Faith is not "without evidence" argument

To keep harping on it, yes. Absolutely. If every time Star Wars was brought up and a person constantly jumped in to demean Jedis, wouldn't that say something about their personality? Their likes and dislikes?

It's ignorant. Understanding why Greek and, later, Roman gods evolved is important to understanding their thinking.

I don't have a religion, dumbass. The fact you leap to that conclusion is why I think you are overly emotional on the subject. You are irrational, 'Murica, and your posts are evidence of that assessment.

Why don't you believe in the Flying Spaghetti Monster?

How can you explain the fact that Europeans and Chinese both have pasta dishes? Are you seriously claiming that noodles were just invented by coincidence by both groups independently? The chances of it are so slim that it must be intelligent design.

Glory be to FSM.
Another reason why I think Perry has the mind of a child in the body of a man. LOL

^^^^Doc apparently thinks the only reason to not enslave someone is because God would get mad. Got some news for you, if you care to read the bible. God is actually pretty ambivalent about slavery. It's us atheists who can easily say "That's wrong". :)
LOL And one of the reasons why I know you are irrational. The fact you refuse to quote your sources says a lot.

The fact that you need a source, on something so widely acknowledged and objectively obvious, tells me how uninformed or dishonest you are.

Do you need a source to acknowledge that getting a college degree, or graduating from a trade school, will help you get a job?
I meant exactly what I said. DeSantis was labeled a racist because a history book in his state stated something that is absolutely true and agreed on by historians.
:laugh: Are you from Florida, 'Mode?

Would you rather be free and living in the wild or a slave living in the richest, most technological nation on the planet?....not that African-American slaves had a choice. LOL
DeSantis is defending new slavery teachings. Civil rights leaders see a pattern of ‘policy violence’
African American leaders decry what they call a pattern of “policy violence” against people of color imposed by the DeSantis administration that reached a low point after the recent release of an “anti-woke” public school curriculum on Black history. Specifically, Florida’s teachers are now required to instruct middle-school students that enslaved people “developed skills which, in some instances, could be applied for their personal benefit.”...

...The divisive debate highlights the political and practical risks of DeSantis’ approach to racial issues as he seeks to reset his struggling campaign and the Republican Party works to strengthen its dismal standing with voters of color.

Ambitious Republican leaders have long seized on white grievance to animate the party’s most passionate voters, who are almost exclusively white. But DeSantis, a combative conservative who leads one of the nation’s largest states, has embraced far-right positions on race perhaps more aggressively than anyone in the 2024 presidential contest as he tries to position himself to the right of Trump...

...Sen. Tim Scott of South Carolina, who is the chamber’s sole Black Republican and is also seeking the White House, issued a direct rebuke of DeSantis on Thursday while campaigning in Iowa.

“What slavery was really about was separating families, about mutilating humans and even raping their wives. It was just devastating,” he told reporters. “So I would hope that every person in our country — and certainly running for president — would appreciate that. People have bad days. Sometimes they regret what they say. And we should ask them again to clarify their positions.”

It's frightening to think that the only thing holding some people back from being monsters is their fear of Yahweh.

People are animals, not monsters. Both Stalin and Mao were atheists responsible for the mass murder of millions of their own people, but also forcing them into the 20th century. Determining if that is a good or bad thing is a matter of opinion, not fact. There is no law in the Universe except might makes right. Why is this a problem for you to admit?
So you think that atheism is bad because it hurts the feelings of non-atheists when they speak about their disbelief? Is that why you get so bent whenever anyone tries to speak about atheism?

I'm trying to figure you and your little fuckboi, Cypress, out and it just doesn't add up. I mean YOU are so dedicated to making everyone feel like shit you can't POSSIBLY care about what theists feel.

You are a mystery wrapped in a riddle.

(Actually that's not correct. I know exactly what you are: a hate monger who gets off on pissing on people. Atheism is just another thing you can leverage to spread around the hatred which is the only thing that gets you hard anymore, old man)
No, Perry. I think both atheism and theism are beliefs impossible to prove. You're the one who is clearly bent out of shape. It's another of many reasons why I know you are lying about your background.

Why would I give a shit about how theists feel? It's only when atheists or theists start declaring their beliefs as fact that I become interested.

Only to the 'tards and other idiots.

I don't hate, but your posts prove you do, Perry. You're jealous of both Cypress and myself. Why?
Why don't you believe in the Flying Spaghetti Monster?

How can you explain the fact that Europeans and Chinese both have pasta dishes? Are you seriously claiming that noodles were just invented by coincidence by both groups independently? The chances of it are so slim that it must be intelligent design.

Glory be to FSM.
Why should I?

Euros got pasta the MidEast. Grinding grain into flour is a good way to store it. Mixing it with water and eggs isn't rocket science.

You're free to believe whatever you like without proof. Just don't be a hypocrite by demanding others prove their beliefs and you do not.
The fact that you need a source, on something so widely acknowledged and objectively obvious, tells me how uninformed or dishonest you are.

Do you need a source to acknowledge that getting a college degree, or graduating from a trade school, will help you get a job?
Thanks for proving you have nothing but insults, 'Mode. LOL
You're wrong.
You are desperate, mostly because you are stupid and uneducated. You absolutely don't know what to do when your leftist indoctrination is challenged by critical reasoning. If you don't have your slave-masters readily available to tell you what to believe and how you are to respond, you're stuck staring off into space, panicking about what you're going to do now and calling for your mommy.

Have you ever considered TRYING to have a little intellectual fortitude and just answering the questions? You know they're easy. Don't worry about getting permission, just give the honest, straightforward answers. It should be too easy. You could be done in under a minute.

You don't get to force someone to defend a strawman, you idiot.
I can't force you to be honest, and I can't prevent you from EVADING, you undereducated leftist troll. All I can do is ask you easy, clear, direct, straightforward questions and let you broadcast to the board that you are stupid and dishonest. Hopefully guno and ThatOwlCoward will jump in and thank you for your EVASION.

You've gotta do what you've gotta do. So get to it.

If I ask Bob why he likes murdering
Bad analogy. My questions are in direct response to your comment. You have no wiggle room.
I've mocked Islam on here. I don't mock the other religions because they're aren't oppressive in the West like Christianity and Islam are.
Have you mocked Global Warming and Climate Change? Those Marxist religions are extremely oppressive, moreso that any other existing religion, being based on hatred and intolerance.

Wait, maybe I'm wasting my time. Are you intelligent enough to recognize a religion? Maybe you aren't. Maybe you don't even know what religion is, just like you don't know what science is. Well, enough with the speculation, I'll just let you answer.
THAT is hilarious coming from you.

Why? Isn't this where someone posts "don't shoot the messenger"? LOL

The fact remains you're just another hater who uses his atheism as an excuse to hate others. I see no difference between you and a Bible-thumping homophobe.
First of all....the argument is not that faith is belief without is called belief without proof......there is a significant difference between what I accept as evidence and what you demand for proof......
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Why? Isn't this where someone posts "don't shoot the messenger"? LOL

The fact remains you're just another hater who uses his atheism as an excuse to hate others. I see no difference between you and a Bible-thumping homophobe.

No, because of what I posted in the thread:

Post #201:

You hate Jews just like you hate Christians, don't you? You admitted you hate the Old Testament. Who do you think wrote all those nasty laws you hate so much? Hint; five letter word, begins with "M".

You aren't a messenger, dumbass. You're the sender of the message. Get a fucking clue, moron.
I didn't refuse anything. I just hadn't had time to look up the info.

The important stuff starts at about 2 minutes.

Awesome. When will they come out with a video about how the Third Reich work camps were beneficial to gays, mentally ill, genetically defective and, of course, the Jews?

Obviously there were some benefits since a job is a job. They were protected by guards against bigots in the German population. They didn't have to serve in the military. Lots of good came out of it so it wasn't all bad like the Lefties keep claiming. :thup: /sarcasm