Family Value Conservatives: Sarah Palin's Daughter Pregnant at 17..and Not married...

What would have happened if the Palin family were Liberal? My guess is, this would have never come out, no one would have ever known about it, and another human life would have been conveniently sucked down a tube into a jar beneath a table in some clinic.

You mean they would have killed there 17 year old daughter? It's the only way "human life" makes sense in your sentence.
Is anyone denying the attack that would have come to President and Mrs. Clinton there daughter to have become pregnant while in high school.
Yeah, as your Messiah says, heaven forbid they be punished with a baby. :(

Look asshole, it is HIGHLY likely that her daughter knew all about contraception. She's just a dumb teenager - shit happens. That is why teenagers shouldn't be having sex...PERIOD, unless they are prepared to take full responsibility if a pregnancy occurs.

For all you know, they DID use protection. It's not 100% fail safe, as you liberals would have teenagers believe. Why are liberals so obsessed with encouraging kids to have sex?

Why shouldn't they have sex?
Is anyone denying the attack that would have come to President and Mrs. Clinton there daughter to have become pregnant while in high school.

Now you atre hitting on my first thought when I heard about this today.
It is not the same if it is US and not THEM.

If WE do it there is a good reason, if they do it THEY are very bad people.
More evidence abstinance only does not work..
May ask by what method of divination you have evidence, knowledge, or other types of proof that Palin, as a parent, used "abstinence only" as her approach to her daughter's education in matters of sexual activity? And do you also have proof that her daughter was NOT a recipient of the standard public sex education curriculum?

I didn't think so.

I'll be the first to admit abstinence ONLY education does not work - especially in a society still following the 1960's "if it feels good, do it" mentality, with sex beng shove in our faces 24/7 from shows to commercials. But then, if one pays attention to demographics (ie: per capita teen pregnancy rate compared to prevailing political influence of the region) then "just be careful, here have some condoms" works even less. Somehow BOTH sides seem to have ignored the possibility of a combined approach, where abstinence is strongly recommended (since it is the ONLY method 100% guaranteed to prevent both STDs and pregnancy if followed) coupled with full disclosure education (yes, as in pull out the bad photos and scare the shit out of them) of the biological AND social ramifications of sexual activity. Add that to education in the use of other birth control methods, and we may have a program that actually reduces teen pregnancy.

Meanwhile, I would have sworn the majority of liberals keep claiming that private family situations are off limits to political criticisms. Of course, the average modern democratic liberal is perhaps the ONLY example of extreme hypocrisy that exceeds that of the Bushites.
Oh for Goodness Sakes guys, you all are being just plain silly...

Did any of you even begin to think About the fact that Obama's mother was a teenage pregnant mother, who ended up marrying the father, and gave birth to oBAMA....Was Obama's Grandmother, the mother of the pregnant teen (Obama's mom), who also came to the rescue of Obama's mom and her grandchild a BAD PARENT because Obama's mom got pregnant in her teens?

I don't think Obama ever said his grandmom was a lousy grandmom because his mother got pregnant with him...

And Obama today came out and said this is a personal matter regarding Palin's children and this should NOT be brought in to the political blogosphere the way it has been....which was a class act....

but noooooooo, this crap is all over the Dem's sites like it is hot fudge for an icecream sunday...dripping ALL OVER the place....

YOU ALL lost the bump that Obama should have gotten out of the great democratic convention because you all have bought in to the garbage and spin being thrown out at her and going nuts promoting it all, which RILES your opponent's side and it took all of Obama's thunder away from him, that should have been there...couldn't you have at least waited a few days before all the slamming of her to at least give Obama his due, instead of buying in to the Republican preplanned shock value of this pick of Palin to steal Obama's thunder and bounce from the otherwise, fantastic convention?

this was a "set up" guys....and it worked, you let it work.

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This is about sweet irony. Conservative family values at work, folks. The preservation of the family unit and all.
No ib, this is about any cheap shot that can be taken in this political climate.

Its about BOTH repubs and dems ignoring issues that matter and harping on bullshit trivia.
This is about sweet irony. Conservative family values at work, folks. The preservation of the family unit and all.
Does that mean that Obama's mother and grandmother did not have any family values or that they did and this is why his mom got pregnant?

I don't believe for one nanosecond that those teens taught about contraception follow what they are taught more than those taught abstinence follow what they are taught...teen age pregnancies have occurred for thousands of years....Mary, mother of God, was just one of them...but the point being that even before birth control pills there were rubbers to use to protect oneself from pregnancy, i think Obama's mother and his father PROBABLY knew about them as with Palin's daughter...but sometimes, it just doesn't always work out the way one plans...

And good that abortion was NOT legal at the time, especially if Obama's mom were to have one, and he were not born at all....

Things happen for a reason....timing is everything, and Obama is probably alive today because of when he was conceived, though not setting aside that she still could have married obama's father instead of aborting him, but we will never really know for certain, cause this is all built on ifs...realize such...

please you guys, this hurts Obama putting Palin down for this, it is like putting Obama and his mom and his grandmom down for a little more sensitive for goodness should be off limits as Obama has stated,
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Does that mean that Obama's mother and grandmother did not have any family values or that they did and this is why his mom got pregnant?

I don't believe for one nanosecond that those teens taught about contraception follow what they are taught more than those taught abstinence follow what they are taught...teen age pregnancies have occurred for thousands of years....Mary, mother of God, was just one of them...but the point being that even before birth control pills there were rubbers to use to protect oneself from pregnancy, i think Obama's mother and his father PROBABLY knew about them as with Palin's daughter...but sometimes, it just doesn't always work out the way one plans...

And good that abortion was NOT legal at the time, especially if Obama's mom were to have one, and he were not born at all....

Things happen for a reason....timing is everything, and Obama is probably alive today because of when he was conceived, though not setting aside that she still could have married obama's father instead of aborting him, but we will never really know for certain, cause this is all built on ifs...realize such...

please you guys, this hurts Obama putting Palin down for this, it is like putting Obama and his mom and his grandmom for a little more sensitive for goodness should be off limits as Obama has stated,

Of course not. But Obama isn't the one going around casting dispersions on those who do not have a traditional family structure. Republicans are very good at that. In fact, Red states have a much higher divorce rate than blue states.

Its irony. Enjoy it.