
This had turned into a hawt thread!

Kiss my ass bitch…..USFREEDOM: msg 25

Why don't you go visit Rosey Palm, your only friend!…..Froggie: msg 28

I take your "friend" ran out of usable batteries….USFREEDOM911: msg 29

Must be it, 'cause she's too old to be on the rag……Ice Dancer: msg 43

B-BOB aka Benji - Battery-Operated-Boyfriend……usaloyal2theend: msg 69

I think the Mrs and I will be making this an early night. :kiss2:

That's probably the best idea, these fools will never learn.
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Gee Road apple, you missed the first volley and everyone knows that it was just a mistake.

Shameful, but that is the filth called Freedom!

This had turned into a hawt thread!

Kiss my ass bitch…..USFREEDOM: msg 25

Why don't you go visit Rosey Palm, your only friend!…..Froggie: msg 28

I take your "friend" ran out of usable batteries….USFREEDOM911: msg 29

Must be it, 'cause she's too old to be on the rag……Ice Dancer: msg 43

B-BOB aka Benji - Battery-Operated-Boyfriend……usaloyal2theend: msg 69

I think the Mrs and I will be making this an early night. :kiss2:

Your fucking choice. :cof1:
That's probably the best idea, these fools have will never learn.

Yeah Tomasina. When we want to put our finger on the pulse of things in the general smarts arena, lord knows we won't be looking to you.

You keep whining and bitchin' about how much a waste of time it all is and here you are AGAIN shrieking and lifting your petticoats.

Prendergasp! strikes again!

What a Queen!
should i be putting you in my deathpool?

Always the pragmatist :)

Nope not yet. I am just choosing not to be bothered with as many dumbasses in my life.

LOL, fer sure gone 1 week and back comes both Dixie and Danodemento :)

Enjoy. I am just tired of this childish stuff with dumbasses. Life especially mine is just to short to choose to hang with dumbasses.

I just logged back in to change my passwords to something I can't remember to remove temptation. Done and throwing the postit note away now.

Farewell and good luck to all the good people on here. Even you And Damo:)You are 2 righties who have my respect, even if we disagreed a lot.

Good to see Anyold back as well though.


Froggie, I tried to PM ya, but you were blocked, being annoyed by the trash I assume. Anyway check with Thorn I left you a line in her PM.

I left Danodemento a bad rep as a going away gift just for the principle of it. Did not even read his thread :D

Toppy, keep you head up your ass and you will be happy.

Leaning, Keep on fishin! Life can be good if kept simpler.

I have forgotten specifics for several on here I admire and like , but do not feel pregnant. I will remember you.
Do me a favor when things happen that I said would please remind the knot heads who said it first.

I enjoy being referred to as a broke clock that is right 2wice a day.
Funny thing my broken digital clock in my shed is about as right and bright as they are.
Always the pragmatist :)

Nope not yet. I am just choosing not to be bothered with as many dumbasses in my life.

LOL, fer sure gone 1 week and back comes both Dixie and Danodemento :)

Enjoy. I am just tired of this childish stuff with dumbasses. Life especially mine is just to short to choose to hang with dumbasses.

I just logged back in to change my passwords to something I can't remember to remove temptation. Done and throwing the postit note away now.

Farewell and good luck to all the good people on here. Even you And Damo:)You are 2 righties who have my respect, even if we disagreed a lot.

Good to see Anyold back as well though.


Froggie, I tried to PM ya, but you were blocked, being annoyed by the trash I assume. Anyway check with Thorn I left you a line in her PM.

I left Danodemento a bad rep as a going away gift just for the principle of it. Did not even read his thread :D

Toppy, keep you head up your ass and you will be happy.

Leaning, Keep on fishin! Life can be good if kept simpler.

I have forgotten specifics for several on here I admire and like , but do not feel pregnant. I will remember you.
Do me a favor when things happen that I said would please remind the knot heads who said it first.

I enjoy being referred to as a broke clock that is right 2wice a day.
Funny thing my broken digital clock in my shed is about as right and bright as they are.

Us dumbasses will miss you....

what did you say your name was again? :)
Always the pragmatist :)

Nope not yet. I am just choosing not to be bothered with as many dumbasses in my life.

LOL, fer sure gone 1 week and back comes both Dixie and Danodemento :)

Enjoy. I am just tired of this childish stuff with dumbasses. Life especially mine is just to short to choose to hang with dumbasses.

I just logged back in to change my passwords to something I can't remember to remove temptation. Done and throwing the postit note away now.

Farewell and good luck to all the good people on here. Even you And Damo:)You are 2 righties who have my respect, even if we disagreed a lot.

Good to see Anyold back as well though.


Froggie, I tried to PM ya, but you were blocked, being annoyed by the trash I assume. Anyway check with Thorn I left you a line in her PM.

I left Danodemento a bad rep as a going away gift just for the principle of it. Did not even read his thread :D

Toppy, keep you head up your ass and you will be happy.

Leaning, Keep on fishin! Life can be good if kept simpler.

I have forgotten specifics for several on here I admire and like , but do not feel pregnant. I will remember you.
Do me a favor when things happen that I said would please remind the knot heads who said it first.

I enjoy being referred to as a broke clock that is right 2wice a day.
Funny thing my broken digital clock in my shed is about as right and bright as they are.
Shane, Come Back Shane! Shane! Shane!
what a stud....come back just to insult most of the board....

see ya and wouldn't want to be ya

When I was talking to him, he acted like he was checking out of this world because all of the pain he was having. Just goes to show some people just can't be believed.
When I was talking to him, he acted like he was checking out of this world because all of the pain he was having. Just goes to show some people just can't be believed.

I have been posting on message boards since 2002. It is amazing how often people like usc put up all their complaints personal and political, for the world to read...then spend time launching their own personal attacks against posters. These same kinds of people then whine about how they are picked on by the very antagonists they helped create...

EVERYONE has personal troubles~~~like DUH! The thing is, if you don't like the heat stay out of the kitchen and never make personal attacks if you can't handle a return volley....oh yeah and keep all your troubles to yourself if you have been a poster who makes personal attacks~~~

usc never had trouble fucking with someone and always whined when it was turned back on him~~~much like others I have seen. :gives:
'What Can We Do?'

"at their best, there is gentleness in Humanity.
some understanding and, at times, acts of
but all in all it is a mass, a glob that doesn't
have too much.
it is like a large animal deep in sleep and
almost nothing can awaken it.
when activated it's best at brutality,
selfishness, unjust judgments, murder.
what can we do with it, this Humanity?
avoid the thing as much as possible.
treat it as you would anything poisonous, vicious
and mindless.
but be careful. it has enacted laws to protect
itself from you.
it can kill you without cause.
and to escape it you must be subtle.
few escape.
it's up to you to figure a plan.
I have met nobody who has escaped.
I have met some of the great and
famous but they have not escaped
for they are only great and famous within
I have not escaped
but I have not failed in trying again and
before my death I hope to obtain my

Charles Bukowski
I have been posting on message boards since 2002. It is amazing how often people like usc put up all their complaints personal and political, for the world to read...then spend time launching their own personal attacks against posters. These same kinds of people then whine about how they are picked on by the very antagonists they helped create...

EVERYONE has personal troubles~~~like DUH! The thing is, if you don't like the heat stay out of the kitchen and never make personal attacks if you can't handle a return volley....oh yeah and keep all your troubles to yourself if you have been a poster who makes personal attacks~~~

usc never had trouble fucking with someone and always whined when it was turned back on him~~~much like others I have seen. :gives:
Hmm, given your religious fervour I'm sure that "let he that is without sin cast the first stone" resonates with you.

Damo, it's deja vu all over again. The same thing that killed the AOL 'WOT' board is happening here. If it was me and I had a fiduciary interest in this thing, I would watch it very closely.
Damo, it's deja vu all over again. The same thing that killed the AOL 'WOT' board is happening here. If it was me and I had a fiduciary interest in this thing, I would watch it very closely.

the only thing "going on" is that liberals aren't winning all the arguments......of course, if you wanted to win arguments, you ought to stop picking the wrong side of every debate.....
A fond farewell to my friends.
Live long and prosper in all ways. Yes kind of corney but says what I mean.

To those who think poorly of me.
Kiss my ass.

There are some here, including me, that would like you to stay, and knowing those that are happy about it, you can wear that like a medal. If it's a health thing, I wish you the best of luck in the future. If it's just being tired of the BS, who can blame you? Be Happy.
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the only thing "going on" is that liberals aren't winning all the arguments......of course, if you wanted to win arguments, you ought to stop picking the wrong side of every debate.....

If you go back just 2 years ago and read the flame wars of liberals against posters like Battleborne etc it was always OK with the board liberals when a conservative left.

Even just a two mos ago when Dixie left to take a break from the libral shit posts against him, they were fine with that too. Of course we didn't have Dixie making himself out to be a victim, sharing all his personal woes and creating whiney assed "I'm leaving" threads either~~~
the only thing "going on" is that liberals aren't winning all the arguments......of course, if you wanted to win arguments, you ought to stop picking the wrong side of every debate.....

....in your eyes.
If you would extend your capacity to think, you would understand it isn't politics I'm talking about, it's the stupid, cruel, childish, personal, vulgar stuff, which you, apparently, have no problem with since they are picking your 'right side' of every debate. It led to the ultimate downfall of that board as everyone slowly but surely dropped off, leaving it to be almost exclusively composed of posts consisting of the above.