
^ my point exactly.

There is nothing particularly unique about religion being an impediment to freedom of thought.

It all comes down to the ever present risk of tyranny and coercion. Religion, nationalism, racism, class struggle, have always been used as cover for any agenda which seeks control and authority. There is nothing particularly unique about the Catholic or Protestant churches in that regard.
Or Trumpism.

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Right, because breakfast isn't necessary unless you beg for it. A parent, as this god is supposed to be, doesn't need you to beg or worship them, unless they are seriously psychotic.

Because that is not what the book says, it says that humans were "created in his image" and therefore are more important.
If we were made in His image, He must have died ages ago. Or committed suicide.

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not at thank God for your sustenance isn't the same as thanking him for buttering your is acknowledging his role in all things from the creation of soil, to the provision of rain, the health of the farmer, the safety of the truck driver, the loving parent who DID butter your toast......if you don't in fact acknowledge his role, then it would NOT be logical for you to give him thanks......but it is not illogical for those of us who do acknowledge it, to give him thanks for all those things........

Rubbish. We are ordered to praise an imaginary being for providing nothing of value to our lives.
Rubbish. We are ordered to praise an imaginary being for providing nothing of value to our lives.

sorry, but no......first, you aren't "ordered" to do either do it because you choose to or you do not do it because you choose not to.....second, he is only imaginary to those who choose to believe he's imaginary........third, you can only say he's done nothing of value if you ignore what he does.......
sorry, but no......first, you aren't "ordered" to do either do it because you choose to or you do not do it because you choose not to.....second, he is only imaginary to those who choose to believe he's imaginary........third, you can only say he's done nothing of value if you ignore what he does.......

We are told (ordered) to thank the imaginary being for our sustenance. What has this being done to provide my food? As to your second point, this being only exists in your "belief", however you define imaginary, a being that exists only in your "belief" is imaginary.
they probably think you are imaginary and have nothing to help them in their daily lives.....

Works for me. When my children grow up and buy their own food I have no urge for them to pretend that I've done something for it and for them to call me up and thank me for the food they are eating. Nor would I want a whole planet full of my children to constantly be thanking me for food. It's inane.
As to your second point, this being only exists in your "belief", however you define imaginary, a being that exists only in your "belief" is imaginary.

and he doesn't exist in your "belief".......I suspect that makes it equally imaginary does it not?......