FBI finds no evidence that Trump and his allies were involved with Jan 6 Capitol Riot


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FBI finds no evidence that Trump and his allies were directly involved with organizing the violence of the Capitol riot: report

The FBI has found no evidence that Trump was directly involved in organizing Capitol-riot violence.

It also found little evidence of an organized plot to overturn the election results.

"Ninety to ninety-five percent of these are one-off cases," said one former official.

The FBI hasn't found any evidence that the January 6 assault on the US Capitol was part of an organized plot to overturn the election results, Reuters reported, citing law-enforcement officials.

The officials also said that the FBI has "so far found no evidence" that former President Donald Trump or "people directly around him were involved in organizing the violence," Reuters reported.

"Ninety to ninety-five percent of these are one-off cases," a former law-enforcement official familiar with the investigation told Reuters. "There was no grand scheme with Roger Stone and Alex Jones and all of these people to storm the Capitol and take hostages."



Never heard it seriously argued that the attack on the Capitol was "organized", i.e., planned in detail. The rally was planned. The march to the Capitol was planned. The incitement of the mob was planned in which Trump played the leading role. Other than that the mob was left to its own devices in doing what it could to interfere with Congress's "certification" of the election.



FBI finds no evidence that Trump and his allies were directly involved with organizing the violence of the Capitol riot: report

The FBI has found no evidence that Trump was directly involved in organizing Capitol-riot violence.

It also found little evidence of an organized plot to overturn the election results.

"Ninety to ninety-five percent of these are one-off cases," said one former official.

The FBI hasn't found any evidence that the January 6 assault on the US Capitol was part of an organized plot to overturn the election results, Reuters reported, citing law-enforcement officials.

The officials also said that the FBI has "so far found no evidence" that former President Donald Trump or "people directly around him were involved in organizing the violence," Reuters reported.

"Ninety to ninety-five percent of these are one-off cases," a former law-enforcement official familiar with the investigation told Reuters. "There was no grand scheme with Roger Stone and Alex Jones and all of these people to storm the Capitol and take hostages."




The officials also said that the FBI has "so far found no evidence" that former President Donald Trump or "people directly around him were involved in organizing the violence," Reuters reported.

Key words

So far

That was nearly a month ago
Never heard it seriously argued that the attack on the Capitol was "organized", i.e., planned in detail. The rally was planned. The march to the Capitol was planned. The incitement of the mob was planned in which Trump played the leading role. Other than that the mob was left to its own devices in doing what it could to interfere with Congress's "certification" of the election.


Trump never intended the marchers to become a riotous mob, and no one, can prove otherwise. Why would he? How did the 1/6 riot benefit Trump in any form or fashion? It was an unmitigated disaster from a political standpoint. No one can answer that.

It was such a political disaster that democrats couldn’t have planned it any better. It was the perfect outcome—for them.

Trump never intended the marchers to become a riotous mob, and no one, can prove otherwise. Why would he? How did the 1/6 riot benefit Trump in any form or fashion? It was an unmitigated disaster from a political standpoint. No one can answer that.

It was such a political disaster that democrats couldn’t have planned it any better. It was the perfect outcome—for them.

That Trump lacked the foresight to anticipate the political disaster he wrought hardly exonerates him. His long delay in calling off the mob further implicates him.

What did he think his thousands would do when they reached the Capitol and found it locked and guarded - hold hands in a ring around the building and sing, "We Shall Overcome"?
That Trump lacked the foresight to anticipate the political disaster he wrought hardly exonerates him. His long delay in calling off the mob further implicates him.

What did he think his thousands would do when they reached the Capitol and found it locked and guarded - hold hands in a ring around the building and sing, "We Shall Overcome"?

Up until that point there was no such thing as Trump riotous mob. That was even the excuse by the people who were responsible for security. If it was ‘so apparent’ that a riot would ensue how do you explain the lack of security? The whole thing could have been prevented—or at least mitigated, with adequate security.

It doesn’t add up. The whole thing was a tad sketchy, imo.
Up until that point there was no such thing as Trump riotous mob. That was even the excuse by the people who were responsible for security. If it was ‘so apparent’ that a riot would ensue how do you explain the lack of security? The whole thing could have been prevented—or at least mitigated, with adequate security.

It doesn’t add up. The whole thing was a tad sketchy, imo.

The mob did not become riotous until it reached the Capitol, that's correct. Why would they? But many had come prepared for riot. That was obvious in how some dressed and the gear some carried. The whole point of the rally was to stir them up. One speaker after the other called them to action. I think a big reason for the lack of security was that officials did not anticipate that the Capitol, with a sitting Congress, would be attacked by Americans that day for the first time in history. As you point out, the attack itself was not expressly planned, only its ingredients were put in place - the thousands of loyal supporters, the rally and the march. Officials did not know what would be said at the rally, that the crowd would emerge from it as an angry mob. Maybe they should have.
The mob did not become riotous until it reached the Capitol, that's correct. Why would they? But many had come prepared for riot. That was obvious in how some dressed and the gear some carried. The whole point of the rally was to stir them up. One speaker after the other called them to action. I think a big reason for the lack of security was that officials did not anticipate that the Capitol, with a sitting Congress, would be attacked by Americans that day for the first time in history. As you point out, the attack itself was not expressly planned, only its ingredients were put in place - the thousands of loyal supporters, the rally and the march. Officials did not know what would be said at the rally, that the crowd would emerge from it as an angry mob. Maybe they should have.

‘Maybe should have’ lol?

After the summer of leftist violence around the Capitol *there was absolutely no excuse* for the lack of security. Trump supporters may not have been as violence prone as the lefties during 2020 but they didn’t mean they were totally incapable of it.

You have a contradiction on your hands whether you realize it or not. On the one hand it was so apparent that Trump was purposefully inciting a riotous mob that he should be charged with incitement; but no one was particularly clued in on it, so security was lax.

Doesn’t add up. It has to be one way or the other but it can’t be both ways at once.
‘Maybe should have’ lol?

After the summer of leftist violence around the Capitol *there was absolutely no excuse* for the lack of security. Trump supporters may not have been as violence prone as the lefties during 2020 but they didn’t mean they were totally incapable of it.

You have a contradiction on your hands whether you realize it or not. On the one hand it was so apparent that Trump was purposefully inciting a riotous mob that he should be charged with incitement; but no one was particularly clued in on it, so security was lax.

Doesn’t add up. It has to be one way or the other but it can’t be both ways at once.

maybe because everybody knows how stupid and incompetent racist trump stooges are.
Who ever said Trump was directly involved in planning and executing the events of January 6th?

You start with a misconception and then praise yourself for proving the misconception bogus, weird, and you really thought you had something there, funny
Who ever said Trump was directly involved in planning and executing the events of January 6th?

You start with a misconception and then praise yourself for proving the misconception bogus, weird, and you really thought you had something there, funny

Who lol? No one here thinks Trump was involved in the planning. Nah.
Never heard it seriously argued that the attack on the Capitol was "organized", i.e., planned in detail. The rally was planned. The march to the Capitol was planned.
of course -it was scheduled but if you want to use the word plan that's fine as well

The incitement of the mob was planned in which Trump played the leading role.
nope. you just jumped the shark without evidence for your accusation
The mob did not become riotous until it reached the Capitol, that's correct. Why would they? But many had come prepared for riot. That was obvious in how some dressed and the gear some carried. The whole point of the rally was to stir them up. One speaker after the other called them to action. I think a big reason for the lack of security was that officials did not anticipate that the Capitol, with a sitting Congress, would be attacked by Americans that day for the first time in history. As you point out, the attack itself was not expressly planned, only its ingredients were put in place - the thousands of loyal supporters, the rally and the march. Officials did not know what would be said at the rally, that the crowd would emerge from it as an angry mob. Maybe they should have.
The Capitol Police were warned. a couple times. There were multiple warnigs -
im not that interested in the exotic specifics to bother to look them up.

It was lax security -including the Cap police opening doors to the Capitol that excited the mob.
At best it was a riot..but Dems cant use riot for their narrative...so it's back to hyperbolic "insurrection"
‘Maybe should have’ lol?

After the summer of leftist violence around the Capitol *there was absolutely no excuse* for the lack of security. Trump supporters may not have been as violence prone as the lefties during 2020 but they didn’t mean they were totally incapable of it.

You have a contradiction on your hands whether you realize it or not. On the one hand it was so apparent that Trump was purposefully inciting a riotous mob that he should be charged with incitement; but no one was particularly clued in on it, so security was lax.

Doesn’t add up. It has to be one way or the other but it can’t be both ways at once.

There was security, much more than customary when the building is closed. It just wasn't enough. As I said, there seems to have been a failure of imagination that American citizens would storm the Capitol building, something that had never happened before. But why is insufficient security an excuse for Trump? He knew the building was closed and guarded. Yet he called on the rally crowd to attend the Senate session and watch Pence. He called on thousands to do that - go watch Pence in a chamber that holds about 150 observers and is only open to visitors with passes, when it is open. Yet Trump sent many hundreds on a mission to enter that locked and guarded building and that closed to visitors chamber.