Family Value Conservatives: Sarah Palin's Daughter Pregnant at 17..and Not married...


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ST. PAUL, Minnesota (CNN) -- Bristol Palin, the 17-year-old daughter of Sarah Palin, is pregnant and will keep the baby and marry the father, a senior aide to Sen. John McCain confirmed to CNN Tuesday.

Republican presidential candidate McCain was aware of Bristol Palin's pregnancy before he chose her mother for his running mate, the aide said.

"Senator McCain knew this and felt in no way did it disqualify her from being vice president," said the aide. "Families have difficulties sometimes, and lucky for her she has a supportive family."

The 17-year-old, a senior in high school, is about five months along, in her second trimester, according to the aide.

The aide said it was decided the campaign would reveal this information now because of rampant Internet rumors that Sarah Palin's 4-month-old baby, who has Down syndrome, was actually Bristol's.

"In the course of correcting that, we needed to get the truth out," said the McCain aide.

Sarah and Todd Palin issued a statement saying they are "proud of Bristol's decision to have her baby and even prouder to become grandparents."

They also asked the media to respect their daughter's privacy.

The McCain aide insisted a key point to keep in mind is that Bristol decided to keep the baby, a decision "supported by her parents."

WOW, seventeen...I am glad it never happened to me! It happens when you don't teach your children about birth control!
Finally we have a politician with real world life and experience.

Palin doesn't have political experience, especially in international politics.

But she certainly does have life experience. People make fun of politicians that are isolated from the real world.

But this puts Palin in better light, in my humble opinion.
As a matter of fact, I would say that she is needed.

In DC there are hundreds of people who can advise about international situations, economic situations and all the things Palin lacks.

But this woman has a son in the military, a daughter who got pregnant before she got married, and a baby with Downs Syndrome.

When the power brokers start talking, I'd like at least one person who faces life in the real world to be in the room.
Bristol is a little hottie. I would have hit that too, given the chance. :) :) :)

On a serious note, I am pleased to hear she is making the right decisions. Things like this just happen. What counts most is how they respond to the situation.
They happen more often when you don't teach kids about contraception or restrict what they learn to "abstinence only" education.
They happen more often when you don't teach kids about contraception or restrict what they learn to "abstinence only" education.

Yeah, as your Messiah says, heaven forbid they be punished with a baby. :(

Look asshole, it is HIGHLY likely that her daughter knew all about contraception. She's just a dumb teenager - shit happens. That is why teenagers shouldn't be having sex...PERIOD, unless they are prepared to take full responsibility if a pregnancy occurs.

For all you know, they DID use protection. It's not 100% fail safe, as you liberals would have teenagers believe. Why are liberals so obsessed with encouraging kids to have sex?
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Bristol is a little hottie. I would have hit that too, given the chance. :) :) :)

On a serious note, I am pleased to hear she is making the right decisions. Things like this just happen. What counts most is how they respond to the situation.

Thor, has anyone ever told you before how disgusting you are?

Hey, look at these "family values"?!


You see? This proves she has real world experience and therefore there is currently no reason not to vote Republican.
Yeah, as your Messiah says, heaven forbid they be punished with a baby. :(

Look asshole, it is HIGHLY likely that her daughter knew all about contraception. She's just a dumb teenager - shit happens. That is why teenagers shouldn't be having sex...PERIOD, unless they are prepared to take full responsibility if a pregnancy occurs.

For all you know, they DID use protection. It's not 100% fail safe, as you liberals would have teenagers believe. Why are liberals so obsessed with encouraging kids to have sex?

I wouldn't wish any 17-year-old to be burdened with a baby, for the baby's sake.
Thor, has anyone ever told you before how disgusting you are?

what are you talking about? she looks positively delectable. Jimminy crickets I would sure love to put my sinning staff into that scrumptious fine lady any day of the week, if you know what I'm saying... :) :) :)
Yeah, as your Messiah says, heaven forbid they be punished with a baby. :(

Look asshole, it is HIGHLY likely that her daughter knew all about contraception. She's just a dumb teenager - shit happens. That is why teenagers shouldn't be having sex...PERIOD, unless they are prepared to take full responsibility if a pregnancy occurs.

For all you know, they DID use protection. It's not 100% fail safe, as you liberals would have teenagers believe. Why are liberals so obsessed with encouraging kids to have sex?

When we figure out how to travel faster than the speed of light, control hurricanes and tornados and teach pigs to fly then we might be able to figure out how to keep teenagers from having sex. Until that time educating them is still the best alternative. Why do you hate teenagers?
Ohhh, the hypocracy!

I agree that this issue is really a non-issue, because what really matters is her politics and ability to be president.

But just imagine how they would have attacked had Chealsey Clinton had gotten pregnant while still in High School. They would have attached Hillary for being an absent parent and Bill for having set a bad example!
They happen more often when you don't teach kids about contraception or restrict what they learn to "abstinence only" education.

What would have happened if the Palin family were Liberal? My guess is, this would have never come out, no one would have ever known about it, and another human life would have been conveniently sucked down a tube into a jar beneath a table in some clinic.

But I really do think you hypocrites...err...liberals, need to keep driving this home, over and over again, from now until the election if you can... keep on attacking the candidates family members while your candidate insists on taking his family members off the table. I think it makes you look like real LIBERAL Americans.