Famous Atheist

Which one of them gave moral laws to live by? Which one of them said anything about good and evil being a fact of life, and not some mans opinion?

Who do you think gave them? Who decides Good and Evil?

Do you know what you are talking about or are you simply putting on a show, CherubRam?
You are an evil person who uses your claimed religion to spew hate on your fellow man

You better hope there is no hell

More likely his seabag isn't packed very tight.

FWIW, I love to collect the age and education data on the nutjobs posting on JPP. Most of the nutjobs refuse to say but, over time, they reveal their knowledge of past events thereby revealing both their age, gender, IQ and educational level.

Every post counts! :thup:
Orthodox are not Catholics.

Protestants cannot even decide among themselves what it means to be a Christian. Just attend Pentecostal service and then a Quaker meeting if you don't believe me.

How much is really different in Russian/Greek Orthodox and "Da Holy Roman Catholic Church".

I ain't been to no Russian Orthodox, but Greek Orthodox is very like Catholic.
The Gloss of Extravagantes of Pope John XXII, Cum. Inter, title 14, chapter 4, "Ad Callem Sexti Decretalium", Column 140 (Paris, 1685). In an Antwerp edition of the Extravagantes, the words, Dominum Deum Nostrum Papam ("Our Lord God the Pope") can be found in column 153.

2 Thessalonians 2:4
He will oppose and will exalt himself over everything that is called God or is worshiped, so that he sets himself up in God’s temple, proclaiming himself to be God.

The Pope is not God.

That's nice, honey. The Definition of Christian

1a: one who professes belief in the teachings of Jesus Christ

Catholics believe the teachings of Jesus Christ, therefore Catholics are Christian. Furthermore, Catholics do not believe the Pope is God despite what you cherrypicked from some ancient 17th century manuscript. I suspect you took that phrase out of context.

Hello CherubRam,

The thread is about famous Atheist.

The OP didn't say 'famous.' And why should the discussion be limited only to famous atheists? The world is comprised of far more humans than the notable ones.

There are atheists doing good things for the world every day; just as surely as there are Christians doing wrong.
The OP is a bad example of a Christian

I doubt he's a sane Christian. Definitely has all the hallmarks of a wackadoodle wearing Christianity as a mask.

Many years and many people see religion as a way to advance themselves. Being a protestant Christian I do not see Catholics as Christians because of their Pagan ways.
I do not count the Catholics as Christians.
I see no great loss if none of them had not existed.
It is not evil to not believe gods and monsters are real

It is evil to condemn people for not believing what you believe

Agreed on both points.

OTOH, a person who claims nothing exists beyond the physical is no different than someone who says something does exist beyond our mortal coil.

It's a great mystery and there's no evidence, just a lot of questions.
Hello CherubRam,

Link to evidence that evolution is a falsehood, please?

Looks like settled science to millions.

Please note: I do not recognize the Bible as any authority. It was written by humans, and is full of contradictions.

Anything written or constructed by man is inherently flawed. Still, lots of things can be learned or used with flawed tools.

Do you believe any good came from Christianity? Judaism? Islam? Buddhism?
Hello CherubRam,

Which one of them gave moral laws to live by? Which one of them said anything about good and evil being a fact of life, and not some mans opinion?

Many believe those are precisely that: just opinions.

Morality does not depend on religion. It can exist within many religions or with no religion at all; just as surely as people within religions can do wrong.

What of opulent rich televangelists? Are they doing good by taking money from worshipers and spending it on lavish displays of gaudy wealth? Should they be living a luxurious rich lifestyle because they tugged at emotions and got suckers to send them money?

Many believe those Christians are doing wrong; they are ripping people off.