Faith is not "without evidence" argument

A story about a Jewish zombie who floated to the clouds to atone for the sin of a woman fooled by a talking serpent into eating forbidden magic fruits is, in my estimation, a fairy tale.

I don't think you can post without strawmen, lying and looking like an uneducated ignoramus. :palm:
STRAWMAN ALERT!!! I don't think you can post without strawmen, lying and looking like an uneducated dumbass.

There's no reason to be a theist in this era. It's hard to accept that we'll never see our deceased loves ones again, but that's the burden of being an intelligent, sapient ape.
Tell me yours.

Well, I admit that my thinking goes not to some possible god
with undefined attributes or abilities
because I'm not moved to have an opinion of such a god.

I think in terms of the god about whom I was taught.

I remained religious long enough to receive my "first communion" at the age of seven, I think it was.
It didn't last much longer than that.

Although I went to public schools, I was packed off to the nuns
for whatever the hell they called it.
I will take a moment to look up the forgotten word.

Found it. catechism

There, the nuns, in a reasonably friendly way,
while wearing the medieval penguin costumes
that they used to wear in those days,
taught me about a god who was, at the same time,
all-powerful and all-loving.

What's more, I had an invisible organ in my body which,
unlike all the others, would not die with the rest of me.
It was called a soul, not spelled like the ones on my feet
which were, apparently, very much mortal.

That soul was going to live for eternity
regardless of whether I was a mensch or a total prick
but the pleasantness of eternity was dependent both on
believing in this god,
and what's more, unlike what the "protestant" infidels
that I would likely meet as an adult
thought about it,
I had to do MORE than believe.

If I remember correctly, I had to eat either fish and chips
or meatless pizza on Fridays.
There may have been more to do,
but we're talking seventy years ago.
and those nuns are all now eating fish and chips in heaven,
I would have to imagine.

So there it is, pretty much all of it.

The world in which I would awaken,
which at the time included a baby cousin dying of leukemia,
not to mention a Red Sox team that won not many more games
than this summer's fucking Red Sox team

was supposedly created by a god that loves us all, completely,
and had the power to build any kind of universe that he saw fit,

Then he stuck us in this one to show his love.

Nobody is perfect, Frank, but the genes I received from my parents
were good enough to give me a somewhat functioning brain.

If the above story made sense to the seven year old me,
that is embarrassing enough.
I'm sure that I must have had some doubts then.

When it makes sense to adults, Frank,
we have a serious fucking problem.
What part of that is a strawman?

Your entire post dumbass.

straw man
1: a weak or imaginary opposition (such as an argument or adversary) set up only to be easily confuted

There are many reasons why someone might lack self-awareness. It could be due to a mental health condition, such as schizophrenia or borderline personality disorder. It could be caused by drug abuse or alcoholism. It could be a result of trauma or a difficult upbringing. Or it could simply be that someone has never been taught how to develop self-awareness.
There's no reason to be a theist in this era. It's hard to accept that we'll never see our deceased loves ones again, but that's the burden of being an intelligent, sapient ape.

Because you say so. Your arguments aren't just weak, they are uneducated and ignorant.
Because you say so. Your arguments aren't just weak, they are uneducated and ignorant.
Your entire post dumbass.
I don't think you can post without strawmen, lying and looking like an uneducated ignoramus. :palm:
Because you say so. :palm:

Wikipedia! :rofl2: What a dumbass. :laugh:
They are called morals. Do you believe we are born with them halfwit? Where do you think morality is taught? By Governments? Moron. :palm:
Projection. Self-awareness and intelligence are not your strong points. :palm:
Of course you don't. You probably live in a cave with only the MSNBC cable channel. :palm:
You literally are bloviating like an uneducated ignoramus. :palm:

STRAWMAN ALERT!!! I don't think you can post without strawmen, lying and looking like an uneducated dumbass.

All those posts of Trump Dummy triggered and not a single one contributes to the thread. Sad.

Trump Dummy has my vote for Troll of the Year.
Your entire post dumbass.

straw man
1: a weak or imaginary opposition (such as an argument or adversary) set up only to be easily confuted

There are many reasons why someone might lack self-awareness. It could be due to a mental health condition, such as schizophrenia or borderline personality disorder. It could be caused by drug abuse or alcoholism. It could be a result of trauma or a difficult upbringing. Or it could simply be that someone has never been taught how to develop self-awareness.

So you make an accusation, call me more names, and then give a copy/paste definition of what a strawman is.

I claimed that Jesus is a Jewish zombie who floated into the clouds to atone for the sin of a woman fooled by a talking serpent into eating forbidden magic fruit.

What part of that is a strawman?

Don't pull a Donald Trump by making accusations and then cowering away from explaining them.
All those posts of Trump Dummy triggered and not a single one contributes to the thread. Sad.

Trump Dummy has my vote for Troll of the Year.

They were in response to posts that were stupid and not contributary. How ironic that you lack the common sense, intelligence and self-awareness that you described nearly ALL of your posts.

It is also ironic that you think you speak for everyone when most don't like your child-like vulgar troll prattle.

You should do the world a favor and kill yourself. No one would care. No one would notice. The world's collective IQ would go up.
We're going in circles here and we're clearly boring each other.

You are not boring me at all. In fact, I look forward to each of your posts.

To summarize, there is absolutely zero evidence for gods/fairies/superheroes/etc.

I sorta agree, but I am willing to take this comment exactly as written to be the truth.

So what?

There is exactly no evidence whatsoever for any sentient life on any planet circling the nearest 25 stars to Sol...but if you are saying that means there is no sentient life on any of those planets...that is itself absurd.

We do not know if there is any sentient life on any of those planets. WE DO NOT KNOW.

That is an agnostic position.

If you want to believe in such things, then fine, but don't insult rational thinkers like myself by claiming that agnosticism is the default, intellectually honorable position to hold when it's not.

Read my statement. If there is anything in that statement that you think is absurd...NAME IT.

On the question, "Are there no gods or is there at least one?"...the intellectually honorable position to hold is...I DO NOT KNOW.

If you think there is a more intellectually honorable position to hold...STATE IT.

If you are saying, "THERE ARE NO GODS" up the balls to actually say it.

Then we can discuss it like the intellectually, honorable friends we have become.
So you make an accusation, call me more names, and then give a copy/paste definition of what a strawman is.

I claimed that Jesus is a Jewish zombie who floated into the clouds to atone for the sin of a woman fooled by a talking serpent into eating forbidden magic fruit.

What part of that is a strawman?

ALL of it was you willful moron. :palm:

But, because you are an uneducated mental case that wallows in ignorance, you're too stupid to comprehend the OBVIOUS. :palm:
Well, I admit that my thinking goes not to some possible god
with undefined attributes or abilities
because I'm not moved to have an opinion of such a god.

I think in terms of the god about whom I was taught.

I remained religious long enough to receive my "first communion" at the age of seven, I think it was.
It didn't last much longer than that.

Although I went to public schools, I was packed off to the nuns
for whatever the hell they called it.
I will take a moment to look up the forgotten word.

Found it. catechism

There, the nuns, in a reasonably friendly way,
while wearing the medieval penguin costumes
that they used to wear in those days,
taught me about a god who was, at the same time,
all-powerful and all-loving.

What's more, I had an invisible organ in my body which,
unlike all the others, would not die with the rest of me.
It was called a soul, not spelled like the ones on my feet
which were, apparently, very much mortal.

That soul was going to live for eternity
regardless of whether I was a mensch or a total prick
but the pleasantness of eternity was dependent both on
believing in this god,
and what's more, unlike what the "protestant" infidels
that I would likely meet as an adult
thought about it,
I had to do MORE than believe.

If I remember correctly, I had to eat either fish and chips
or meatless pizza on Fridays.
There may have been more to do,
but we're talking seventy years ago.
and those nuns are all now eating fish and chips in heaven,
I would have to imagine.

So there it is, pretty much all of it.

The world in which I would awaken,
which at the time included a baby cousin dying of leukemia,
not to mention a Red Sox team that won not many more games
than this summer's fucking Red Sox team

was supposedly created by a god that loves us all, completely,
and had the power to build any kind of universe that he saw fit,

Then he stuck us in this one to show his love.

Nobody is perfect, Frank, but the genes I received from my parents
were good enough to give me a somewhat functioning brain.

If the above story made sense to the seven year old me,
that is embarrassing enough.
I'm sure that I must have had some doubts then.

When it makes sense to adults, Frank,
we have a serious fucking problem.

Interesting. As a Yankee fan, I found that one about the Red Sox living out the Bambino curse to be something welcome...although you did not seem to treat it that way.

Okay...just one thing.


Are you saying that is an unintelligent, naive, gullible position...or do you acknowledge that it makes all the sense in the world?