
Colossians 3:17
And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.

This isn't the only one either... there are tons of verses commanding you to thank the deity for nearly anything, but also a few specifically noting that because Jesus prayed over food so too should you...
sorry, but no......first, you aren't "ordered" to do either do it because you choose to or you do not do it because you choose not to.....second, he is only imaginary to those who choose to believe he's imaginary........third, you can only say he's done nothing of value if you ignore what he does.......

He only exists because of your desire that He exists. He is your delusion. You have no evidence that He's ever done anything.

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This is what Faith is all about

Faith? Biblical faith is constructed through KNOWLEDGE. There is no "blind faith" in scriptural doctrine. No Christian abandons rationality and evidence in exchange for intellectual dishonesty and ignorance of truth.

The faith spoken of in the Holy Scriptures is a faith that is always proceeded by KNOWLEDGE. No one can possess BIBLICAL FAITH in God until HE/SHE comes to the knowledge and acceptance of God.

FAITH is not accepting what one cannot prove. Faith can never outrun knowledge.

Example. You go out and start your automobile everyday while preparing to go to work...… accept through faith that today will be like all previous days (your automobile has never failed to start previously....yet you have no guarantee that is will start simply EXPECT it to work because of the knowledge you have gained previously with each successful start).

Faith is dependent upon KNOWLEDGE. Romans: 10:17. "Faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of God."

Father Abraham was said to have had faith only after he came to the knowledge of God's promises. (Romans 4:20-21). His (Abraham's) faith was manifested in his trust and submission to what he knew was the will of God.

The God that is responsible for inspiring the historical records found in both testaments (new and old)…..has stressed the requirement to seek out truth, to worship in reject that which is easily demonstrated to be error and falsehoods.

In Fact: According to the record found in scripture......its wickedness for those who fail to seek out truth. (Jer. 5:1) Another section of scripture declares "Buy the truth and sell it not...." -- Pr. 23:23

Christians are commanded to LOVE THE TRUTH and reject untruths (2 Thes. 2:10-12) We are commanded to study and seek out the truth that is actually recorded in scripture (2 Tim. 2:15)

Jesus declared that KNOWING THE TRUTH is the only method of finding true freedom (John 8:32)

Luke tells us in scripture to search and examine evidences rather than simply taking someone's word (That would be blind there are countless millions of people who fail to seek truth for themselves but BLINDLY follow false doctrine. A good example of such useless faith are the TV preachers who tell us, "God loves you...…...but send your money to MY ADDRESS". Christians are promised nothing extra in this life......a Christians sabbath (rest) comes after this race called life if over....while breathing and living....God plays no favorites. The rain falls on the just and the unjust. Acts:17:11

Peter tells us to be prepared...….ALWAYS to give a defense for the faith that rests in our heart......a faith that is constructed upon hearing the word of God (scripture). 1 Peter 3:15

Be weary of anyone that tells you when questioned....."I don't know, I just accept it on faith." :bigthink:
Faith? Biblical faith is constructed through KNOWLEDGE. There is no "blind faith" in scriptural doctrine. No Christian abandons rationality and evidence in exchange for intellectual dishonesty and ignorance of truth.

The faith spoken of in the Holy Scriptures is a faith that is always proceeded by KNOWLEDGE. No one can possess BIBLICAL FAITH in God until HE/SHE comes to the knowledge and acceptance of God.

FAITH is not accepting what one cannot prove. Faith can never outrun knowledge.

Example. You go out and start your automobile everyday while preparing to go to work...… accept through faith that today will be like all previous days (your automobile has never failed to start previously....yet you have no guarantee that is will start simply EXPECT it to work because of the knowledge you have gained previously with each successful start).

Faith is dependent upon KNOWLEDGE. Romans: 10:17. "Faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of God."

Father Abraham was said to have had faith only after he came to the knowledge of God's promises. (Romans 4:20-21). His (Abraham's) faith was manifested in his trust and submission to what he knew was the will of God.

The God that is responsible for inspiring the historical records found in both testaments (new and old)…..has stressed the requirement to seek out truth, to worship in reject that which is easily demonstrated to be error and falsehoods.

In Fact: According to the record found in scripture......its wickedness for those who fail to seek out truth. (Jer. 5:1) Another section of scripture declares "Buy the truth and sell it not...." -- Pr. 23:23

Christians are commanded to LOVE THE TRUTH and reject untruths (2 Thes. 2:10-12) We are commanded to study and seek out the truth that is actually recorded in scripture (2 Tim. 2:15)

Jesus declared that KNOWING THE TRUTH is the only method of finding true freedom (John 8:32)

Luke tells us in scripture to search and examine evidences rather than simply taking someone's word (That would be blind there are countless millions of people who fail to seek truth for themselves but BLINDLY follow false doctrine. A good example of such useless faith are the TV preachers who tell us, "God loves you...…...but send your money to MY ADDRESS". Christians are promised nothing extra in this life......a Christians sabbath (rest) comes after this race called life if over....while breathing and living....God plays no favorites. The rain falls on the just and the unjust. Acts:17:11

Peter tells us to be prepared...….ALWAYS to give a defense for the faith that rests in our heart......a faith that is constructed upon hearing the word of God (scripture). 1 Peter 3:15

Be weary of anyone that tells you when questioned....."I don't know, I just accept it on faith." :bigthink:

I got Faith from the Holy Spirit,long before I owned a Bible!
He only exists because of your desire that He exists. He is your delusion. You have no evidence that He's ever done anything.

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He? How did this insight come to you? Years of monastic life? Years of serving the poor?

desire? How did you learn about desire?

delusion? How are you expert in recognising delusion?

evidence? Who did all the somethings?

Who did all the works around you? The pre-dementia zombies?

Have you notice how many things exist that allow you to live ---things that control you:

Blood circulation,
Sleeping urges,
Stirring awake,
health ...

The above list is filled with works that you cannot counter act!

You are NOT a "controller" you must do what nature forces you to do!

Look around you ---you claim that the wood, plaster, metal, glass, electricity, water, fire, rain and toilet flushing is all due to mankind.

Get a real job!
I got Faith from the Holy Spirit,long before I owned a Bible!

Strange...…….ain't it? How you have a direct communication with the God of Creation. According to the word of God...…….you must be an apostle of Christ with all the gifts of the Holy Spirit.(: Personally I think you are merely "delusional". ;) How many folks have you healed of terminal disease or accident? How many books of the Bible have you drafted through divine inspiration? How blind folk have you healed from blindness? I am sure you would have no problem documenting (just like the Apostles of Christ did) such supernatural abilities with eye witnesses of your self professed powers. :bigthink:

False Doctrine. Or do you not accept the words of the Holy inspired by the same Holy Spirit that you claim to be in communication? The Bible......the only tool used to measure Christian Truth tells us that FAITH cometh from Hearing and Hearing by the WORD OF GOD.

God has no respect of person. So when you claim to be SPECIAL....I must challenge such fake doctrine. Just PROVE ME WRONG......submit to us a documented miraculous event directed by YOUR HOLY SPIRIT, as its not the Holy Spirit found to exist within the pages of the Holy Scriptures.

If you do not require the Holy Scriptures to find God and salvation...…...then everyone on earth is born with an innate guaranteed salvation....through BLIND FAITH. A faith in "nothing" what you are promoting and propagating.

If the scriptures are not important to Christianity why did the Holy Spirit inspire such writing, " show yourself approved of God, a workman that needth not be ashamed, RIGHTLY DIVIDING THE WORD OF TRUTH...…" -- 2 Tim 2:15

The scriptures tell us that FAITH was delivered once and for all the 1st century. (Jude 3) Again...…...Christian faith cometh by hearing...…..and hearing by the word of God. A faith based upon anything other than the truth delivered through the saints of the 1st century that drafted the inspired word of a faith constructed not on sound ground but sand.
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Strange...…….ain't it? How you have a direct communication with the God of Creation. According to the word of God...…….you must be an apostle of Christ with all the gifts of the Holy Spirit.(: Personally I think you are merely "delusional". ;) How many folks have you healed of terminal disease or accident? How many books of the Bible have you drafted through divine inspiration? How blind folk have you healed from blindness? I am sure you would have no problem documenting (just like the Apostles of Christ did) such supernatural abilities with eye witnesses of your self professed powers. :bigthink:

False Doctrine. Or do you not accept the words of the Holy inspired by the same Holy Spirit that you claim to be in communication? The Bible......the only tool used to measure Christian Truth tells us that FAITH cometh from Hearing and Hearing by the WORD OF GOD.

God has no respect of person. So when you claim to be SPECIAL....I must challenge such fake doctrine. Just PROVE ME WRONG......submit to us a documented miraculous event directed by YOUR HOLY SPIRIT, as its not the Holy Spirit found to exist within the pages of the Holy Scriptures.

If you do not require the Holy Scriptures to find God and salvation...…...then everyone on earth is born with an innate guaranteed salvation....through BLIND FAITH. A faith in "nothing" what you are promoting and propagating.

If the scriptures are not important to Christianity why did the Holy Spirit inspire such writing, " show yourself approved of God, a workman that needth not be ashamed, RIGHTLY DIVIDING THE WORD OF TRUTH...…" -- 2 Tim 2:15

The scriptures tell us that FAITH was delivered once and for all the 1st century. (Jude 3) Again...…...Christian faith cometh by hearing...…..and hearing by the word of God. A faith based upon anything other than the truth delivered through the saints of the 1st century that drafted the inspired word of a faith constructed not on sound ground but sand.

Do some research on Pentecost!
I expect it because the god says that he has those qualities. You either take the god at their word and believe or you think humans are idiots trying to explain the world around them and ignore it, but this "boy this god is awesome so we should just let them be psychotic and demand worship without question" stuff is inane. This god tells these folks they are important, what they think matters, and that they have the same feelings as the god...

Did God say that or did some guy say that God said that?
I expect it because the god says that he has those qualities. You either take the god at their word and believe or you think humans are idiots trying to explain the world around them and ignore it, but this "boy this god is awesome so we should just let them be psychotic and demand worship without question" stuff is inane. This god tells these folks they are important, what they think matters, and that they have the same feelings as the god...

During your lifetime [or even in the history book], can you name one "rule" that was not "received" via others?

By "received via others" I am referring to the NOT via a revelation.
I have faith in God and I pray several times a day. Prayer always gives me peace and calmness, and it makes me more accepting of the life I've been given.
During your lifetime [or even in the history book], can you name one "rule" that was not "received" via others?

By "received via others" I am referring to the NOT via a revelation.

Of course not. That's an absurdity. Why would I be able to do that when I don't believe that this god exists?
During your lifetime [or even in the history book], can you name one "rule" that was not "received" via others?

By "received via others" I am referring to the NOT via a revelation.

Posted by Damocles
Of course not. That's an absurdity. Why would I be able to do that when I don't believe that this god exists?

I'm not sure which idea you said "Of course not."

If I understand correctly, you CANNOT you name one "rule" that you "received" via others that was a "revelation".

If I understood you, you can only acknowledge "rules" "received" via others. Correct?

If I understand correctly, rules declared in someones' scriptures are rules you may ignore.

If I understand correctly, rules declared by living men, ie Tax-Code, and speed limits, and weather reports are rules you always follow. Correct?

My point was that when disregarding rules via scriptures ---you do follow rules that human authorities define, and/or enforce.

Good Billy Pilgram?
I'm not sure which idea you said "Of course not."

If I understand correctly, you CANNOT you name one "rule" that you "received" via others that was a "revelation".

If I understood you, you can only acknowledge "rules" "received" via others. Correct?

If I understand correctly, rules declared in someones' scriptures are rules you may ignore.

If I understand correctly, rules declared by living men, ie Tax-Code, and speed limits, and weather reports are rules you always follow. Correct?

My point was that when disregarding rules via scriptures ---you do follow rules that human authorities define, and/or enforce.

Good Billy Pilgram?

THIS goes without saying, but I'm glad you DID say it. Nicely done.
Many attempt to present "Faith" as something that exists only through having a simple belief in something and you have to do nothing but believe and you will find salvation through the grace of Christ.....that's not the Biblical Definition of Faith.

Biblical Faith can be defined as a deep, everlasting trust and confidence in our Creator God. But to stop at that simple conclusion is not revealing the entirety of what the Holy Scripture say about and define the faith that God requires.

Its false doctrine to teach that an acknowledgement of God's existence is all that matters and nothing else is required. That type of teaching does not square with scriptural teaching. In the Book of Hebrews the Apostle Paul teaches us, that Jesus is, ".....The Author of eternal salvation TO ALL THAT OBEY HIM." -- Heb. 5:9

Biblical faith is not a faith of denying History, Science, etc., Biblical Faith exists as a LIVING, ACTIVE ingredient of the faith holders character. Faith always effects the believers conduct in doing what is good and righteous (simply because one does not always agree with what is good and righteous does make any believers faith null and void as we are to each WORK OUT OUR OWN SALVATION IN FEAR AND its a great responsibility to fall into the hands of a righteous God. With Faith comes Responsibility first and foremost is defense of the gospel truth.

A faith that takes no action, does nothing but believe is worthless, "What does it profit, my brethren, if someone says they have faith but does not have works? That faith cannot save him, can it?" -- James 2:14

Even demons have faith that God exists, "You believe there is one God. You do well. Even the demons believe and tremble." -- James 2:19

So the scriptures correct the false doctrine that believing in God and having a great trust and confidence is not enough...there is more required than belief.....Biblical Faith requires you to be willing to do what God requires. Any faith that omits an obedient heart has failed greatly to comprehend all of God's word completely.

Truth is the work that God values most.....and what is truth, where does it originate? Science is not THE TRUTH, not according to Carl Sagan.....Science is filled with errors, "Science......a way of thinking, and error correcting process by which we attempt to figure out what is true and what is not." -- Carl Sagan Think about what Sagan was saying, Science makes mistakes things, discoveries supposedly based upon truth, go a long time and someone makes a discovery that makes what was taught as truth the 1st time........a lie. Example......the age of the earth has jumped billions of years in my single was taught in grammar school that the earth was so many billions of years old, then in high school another number tossed out......and today....the earth has aged billions of years in less than 1 century.....go figure........I can't.

What is Biblical Truth? Its something that the scriptures declare we should be sanctified in (sanctified: keep holy) Where does truth come from? "Sanctify them in THE TRUTH; Thy Word is Truth." -- John 17:17

Thus if anyone teaches something that is contrary to what is taught in THE WORD OF GOD....its false doctrine. :bigthink:
Many attempt to present "Faith" as something that exists only through having a simple belief in something and you have to do nothing but believe and you will find salvation through the grace of Christ.....that's not the Biblical Definition of Faith.

Biblical Faith can be defined as a deep, everlasting trust and confidence in our Creator God. But to stop at that simple conclusion is not revealing the entirety of what the Holy Scripture say about and define the faith that God requires.

Its false doctrine to teach that an acknowledgement of God's existence is all that matters and nothing else is required. That type of teaching does not square with scriptural teaching. In the Book of Hebrews the Apostle Paul teaches us, that Jesus is, ".....The Author of eternal salvation TO ALL THAT OBEY HIM." -- Heb. 5:9

Biblical faith is not a faith of denying History, Science, etc., Biblical Faith exists as a LIVING, ACTIVE ingredient of the faith holders character. Faith always effects the believers conduct in doing what is good and righteous (simply because one does not always agree with what is good and righteous does make any believers faith null and void as we are to each WORK OUT OUR OWN SALVATION IN FEAR AND its a great responsibility to fall into the hands of a righteous God. With Faith comes Responsibility first and foremost is defense of the gospel truth.

A faith that takes no action, does nothing but believe is worthless, "What does it profit, my brethren, if someone says they have faith but does not have works? That faith cannot save him, can it?" -- James 2:14

Even demons have faith that God exists, "You believe there is one God. You do well. Even the demons believe and tremble." -- James 2:19

So the scriptures correct the false doctrine that believing in God and having a great trust and confidence is not enough...there is more required than belief.....Biblical Faith requires you to be willing to do what God requires. Any faith that omits an obedient heart has failed greatly to comprehend all of God's word completely.

Truth is the work that God values most.....and what is truth, where does it originate? Science is not THE TRUTH, not according to Carl Sagan.....Science is filled with errors, "Science......a way of thinking, and error correcting process by which we attempt to figure out what is true and what is not." -- Carl Sagan Think about what Sagan was saying, Science makes mistakes things, discoveries supposedly based upon truth, go a long time and someone makes a discovery that makes what was taught as truth the 1st time........a lie. Example......the age of the earth has jumped billions of years in my single was taught in grammar school that the earth was so many billions of years old, then in high school another number tossed out......and today....the earth has aged billions of years in less than 1 century.....go figure........I can't.

What is Biblical Truth? Its something that the scriptures declare we should be sanctified in (sanctified: keep holy) Where does truth come from? "Sanctify them in THE TRUTH; Thy Word is Truth." -- John 17:17

Thus if anyone teaches something that is contrary to what is taught in THE WORD OF GOD....its false doctrine. :bigthink:

Fantastic post, Ralph. Thank you.
I say whatever works for you is awesome, but that is your path and your path is not my path. You keep to your path and I’ll keep to mine.