
the only thing "going on" is that liberals aren't winning all the arguments......of course, if you wanted to win arguments, you ought to stop picking the wrong side of every debate.....

....in your eyes.
If you would extend your capacity to think, you would understand it isn't politics I'm talking about, it's the stupid, cruel, childish, personal, vulgar stuff, which you, apparently, have no problem with since they are picking your 'right side' of every debate.
It led to the ultimate downfall of that board as most, slowly but surely, dropped off, leaving it to be almost exclusively composed of posts consisting of the above garbage. Though AOL waited too long, ultimately they, mercifully, decided to let it die.

(I don't want to "win" arguments, I want to 'make' arguments, when needed, to clarify or correct lies, exaggerations, 1/2 truths and hypocrisy. I know I can never change your political views, nor can you change mine, so winning is not an issue.)
....in your eyes.
If you would extend your capacity to think, you would understand it isn't politics I'm talking about, it's the stupid, cruel, childish, personal, vulgar stuff, which you, apparently, have no problem with since they are picking your 'right side' of every debate.
It led to the ultimate downfall of that board as most, slowly but surely, dropped off, leaving it to be almost exclusively composed of posts consisting of the above garbage. Though AOL waited too long, ultimately they, mercifully, decided to let it die.

(I don't want to "win" arguments, I want to 'make' arguments, when needed, to clarify or correct lies, exaggerations, 1/2 truths and hypocrisy. I know I can never change your political views, nor can you change mine, so winning is not an issue.)

I'm sorry, but if you're talking about stupid, cruel, childish shit, USC's leaving will help lighten the load......and deleting half your post above would have as well.....
....in your eyes.
If you would extend your capacity to think, you would understand it isn't politics I'm talking about, it's the stupid, cruel, childish, personal, vulgar stuff, which you, apparently, have no problem with since they are picking your 'right side' of every debate. It led to the ultimate downfall of that board as everyone slowly but surely dropped off, leaving it to be almost exclusively composed of posts consisting of the above.

You're so full of shit.
The AOL board ended, for the same reason that all the other AOL boards from the past failed.

AOL decided to change, period.
I'm sorry, but if you're talking about stupid, cruel, childish shit, USC's leaving will help lighten the load......and deleting half your post above would have as well.....

Belme is acting like the left on the AOL board were innocent and never did anything wrong. I've never seen anything like the vile, filthy crap coming out of some of their mouths. If there had been a monitor on that board, they would have been banned.
Belme is acting like the left on the AOL board were innocent and never did anything wrong. I've never seen anything like the vile, filthy crap coming out of some of their mouths. If there had been a monitor on that board, they would have been banned.

What a load of pure unabbreviated bullshit, but then again belme has always been a tad on the dramatic side and this plays so well to it.

The AOL boards were slated for extermination for a very long time and it was discussed ad nauseum years before the actual hatchet was slammed down. When it finally came, one of the people that had a catatonic fit when they disappeared and he could no longer be hooked up for life support, was belme. I saw one of his frantic posts he made after not being able to access the board for several days.

AOL shut the boards down because it was a waste of time, effort, and money. It was a free service.
Belme is acting like the left on the AOL board were innocent and never did anything wrong. I've never seen anything like the vile, filthy crap coming out of some of their mouths. If there had been a monitor on that board, they would have been banned.

I will admit that sometimes my posts veer towards the carnal but definitely not vile or filthy. :cof1:
I rest my case.

What case would that be blowsme? That you are a skirt wearing bloviating ninney? Or that you just had to step in and accuse those whom you disagree with of having so much power that they took down AOL? The back and forth personal attacks come from both sides always have always will; that you continue to pretrend it was one side of the political spectrum is not just absurd, it's idiotic and blatant hypocrisy!
Belme is acting like the left on the AOL board were innocent and never did anything wrong. I've never seen anything like the vile, filthy crap coming out of some of their mouths. If there had been a monitor on that board, they would have been banned.

I was responding, in kind, to the prophet. I go elsewhere when I see those threads, nor do I condone the silliness from anybody. It's not my duty or my right to enter into those threads to give an opinion on what I consider stupidity to whomever. Only when the stupidity itself becomes the topic of a thread will I sometime enter in. That said, anyone who denies that this type of thread had become the rule on WOT before they deep sixed it, either isn't being honest with him/herself, or has their head in the sand.
I was responding, in kind, to the prophet. I go elsewhere when I see those threads, nor do I condone the silliness from anybody. It's not my duty or my right to enter into those threads to give an opinion on what I consider stupidity to whomever. Only when the stupidity itself becomes the topic of a thread will I sometime enter in. That said, anyone who denies that this type of thread had become the rule on WOT before they deep sixed it, either isn't being honest with him/herself, or has their head in the sand.

Your intent was to imply that was the reason the boards were shut down and not only is that disengenous, it is an out and out lie. Filth went on on that board for years before they pulled the plug and no one knows that better than you.

No one denies anything about the tone of debate or the ugliness. Certainly didn't stop you from frequenting that board or bitching about it.

Other boards were systematically closed down when AOL reorganized and there were many who wrote and begged for them to bring them back.

I might also add belme, you were one of the last posters left on the WOT right before it gasped it's last breath. I also remember seeing one of the last posts on that board and it was from you whining about it being shut down.
What case would that be blowsme? That you are a skirt wearing bloviating ninney? Or that you just had to step in and accuse those whom you disagree with of having so much power that they took down AOL? The back and forth personal attacks come from both sides always have always will; that you continue to pretrend it was one side of the political spectrum is not just absurd, it's idiotic and blatant hypocrisy!

I do not think it comes from one side, I never have. Please read my reply to tutu.
The post you are taking offense to was a reply to Prophet who is certain I am always on the wrong side, therefefore my comment to him.
Haven't you learned yet that posts like the above from you are, to me, a sign I have hit the mark? Case closed.
I do not think it comes from one side, I never have. Please read my reply to tutu.
The post you are taking offense to was a reply to Prophet who is certain I am always on the wrong side, therefefore my comment to him.
Haven't you learned yet that posts like the above from you are, to me, a sign I have hit the mark? Case closed.

No belme. We've learned that you believe you can drop a stink bomb like you did with Damo and think no one is going to call you on your lie.

Now case is closed.
Your intent was to imply that was the reason the boards were shut down and not only is that disengenous, it is an out and out lie. Filth went on on that board for years before they pulled the plug and no one knows that better than you.

No one denies anything about the tone of debate or the ugliness. Certainly didn't stop you from frequenting that board or bitching about it.

Other boards were systematically closed down when AOL reorganized and there were many who wrote and begged for them to bring them back.

I might also add belme, you were one of the last posters left on the WOT right before it gasped it's last breath. I also remember seeing one of the last posts on that board and it was from you whining about it being shut down.

The reason the board shut down is that there weren't enough people left to keep it alive. AOL lives on advertising, the dozen or so people left on that board made it not worthwhile to continue. The reason so many people left, in my opinion, was the fact that it was no longer a board for discussing politics, but rather was a place more for personal sniping as in this thread. If I was there at the end, it wasnt as a participant in those threads. Even threads that were started seriously became obfuscated with the garbage when certain people didn't agree with the way the topic was turning if it didn't fit their thinking. The WOT board shitting down didn't affect my life even a little bit, the same would hold true here. AOL shutting the other board down was an act of mercy if not a monetary decision.
No belme. We've learned that you believe you can drop a stink bomb like you did with Damo and think no one is going to call you on your lie.

Now case is closed.

Damo is a big boy, bright enough to know what is best for him. I gave him my opinion about what occurred at WOT and the fact that I think this board is making a turn in the same direction. That's merely my opinion. If he agreed with me, fine, if not, it's his board, he'll do what he thinks is best without input from me.
Most interesting is your reaction and why.
What a load of pure unabbreviated bullshit, but then again belme has always been a tad on the dramatic side and this plays so well to it.

The AOL boards were slated for extermination for a very long time and it was discussed ad nauseum years before the actual hatchet was slammed down. When it finally came, one of the people that had a catatonic fit when they disappeared and he could no longer be hooked up for life support, was belme. I saw one of his frantic posts he made after not being able to access the board for several days.

AOL shut the boards down because it was a waste of time, effort, and money. It was a free service.

You never saw a post, as described above, from me. That is, unless you're confusing me with SJJRR???(which I doubt is the case), who truly was having a problem. Whatever became of him, unless he's here with another name?
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really?....what was it about my post that you found offensive?.....what caused you to respond "in kind"?.......

Trust me, I didn't take offense, I never do. I navigate this board with a smile. "In kind" was as a reply to your opinion that I'm always on the wrong side so I went along with it and touched off a s**t storm.

It must be the moon.
I was responding, in kind, to the prophet. I go elsewhere when I see those threads, nor do I condone the silliness from anybody. It's not my duty or my right to enter into those threads to give an opinion on what I consider stupidity to whomever. Only when the stupidity itself becomes the topic of a thread will I sometime enter in. That said, anyone who denies that this type of thread had become the rule on WOT before they deep sixed it, either isn't being honest with him/herself, or has their head in the sand.

UH; reread your post and then tell me that this isn't doing exactly what you are complaining about!!

It's not my duty or my right to enter into those threads to give an opinion on what I consider stupidity to whomever.

You originally blamed the CLOSURE on the behavior. Are you now admitting that you were just shit stirring, yoiurself!! :good4u:

....in your eyes.
If you would extend your capacity to think, you would understand it isn't politics I'm talking about, it's the stupid, cruel, childish, personal, vulgar stuff, which you, apparently, have no problem with since they are picking your 'right side' of every debate. It led to the ultimate downfall of that board as everyone slowly but surely dropped off, leaving it to be almost exclusively composed of posts consisting of the above.

By the way, how nice it was of you to type in an insult and then here is where you blamed everything on the 'right side', or do you have some other explanation that you want to try and use?? :good4u: