Famous Atheist


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Famous Atheist

What have Atheist done to make the world a better place to live in? Here is a short list of modern day Atheist leaders.

Adolf Hitler acknowledged that he abhorred organized religion. There is evidence that he engaged in “nazi mysticism” or occultism. Adolf Hitler was raised a Catholic, he became a Illuminist, and while the dictator of Germany he became an Atheist.

Joseph Stalin (Russian Dictator)
Mao ZeDong (Chinese Dictator)
Pol Pot (Cambodian Dictator)
Slobodan Milosevic (Serbian Dictator)
Vladimir Ilyich Lenin (Russian Dictator)
Benito Mussolini (Italian Dictator)

Napoleon Bonaparte: He claimed that “all religions have been made by men”

Kim Jong Il: Atheist, although in North Korea he and his father are deified. A strange twist.

Jim Jones: Jim Jones was quoted as saying he used his church to bring people to atheism.

Tito (Yugoslavia 1945-1987)
Suharto (Communists 1967-66)
Ante Pavelic (Croatia 1941-45)
Ho Chi Min (Vietnam 1953-56)
Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin. Born: October 7, 1952. (Russian Dictator)

What all of these men have in common, is that they were mass murderers who had no respect for life.
Vladimir Putin is not an atheist.
He claims to be a devout Christian, and cultivates an unholy alliance with the corrupt patriarch and bishops of the Orthodox church.
Vladimir Putin is not an atheist.
He claims to be a devout Christian, and cultivates an unholy alliance with the corrupt patriarch and bishops of the Orthodox church.

Many years and many people see religion as a way to advance themselves. Being a protestant Christian I do not see Catholics as Christians because of their Pagan ways.
Many years and many people see religion as a way to advance themselves. Being a protestant Christian I do not see Catholics as Christians because of their Pagan ways.
Orthodox are not Catholics.

Protestants cannot even decide among themselves what it means to be a Christian. Just attend Pentecostal service and then a Quaker meeting if you don't believe me.
Organized atheism is a religion. Ask me how I know. The struggle for power and money is counterproductive to atheists promoting equality and justice. JPP is proof that some atheists here don't care about knowledge or truth. The fight between good and evil goes back to when we were hunter-gatherers and didn't have time to think about religion.
Hello CherubRam,

Famous Atheist

What have Atheist done to make the world a better place to live in? Here is a short list of modern day Atheist leaders.

Adolf Hitler acknowledged that he abhorred organized religion. There is evidence that he engaged in “nazi mysticism” or occultism. Adolf Hitler was raised a Catholic, he became a Illuminist, and while the dictator of Germany he became an Atheist.

Joseph Stalin (Russian Dictator)
Mao ZeDong (Chinese Dictator)
Pol Pot (Cambodian Dictator)
Slobodan Milosevic (Serbian Dictator)
Vladimir Ilyich Lenin (Russian Dictator)
Benito Mussolini (Italian Dictator)

Napoleon Bonaparte: He claimed that “all religions have been made by men”

Kim Jong Il: Atheist, although in North Korea he and his father are deified. A strange twist.

Jim Jones: Jim Jones was quoted as saying he used his church to bring people to atheism.

Tito (Yugoslavia 1945-1987)
Suharto (Communists 1967-66)
Ante Pavelic (Croatia 1941-45)
Ho Chi Min (Vietnam 1953-56)
Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin. Born: October 7, 1952. (Russian Dictator)

What all of these men have in common, is that they were mass murderers who had no respect for life.

What BS.

Cherry picked.

It would be just as easy to come up with a list of very religious people who have committed atrocities and claim religion is at fault.

Onward, Christian soldiers...
Many years and many people see religion as a way to advance themselves. Being a protestant Christian I do not see Catholics as Christians because of their Pagan ways.

Oh geeze. It's one of *those* OnlyTrueChristian(tm) types.

Thread and opinions dismissed.
Famous Atheist

What have Atheist done to make the world a better place to live in? Here is a short list of modern day Atheist leaders.

Adolf Hitler acknowledged that he abhorred organized religion. There is evidence that he engaged in “nazi mysticism” or occultism. Adolf Hitler was raised a Catholic, he became a Illuminist, and while the dictator of Germany he became an Atheist.

Joseph Stalin (Russian Dictator)
Mao ZeDong (Chinese Dictator)
Pol Pot (Cambodian Dictator)
Slobodan Milosevic (Serbian Dictator)
Vladimir Ilyich Lenin (Russian Dictator)
Benito Mussolini (Italian Dictator)

Napoleon Bonaparte: He claimed that “all religions have been made by men”

Kim Jong Il: Atheist, although in North Korea he and his father are deified. A strange twist.

Jim Jones: Jim Jones was quoted as saying he used his church to bring people to atheism.

Tito (Yugoslavia 1945-1987)
Suharto (Communists 1967-66)
Ante Pavelic (Croatia 1941-45)
Ho Chi Min (Vietnam 1953-56)
Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin. Born: October 7, 1952. (Russian Dictator)

What all of these men have in common, is that they were mass murderers who had no respect for life.

There are evil atheists and evil theists. The difference between an atheist and a theist is that the theists often do their killing in the name of their imaginary god. Atheists don't kill in the name of their no-god beliefs.
There are evil atheists and evil theists. The difference between an atheist and a theist is that the theists often do their killing in the name of their imaginary god. Atheists don't kill in the name of their no-god beliefs.
Welcome, noob.
"What have Atheist done to make the world a better place to live in? "

The question has been asked. To try to picture the answer, try considering a world without the accomplishments of these people:

"Woody Allen American humorist/film director.
“Not only is there no god, but try getting a plumber on weekends.”

Aristotle Greek philosopher.
“Men create gods after their own image.”

Isaac Asimov American biochemist and science-fiction writer.
“Properly read, the Bible is the most potent force for atheism ever conceived.”

Robert Burns Scottish poet.
“All religions are auld wives’ fables.”

George Carlin American comedian.
“Atheism is a non-prophet organization.”

Andrew Carnegie Scottish-American steel magnate.
“I don’t believe in God. My god is patriotism. Teach a man to be a good citizen and you have solved the problem of life.”

Noam Chomsky American linguist.
“How do I define God? I don’t. I see no need.”

Clarence Darrow
American lawyer.
“I don’t believe in God because I don’t believe in Mother Goose.”

Emily Dickinson
American poet.
“‘Faith’ is a fine invention, when gentlemen can see / But microscopes are prudent in an emergency.”

Thomas Edison
American inventor.
“Religion is all bunk.”

Benjamin Franklin
American statesman and inventor.
“The way to see by faith is to shut the eye of reason.”

Sigmund Freud
Austrian physician and psychoanalyst.
“The whole thing is so patently infantile, [religion] so foreign to reality, that to anyone with a friendly attitude to humanity it is painful to think that the great majority of mortals will never be able to rise above this view of life.”

Stephen Fry
English comedian, actor, and writer.
“The god who created this universe, if he created this universe, is quite clearly a maniac, an utter maniac, totally selfish. We have to spend our lives on our knees thanking him. What kind of god would do that?”

Ernest Hemingway
American writer.
“All thinking men are atheists.” (and he has been in foxholes)

Thomas Jefferson American president.
“Question with boldness even the existence of a god.”

Stephen King American novelist.
“The beauty of religious mania is that … logic can be happily tossed out the window.”

Stanley Kubrick American movie director.
“The whole idea of god is absurd.”

Richard Lederer American linguist.
“There once was a time when all people believed in God and the church ruled. The time was called the Dark Ages.”

Ferdinand Magellan Portuguese explorer.
“The church says the earth is flat, but I know that it is round, for I have seen the shadow on the moon, and I have more faith in a shadow than in the church.”

Gene Roddenberry
American television writer/creator of Star Trek.
“We must question the story logic of having an all-knowing, all-powerful God who creates faulty Humans and then blames them for his own mistakes.”

George Bernard Shaw Irish-born English playwright.
“The fact that a believer is happier than a skeptic is no more to the point than the fact that a drunken man is happier than a sober one.”

Gloria Steinem
American journalist.
“It’s an incredible con job when you think about it, to believe something now in exchange for something after death. Even corporations with their reward systems don’t try to make it posthumous.”

Leo Tolstoy
Russian novelist.
“The teaching of the church is in theory a crafty and evil lie, and in practice a concoction of gross superstition and witchcraft.”

Mark Twain American writer.
“Faith is believing what you know ain’t so.”

Kurt Vonnegut
American writer.
“Say what you will about the sweet miracle of unquestioning faith, I consider a capacity for it terrifying and absolutely vile.”

Oscar Wilde
Anglo-Irish poet/novelist.
“To believe is very dull. To doubt is intensely engrossing.”

Edward O. Wilson American biologist.
“To understand human nature in depth is to drain the fever swamps of religious and blank-slate dogma.”

Frank Lloyd Wright American architect.
“I believe in God, only I spell it Nature.” "

I selected a few of the more popular names. There are many more on the list at the link:

What have Atheists done for the world
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Famous Atheist

What have Atheist done to make the world a better place to live in? Here is a short list of modern day Atheist leaders.

Adolf Hitler acknowledged that he abhorred organized religion. There is evidence that he engaged in “nazi mysticism” or occultism. Adolf Hitler was raised a Catholic, he became a Illuminist, and while the dictator of Germany he became an Atheist.

Joseph Stalin (Russian Dictator)
Mao ZeDong (Chinese Dictator)
Pol Pot (Cambodian Dictator)
Slobodan Milosevic (Serbian Dictator)
Vladimir Ilyich Lenin (Russian Dictator)
Benito Mussolini (Italian Dictator)

Napoleon Bonaparte: He claimed that “all religions have been made by men”

Kim Jong Il: Atheist, although in North Korea he and his father are deified. A strange twist.

Jim Jones: Jim Jones was quoted as saying he used his church to bring people to atheism.

Tito (Yugoslavia 1945-1987)
Suharto (Communists 1967-66)
Ante Pavelic (Croatia 1941-45)
Ho Chi Min (Vietnam 1953-56)
Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin. Born: October 7, 1952. (Russian Dictator)

What all of these men have in common, is that they were mass murderers who had no respect for life.

fucking stupid
There are evil atheists and evil theists. The difference between an atheist and a theist is that the theists often do their killing in the name of their imaginary god. Atheists don't kill in the name of their no-god beliefs.

I do not count the Catholics as Christians.
Hello CherubRam,

What BS.

Cherry picked.

It would be just as easy to come up with a list of very religious people who have committed atrocities and claim religion is at fault.

Onward, Christian soldiers...

Religious people who have committed atrocities are the Catholics. I do not count them as Christians because of their Paganism.
Many years and many people see religion as a way to advance themselves. Being a protestant Christian I do not see Catholics as Christians because of their Pagan ways.
Translation: Fuck you Jesus!

Thus proving you're not even a Christian at all. How can a person be a Christian if they don't follow Christ's two commandments or violate Christ's comment about judging others?
Religious people who have committed atrocities are the Catholics. I do not count them as Christians because of their Paganism.

Protestants were at least as hell-bent on burning alleged witches as Catholics were, if not more so.

Chatel slavery thrived in Protestant America like nowhere else in the Christian world.
Hello CherubRam,

Religious people who have committed atrocities are the Catholics. I do not count them as Christians because of their Paganism.

Puritans held atrocious witch trials and hanged women for being 'witches.' They are not Catholics nor Pagans but they committed atrocities.

I noticed you completely ignored the post listing many many very productive atheists who have made fantastic contributions to our world.

Is that because it completely and succinctly answered your question of what have atheists done to make the world a better place?

The world is indeed a far better place at the hands of these famous atheists, and no doubt countless others whose contributions of gone unrecorded day after day throughout history.

Also consider that many atheists are secretive. They are members of congregations, and in some cases even preachers of the Bible, but privately they do not believe. They merely pretend; and carry on the ruse in order to preserve their social standing and station.

You asked a question in the OP, it has been answered resoundingly, and you have ignored the answer. That is a glaring falsehood.
Then you don't know the definition of "Christian."

The Gloss of Extravagantes of Pope John XXII, Cum. Inter, title 14, chapter 4, "Ad Callem Sexti Decretalium", Column 140 (Paris, 1685). In an Antwerp edition of the Extravagantes, the words, Dominum Deum Nostrum Papam ("Our Lord God the Pope") can be found in column 153.

2 Thessalonians 2:4
He will oppose and will exalt himself over everything that is called God or is worshiped, so that he sets himself up in God’s temple, proclaiming himself to be God.

The Pope is not God.