Family Value Conservatives: Sarah Palin's Daughter Pregnant at 17..and Not married...

if she can't raise her own daughter with family values, how does she plan to incorporate them into every family in America?
if she can't raise her own daughter with family values, how does she plan to incorporate them into every family in America?

I think it remains to be seen that she didn't raise her family with good values.

I only know one person (my age and younger) who abstained from all sex until marriage. And since this person isn't married yet, its no guarantee.
if she can't raise her own daughter with family values, how does she plan to incorporate them into every family in America?
her daughter is not terminating her pregnancy just because she made a mistake, this is where they see the family values....

and WHO SAID she planned to incorporate them in to every family in America....isn't that being a little melodramatic or did i miss something?

did our government get changed and now vp's make laws instead of the Congress?

do vp's now get to make executive orders?

you are buying in to this preplanned to cause vavoc pick and wake up the RR of the repubs, lock stock and barrel and are gonna make the once lukewarm mccain supporters, come out in droves....imo rob!

her daughter is not terminating her pregnancy just because she made a mistake, this is where they see the family values....

and WHO SAID she planned to incorporate them in to every family in America....isn't that being a little melodramatic or did i miss something?

did our government get changed and now vp's make laws instead of the Congress?

do vp's now get to make executive orders?

you are buying in to this preplanned to cause vavoc pick and wake up the RR of the repubs, lock stock and barrel and are gonna make the once lukewarm mccain supporters, come out in droves....imo rob!


she's prolife and for overturning roe v wade. seems to me that she wants to incorporate her values into each family in the US. in any event, i think that's great that she's keeping the baby... However it might have helped them to avoid this whole situation if they spent 6.25 on a box of trojans or was on the pill.

And she comes from a very well off family care who can financially sustain a child. Some people can't afford a child, and/or don't want to financially pay for it. What it really comes down to is that it's not my business what other people choose to do about issues in their life anymore than it is my business as to what her 17 y/o easy street daughter does.
her daughter is not terminating her pregnancy just because she made a mistake, this is where they see the family values...
and WHO SAID she planned to incorporate them in to every family in America....isn't that being a little melodramatic or did i miss something?

Didd our government get changed and now vp's make laws instead of the Congres?

do vp's now get to make executivee orders
you are buyi preplanned to cause vavoc pick and wake up the RR of the repub, lock s barrel and are gonna make the once lukewarm mccain supporter

care, they are just trolling. Not worthy of the thought out answers you are giving.
she's prolife and for overturning roe v wade. seems to me that she wants to incorporate her values into each family in the US. in any event, i think that's great that she's keeping the baby... However it might have helped them to avoid this whole situation if they spent 6.25 on a box of trojans or was on the pill.

And she comes from a very well off family care who can financially sustain a child. Some people can't afford a child, and/or don't want to financially pay for it. What it really comes down to is that it's not my business what other people choose to do about issues in their life anymore than it is my business as to what her 17 y/o easy street daughter does.

The opponents of Roe v Wade are not about forcing their values onto other people. That is not the disagreement.

The disagreement is about when life begins, either at conception or at some later date.

If you believe that life begins at conception, then you are against Roe v Wade. Not to force others to follow your ideology, but to preserve a living human being.
what a myopic view. they disagree with me so they must be trolling...

Sorry rob not the case you two were trolling. Disagreeing about abortion with palin is fine. I don't agree with her position on it. tou hits were attacking like hacks which is what you yourself you doing on a recent visit to the board.
what a myopic view. they disagree with me so they must be trolling...
Care is giving a valid warning. The reality is that predicted massive jump in the polls from your candidate's "awesome" speech evaporates a little bit more with each inane attack.

We went from talking about "The Speech" to Palin in .00000007 seconds and haven't turned back since.
Care is giving a valid warning. The reality is that predicted massive jump in the polls from your candidate's "awesome" speech evaporates a little bit more with each inane attack.

We went from talking about "The Speech" to Palin in .00000007 seconds and haven't turned back since.

That was extremely well-orchestrated by McCain, but it doesn't change the fact that the speech was very well received, and viewed by 38 million. I think they hoped for more, but Obama got what he needed out of it.

I doubt McCain will get too much bump this week, though it could happen. Obama still leads in the polls; maybe he can get it back to a tie, or take a small lead.

A lot will come down to the debates, but I agree with one commentator that Palin herself is a short-term buzz that will be followed by a long hangover, which we're already starting to see.
you know in the real world this matters not a bit. BUT if this was Barack Obama's 17 year old, or if Chelsea had ended up pregnant as a 17 year old it would have been the fault of liberalism. You conservatives like to pretend that you are the biggest bunch of magnanamous pricks in the world but you KNOW you would have laid this at the feet of permissive liberalism. But now that it is conservative family values that teach a kid not to even THINK about birth control it is just WONDERFUL that she is having a baby at 17. God don't we just wish it for all our kids. I know that I go to bed every night hoping that my daughter at 17 ends up pregnant her senior year, and soon to be wed. It is EVERY father's dream. Fucking Hypocrits
you know in the real world this matters not a bit. BUT if this was Barack Obama's 17 year old, or if Chelsea had ended up pregnant as a 17 year old it would have been the fault of liberalism. You conservatives like to pretend that you are the biggest bunch of magnanamous pricks in the world but you KNOW you would have laid this at the feet of permissive liberalism. But now that it is conservative family values that teach a kid not to even THINK about birth control it is just WONDERFUL that she is having a baby at 17. God don't we just wish it for all our kids. I know that I go to bed every night hoping that my daughter at 17 ends up pregnant her senior year, and soon to be wed. It is EVERY father's dream. Fucking Hypocrits

VERY VERY TRUE DAT.... its the point i was trying to make, its holyroller hypocrisy. It happens all the time. They have the money to support the baby so its all good, but if it was a liberal, it would be just another baby to get a bigger welfare check.

=Socrtease;319490]you know in the real world this matters not a bit. BUT if this was Barack Obama's 17 year old, or if Chelsea had ended up pregnant as a 17 yr old it would have be the fault of liberalimm. You conservatives lik to pretend that you are the biggest bunc of magnanamous pricks in the world bu you JNOW you would have laidd
this at the feet of peemissiver
liberalism. But now that it is conservativ family values that teach a kid not to even TGINK about birth control it is just WONDERFUL that she is having a baby a 17. God don't we just wish it for all our kids.I know that I go to bed every night hoping that my daughter at 17 ends up pregnant her senior year, and soon to be wed. It is EVEY father's dream. Fucking Hypocrits[/QUOTE]
Maybe i'm missing something but who is celebrating a 17 year old being pregnant? I've seen a couple on TV say they are glad she has having the baby but i'm not sure what's hypocritical about that.
The opponents of Roe v Wade are not about forcing their values onto other people. That is not the disagreement.

The disagreement is about when life begins, either at conception or at some later date.

If you believe that life begins at conception, then you are against Roe v Wade. Not to force others to follow your ideology, but to preserve a living human being.

If you believe life begins at conception then you are a retarded hypocrite. When in the history of any society have fertilized eggs flushed regularly from a womans body been treated as a death, in ritual or legal matters.
If you believe life begins at conception then you are a retarded hypocrite. When in the history of any society have fertilized eggs flushed regularly from a womans body been treated as a death, in ritual or legal matters.

When do fertilized eggs get regularly flushed from a woman's body? Unfertilized eggs do so every 28 days.

I am not defending the belief, just pointing out the difference between believing in life at conception and trying to force your values on someone else.
When do fertilized eggs get regularly flushed from a woman's body? Unfertilized eggs do so every 28 days.

You are ignorant. Not all fertilized eggs successfully implant in the wall of the uterus. Between 30-50% are believed to fail and then are flushed out in the menstrual cycle.
You are ignorant. Not all fertilized eggs successfully implant in the wall of the uterus. Between 30-50% are believed to fail and then are flushed out in the menstrual cycle.

And that is an unsuccessful pregnancy or a miscarriage.

If you cannot see the difference between a miscarriage and an abortion, you calling me ignorant is almost funny.

If my wife trips on the stairs and falls and hits her head and dies, its called an accident. If I push my wife down the stairs its called murder.

Can you at least see why they fight abortions the way they do? Its not about wanting to push values (other than the value of a human life), its about stopping someone from killing another human being.