

Villified User
A fond farewell to my friends.
Live long and prosper in all ways. Yes kind of corney but says what I mean.

To those who think poorly of me.
Kiss my ass.
A fond farewell to my friends.
Live long and prosper in all ways. Yes kind of corney but says what I mean.

To those who think poorly of me.
Kiss my ass.

Later dude.

Can I have your rep points if you're not going to use them?

Just kidding...gonna miss your tude!
I do have to give citizen props for his Bobby Knight-esque comment. Paraphrasing Bobby Knight 'when I die I want them to bury me face down so all the critics can kiss my ass'.
Obviously, you didn't see my conversation with usc, wiseass.

He's once again expressing his obsession with me.
In the middle of a disagreement, US pulled out the disabled card and tried to play it to win.

I don't play that game.
I have as much empathy as the next person. for the problems of others; but not when someone wants to throw themself into the fray and they use their problem as an excuse or a crutch.

Timmie seems to infatuated with me, I wonder if I can claim him as a dependent on my Tax Return??
Don't go. :(
I know, I don't want him to go either, but unfortunately, JPP is becoming just like AOL! A lot of us are finding better and other things to do with our time, like Mafia Wars! rather than being insulted here on each and every post. I don't blame him for going! I keep in contact with Lady T and Darla and I hope now with him on other venues! It is so much better! Debate there is refreshing!
Yes he told us and when Dumbo decided to take the piss out of him for being in a wheelchair and on oxygen, you rushed in like the proverbial bull/china shop to defend him.
Is that what happened, Tom?

Shameful, but that is the filth called Freedom! Remember Sweetshru and when she wanted to kill herself and he practically begged her to do it!

They man is pig manure!