Family Value Conservatives: Sarah Palin's Daughter Pregnant at 17..and Not married...

You are ignorant. Not all fertilized eggs successfully implant in the wall of the uterus. Between 30-50% are believed to fail and then are flushed out in the menstrual cycle.

RS, you've hit upon a remarkable thing.

We need to put those negligent mothers in prison for manslaughter and dredge our sewer systems for innocent babies who will be then immediately replanted into mothers, willingly or unwillignly.
RString, if you are correct, then why do they prosecute pregnant women who abuse drugs and harm their unborn fetus?
And that is an unsuccessful pregnancy or a miscarriage.

No, miscarriage is the term used for a pregnancy that ends on it's own, within the first 20 weeks of gestation. This happens prior to pregnancy, and most are completely unaware that fertilization has occurred.

You think up to 50% of pregnancies end in miscarriage?
RString, if you are correct, then why do they prosecute pregnant women who abuse drugs and harm their unborn fetus?

That happens only after a clearly distinguished point (pregnancy or implantation) that might happen days after conception.
you know in the real world this matters not a bit. BUT if this was Barack Obama's 17 year old, or if Chelsea had ended up pregnant as a 17 year old it would have been the fault of liberalism. You conservatives like to pretend that you are the biggest bunch of magnanamous pricks in the world but you KNOW you would have laid this at the feet of permissive liberalism. But now that it is conservative family values that teach a kid not to even THINK about birth control it is just WONDERFUL that she is having a baby at 17. God don't we just wish it for all our kids. I know that I go to bed every night hoping that my daughter at 17 ends up pregnant her senior year, and soon to be wed. It is EVERY father's dream. Fucking Hypocrits

Palin fully supports birth control for women...just read she belongs to a feminist group that is against abortion but fully supports women using birth control....

you are probably on the nose with what repubs would have done...but their political geniuses(probably really Rove) COUNTED on YOU reacting the same way with palin's kid...and Palin....regarding all of her itty bitty problems....we've gone from her lying about her down syndrone grandchild and pretending she gave birth to it to her being a lousy mother because her age of consent 17 year old had legal sex and got pregnant.....

not one mention on the news regarding obama and the great convention since the day it ended....

you've BEEN HAD, imo...

No, miscarriage is the term used for a pregnancy that ends on it's own, within the first 20 weeks of gestation. This happens prior to pregnancy, and most are completely unaware that fertilization has occurred.

You think up to 50% of pregnancies end in miscarriage?

pregnancy preg·nan·cy (prěg'nən-sē)

1. The condition of a woman or female mammal from conception until birth; the condition of being pregnant.
2. The period during which a woman or female mammal is pregnant. Also called cyesis.

The American Heritage® Stedman's Medical Dictionary
Copyright © 2002, 2001, 1995 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company

miscarriage mis·car·riage (mĭs'kār'ĭj, mĭs-kār'-)
1. Premature expulsion of a nonviable fetus, especially before the middle of the second trimester of gestation; spontaneous abortion.

The American Heritage® Stedman's Medical Dictionary
Copyright © 2002, 2001, 1995 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company.

Pregnancy is from conception until birth. Before pregnancy there is no fertilized egg.

And a miscarriage is a miscarriage, even if the person does not know they are pregnant.
I just thought you might need the actual medical definition of "pregnancy".

You seem to think there is some period of time between conception and pregnancy.
I just thought you might need the actual medical definition of "pregnancy".

You seem to think there is some period of time between conception and pregnancy.

There is. You found one definition that fits your ignorance, but it is not the accepted definition by law or medical professionals.
I just thought you might need the actual medical definition of "pregnancy".

You seem to think there is some period of time between conception and pregnancy.

there is a delay between fertilized egg and conception...conception takes place when the fertilized egg has made it to the uterus and attached itself to the womb and starts rapid cell growth....about week three in pregnancy...btween 3 and 4th weeks of pregnancy it becomes an embryo...many fertilized eggs do not make it to conception...
There is. You found one definition that fits your ignorance, but it is not the accepted definition by law or medical professionals.

I entered the word on I didn't search for a term that fits my view. Besides, if there is no pregnancy until the zygote attaches to the wall of the uterus, why is there something called a "tubal pregnancy"?

From "Tubal pregnancy: A pregnancy that is not in the usual place within the uterus but is located in the Fallopian tube. Tubal pregnancies are due to the inability of the fertilized egg to make its way through the Fallopian tube into the uterus."

I am not taking one side or the other here, just explaining the difference between pushing values and believing life begins at conception.
Again, not according to most/many pro-lifers. The morning after pill works by preventing implantation. Many pro-lifers believe this results in an abortion, and so clearly they believe conception is fertilization.

You guys are using poorly distinguished definitions in the terms and politically motivated definitions.
Again, not according to most/many pro-lifers. The morning after pill works by preventing implantation. Many pro-lifers believe this results in an abortion, and so clearly they believe conception is fertilization.

You guys are using poorly distinguished definitions in the terms and politically motivated definitions.

Considering we have posted differing definitions from medical dictionaries and medical websites, I think my point has been made.

If Palin wants Roe v Wade overturned, she is not pushing her values onto anyone. She is defending, what she believes is, a human life.
Again, not according to most/many pro-lifers. The morning after pill works by preventing implantation. Many pro-lifers believe this results in an abortion, and so clearly they believe conception is fertilization.

You guys are using poorly distinguished definitions in the terms and politically motivated definitions.
Many people think that is the definition, but they are mistaken. I understand that you are on about the pro-lifers in general, but that doesn't change what the word conception actually means. Pregnancy begins when the Zygote is formed, but it has not reached conception, according to most Medical Doctors (except the uber-religious) until it has implanted.
Again, not according to most/many pro-lifers. The morning after pill works by preventing implantation. Many pro-lifers believe this results in an abortion, and so clearly they believe conception is fertilization.

You guys are using poorly distinguished definitions in the terms and politically motivated definitions.
well if the prolifers are strict Catholics, they are not suppose to take or believe, that birth control of any kind other than the rhythmic method is ok either...maybe they are mixing the two together? or ignoring the medical definitions of pregnancy stages?
Again, not according to most/many pro-lifers. The morning after pill works by preventing implantation. Many pro-lifers believe this results in an abortion, and so clearly they believe conception is fertilization.

You guys are using poorly distinguished definitions in the terms and politically motivated definitions.
Also, the reality is those who are religious believe you are taking place of God in decisions of the creation of life if you intervene at all. "God" would decide when and if you get pregnant, and he wouldn't let you conceive if he felt you were "not ready"....

At least I think that is the general belief of most of the religious on that matter.
If the pro-lifers are uneducated about the term "conception" then they need more info.

But their belief is that the medical abortion of a embryo is what they are against. If they are mistaken about when conception happens, they are still fighting a battle against someone taking an embryo (which they believe is a living, albiet undeveloped, human) out and killing it.
Many people think that is the definition, but they are mistaken. I understand that you are on about the pro-lifers in general, but that doesn't change what the word conception actually means. Pregnancy begins when the Zygote is formed, but it has not reached conception, according to most Medical Doctors (except the uber-religious) until it has implanted.

No, if anything you have it backwards. According to most doctors pregnancy begins at implantation. Some use conception and pregnancy as to mean implantation. Others define conception as fertilization.
If a person truly believes that life begins when the embryo is attached to the walls of the uterus, then is opposing abortion forcing their values on someone? Or is it a battle for a life?