
Always the pragmatist :)

Nope not yet. I am just choosing not to be bothered with as many dumbasses in my life.

LOL, fer sure gone 1 week and back comes both Dixie and Danodemento :)

Enjoy. I am just tired of this childish stuff with dumbasses. Life especially mine is just to short to choose to hang with dumbasses.

I just logged back in to change my passwords to something I can't remember to remove temptation. Done and throwing the postit note away now.

Farewell and good luck to all the good people on here. Even you And Damo:)You are 2 righties who have my respect, even if we disagreed a lot.

Good to see Anyold back as well though.


Froggie, I tried to PM ya, but you were blocked, being annoyed by the trash I assume. Anyway check with Thorn I left you a line in her PM.

I left Danodemento a bad rep as a going away gift just for the principle of it. Did not even read his thread :D

Toppy, keep you head up your ass and you will be happy.

Leaning, Keep on fishin! Life can be good if kept simpler.

I have forgotten specifics for several on here I admire and like , but do not feel pregnant. I will remember you.
Do me a favor when things happen that I said would please remind the knot heads who said it first.

I enjoy being referred to as a broke clock that is right 2wice a day.
Funny thing my broken digital clock in my shed is about as right and bright as they are.

I miss you my friend
Is that what happened, Tom?

Shameful, but that is the filth called Freedom! Remember Sweetshru and when she wanted to kill herself and he practically begged her to do it!

They man is pig manure!

wow you really are a sociopath
jesus your pathetic.

I know you get all hot when I insult you for being such a piece of shit but in reality your are just still jacking yourself off
Quote Originally Posted by Cancel5 View Post

Is that what happened, Tom?

Shameful, but that is the filth called Freedom! Remember Sweetshru and when she wanted to kill herself and he practically begged her to do it!

They man is pig manure!
Quote Originally Posted by Cancel5 View Post

Is that what happened, Tom?

Shameful, but that is the filth called Freedom! Remember Sweetshru and when she wanted to kill herself and he practically begged her to do it!

They man is pig manure!

Most of that stuff was on the Rate Bush Board, I went on there occasionally but considered it to like the Wild West as it was dominated by Darla and her cohorts. There was a hell of a lot of bad shit over there. I, for my sins, preferred to stay on the War in Iraq board but unfortunately the loonies would come over every now and again to spread mayhem.
You now know him as Pope Francis...:rofl2:

Liz Lemon epic eyeroll just for you, chicken boo.
