a believer. You seem to believe there are no gods.

So...I ask again...using other words:

So you see that your "belief" that the notion of gods is only about "imaginary beings" nothing more than a blind guess? Sorta like the blind guess theists make...except in the opposite direction?
This is a form of Atheism that most don't understand but actually live by on a daily basis. No one believes that there's an invisible 1" tall elephant that lives in their refrigerator just because someone told them it does. They say "The evidence is such that I see no reason to believe in this elephant". But when it comes to God they toss that kind of reasoning out. And demand that a lack of belief somehow be absolute and mysteriously "with evidence"...almost as if "proving a negative" is the goal.

I have tried on this board to explain this form of inferential reasoning (it's pretty standard in the sciences as you note) but with limited luck.

The idea that non-religious people live their lives as atheists on a daily basis is bullshit. That is probably why you are having such limited luck trying to sell that notion.
You are desperate, mostly because you are stupid and uneducated. You absolutely don't know what to do when your leftist indoctrination is challenged by critical reasoning. If you don't have your slave-masters readily available to tell you what to believe and how you are to respond, you're stuck staring off into space, panicking about what you're going to do now and calling for your mommy.

Have you ever considered TRYING to have a little intellectual fortitude and just answering the questions? You know they're easy. Don't worry about getting permission, just give the honest, straightforward answers. It should be too easy. You could be done in under a minute.

I can't force you to be honest, and I can't prevent you from EVADING, you undereducated leftist troll. All I can do is ask you easy, clear, direct, straightforward questions and let you broadcast to the board that you are stupid and dishonest. Hopefully guno and ThatOwlCoward will jump in and thank you for your EVASION.

You've gotta do what you've gotta do. So get to it.

Bad analogy. My questions are in direct response to your comment. You have no wiggle room.

You asked me why I like killing babies. That's a strawman. And, yes, climate change is the scientific consensus.
Have you mocked Global Warming and Climate Change? Those Marxist religions are extremely oppressive, moreso that any other existing religion, being based on hatred and intolerance.

Wait, maybe I'm wasting my time. Are you intelligent enough to recognize a religion? Maybe you aren't. Maybe you don't even know what religion is, just like you don't know what science is. Well, enough with the speculation, I'll just let you answer.

Climate change is scientific consensus.

Do you also deny evolution? Are you one of those creationist idiots who thinks that The Flintstones is historically accurate?
Scientists all the time accept the possibility of things for which there is no direct tangible evidence:

The multiverse
Extraterrestrial life
The many worlds hypothesis
String theory
Cosmic inflation
A cure for cancer
The graviton

The possibility of a superhero flying around in a red cape, or a pink polka-dotted leprechaun is easily Investigated by direct observation and inquiry.

The possibility of a higher organizing principle outside the laws of physics underlying the cosmos is not that easy to test or investigate. But neither is the multiverse.

1. Most scientist criticize the "multiverse" as unscientific for the very reason you mention. If you're arguing that climate science is in the same category, then you're an idiot.
No. Your error is claiming you're only a messenger when, in fact, you are the sender. You made this mistake several times and I've come to doubt both your judgement and veracity.

Do you always answer questions with questions, 'Mode?

Sigh. This is what you do repeatedly. You take the topic of discussion and continue to move, move and move again the goal post.

My original position is that people are wrongly labeled for doing nothing more that stating truths. BidenPresident did it and you did it. People like both of you are part of the problem with the Left and the current divisive nature of politics today.
Sigh. This is what you do repeatedly. You take the topic of discussion and continue to move, move and move again the goal post.

My original position is that people are wrongly labeled for doing nothing more that stating truths. BidenPresident did it and you did it. People like both of you are part of the problem with the Left and the current divisive nature of politics today.
Sigh. So you claim. When asked questions, you run, dodge and weave then complain that others are not answering your questions.

Welcome to the human race, son. BP is an angry woman and wrong in her claim. The fact you are claiming she and I did exactly the same thing is an interesting insight to your thinking process. The fact you think I'm on "the Left", which puts you on "the Right", is also interesting.
Sigh. So you claim. When asked questions, you run, dodge and weave then complain that others are not answering your questions.

Welcome to the human race, son. BP is an angry woman and wrong in her claim. The fact you are claiming she and I did exactly the same thing is an interesting insight to your thinking process. The fact you think I'm on "the Left", which puts you on "the Right", is also interesting.

Is this person including you as part of the "left," Oom?

I assure you that ZenMode did not consider my opinion pertain to that claim.
Is this person including you as part of the "left," Oom?

I assure you that ZenMode did not consider my opinion pertain to that claim.
Yes. 'Mode has a lot in common with a RW commode; all white, all biased, thinks he's better than everyone else but is full of shit.

The only thing Zen about 'Mode is his chosen username.
The idea that non-religious people live their lives as atheists on a daily basis is bullshit. That is probably why you are having such limited luck trying to sell that notion.

No, you misunderstood. I said they apply the same reasoning to everything in their lives. THe example I gave explained that. Sorry you didn't quite catch the point.
Sigh. So you claim. When asked questions, you run, dodge and weave then complain that others are not answering your questions.

Welcome to the human race, son. BP is an angry woman and wrong in her claim. The fact you are claiming she and I did exactly the same thing is an interesting insight to your thinking process. The fact you think I'm on "the Left", which puts you on "the Right", is also interesting.

I do claim and it's a claim supported by facts. When I can't make a simple, logical statement without being called a racist, That is a problem.

You can label others however you like, but you are also part of the problem.
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Actually these things you list are merely HYPOTHESES, no one necessarily says that the multiverse is ipso facto true or that string theory is ipso facto true. The same CANNOT be said for believers in God. They claim it IS TRUE.

Yet there is no evidence for it.

So it is "belief" without evidence.

In reality "atheism" IS the default position. Just as the null hypothesis is the default position on String Theory or the Multiverse of the Graviton. The mere POSSIBILITY of something does NOT equal it's reality. Yes, God MAY exist. No problem. But that is insufficient to BELIEVE God exists.

You really should take some science classes to understand how the null and alternate hypotheses work.

Nope. The multiverse is sheer speculation, and it cannot be tested.

I could claim fine tuning is evidence of a higher organizing principle underlying the universe, and it would be virtually as speculative as the multiverse.

Nobody can think of a realistic test for the multiverse
I do claim and it's a claim supported by facts.

When I can't make a simple, logical statement without being called a racist, That is a problem.

You can label others however you like, but you are also part of the problem.
According to you. LOL

Why are you bent out of shape by BP's comment? She constantly calls me names. So what?

Yes, I can, just like you just did. :)