Federal workers earning double their private counterparts

As so many here like to point out...we live in a FREE MARKET society...so for anyone to blame Obama for wage losses initiated by the Owner/Operators of thousands of PRIVATE SECTOR businesses across this nation is ridiculous.
We haven't been in a free market society for a long time, at least since FDR, and The Obama and your beloved Democrats have only made it less so.
That's why we used to have the strongest economy on the planet, douche bag.

you still are... unless you count the european union, which (1) isnt even a country, and (2) if you were to look at the cumulative economic power of the member states before they were in the union, it would have been bigger than that of the united states anyhow...
you still are... unless you count the european union, which (1) isnt even a country, and (2) if you were to look at the cumulative economic power of the member states before they were in the union, it would have been bigger than that of the united states anyhow...
Thanks, but we are losing our edge, and to China. Of course, that's the Democrat Party's ultimate goal.
It would be interesting to see the rate and amount of change in salaries, on average.

The private sector will always fluctuate more then the gov't sector.

Which makes me wonder if the gov't wages are that high or has a few years of bad economy effected the private sector wages.
It would be interesting to see the rate and amount of change in salaries, on average.

The private sector will always fluctuate more then the gov't sector.

Which makes me wonder if the gov't wages are that high or has a few years of bad economy effected the private sector wages.
I think it's a general trend. When adjusted for inflation real wages for the middle class have been stagnant since the 70's. Historically the private sector has paid better for an equivalent level of experience, education and qualifications. The biggest factor in government workers surpassing private sector workers has been the strength of their union representation which has protected their wages and benefits while those protections in the private sector have been systematically eroded over the last 30 years.
15ppMoot, the recession is due to liberal policies. I've never said the Bush was a conservative. Never.

Liberal policies?

You mean like gun control, forced no-smoking rules for private businesses, and dictating limits on specific religions?
15ppMoot, the recession is due to liberal policies. I've never said the Bush was a conservative. Never.
I see....you still support the right wing policies of his that crashed our economy but it's not the policies that are at fault, it's Bush, so throw him under the bus but maintain the same right wing policies that crashed our economy?

One after the other right wing policies fail but it's never the policies fault. It's the right wing politicians fault cause "They weren't conservative enough."

Yea....that makes a hell of a lot of sense! LOL
I see....you still support the right wing policies of his that crashed our economy but it's not the policies that are at fault, it's Bush, so throw him under the bus but maintain the same right wing policies that crashed our economy?

One after the other right wing policies fail but it's never the policies fault. It's the right wing politicians fault cause "They weren't conservative enough."

Yea....that makes a hell of a lot of sense! LOL
You're a douche, 15ppMoot. It was Bush's siding with Congressional Democrats that nixed this economy.

When a Democrat gets into power he has no problem forcing his agenda on the other side. I've got to respect The Obama, Pelosi and Reid for that. Even Clinton, the compromiser, shoved his last minute pardons down our throats. But Republicans tend to just want to get along, thinking that they will make the other side like them if they compromise. Even Reagan is guilty of that with his amnesty bill.

Bush 2 was horrible that way, and he started the Obamaslide, giving the Congressional Democrats and the Democrat President-elect what they wanted with the "stimulus" bill. All this did was give the enemy his way, then give retards like you ammunition to say we caused something that was your fault.
Who was in control of Congress? Which branch of government is responsible for taxation and spending?

It takes many years for economic policies to start having any effect. That is what partisans often ignore. The seeds of this current recession were planted in the early 2000's and late 1990's.

When a Democrat says he's going to create jobs, he means government jobs. Those bastards. We now have a ruling class, they are getting wealthier and more numerous, and they vote.

No one is ever going to get rich working for the government. Nobody in the government, even the top management, make more that about a couple hundred grand a year. The banks and corporations are fully willing to give multimillion dollar salaries to their management goons who crashed the economy. The fact that government secretaries, border patrolmen, and technical staff might get paid more than many of their private industry counterparts is a reflection of the unionized collective bargaining entities that civil servants have which demand a living wage for its workers.

If you’re jealous about that, then get your own union started. It’s beyond the slightest doubt that, on average, unionized workers make better salaries and have better benefits than their non-union peers. And I think American corporations can afford it; as I understand it corporate profits over the last two decades broadly speaking have outperformed most previous historical trends. If Ken Lay is worth a twenty million dollar/year salary, then a welder should easily make 90 grand, or whatever. 90 grand isn’t really all that much money in the world today, if you want to have a normal life with a house and family.

I wonder why we routinely see threads from reich wingers attacking unions, but I can’t ever recall seeing measurable amount of threads from a NeoCon in all my years on message board complaining about salaries for corporate upper management, the outsourcing of American jobs to low wage countries, and that broader attacks on the middle class by the NAFTA and “free trade” cabals.

Unions aren’t destroying this country. Unions built this country, and unions are predominantly the main reason for the rise of a robust and widespread American middle class. American unions are the smallest and weakest they’ve ever been in 60 years, thanks to the policies and ideologies of Ronnie Raygun and the enablers of corporate-sponsored attacks on labor laws, regulation and free trade. Attacking unions for the problems of this country is like beating up on an injured kitten. Unions ain’t the problem, bro.

You dudes hate unions, that's fine. I don't get it though. Why the routine, and widespread bashing and hatred of unions? Outside of the rush limbaugh show, and the backwaters of internet wingnuttopia, I don't hear average americans in real life hatin' on unions. Or blaming unions for fucking the country over.

With that said, I will leave you with this wingnut challenge: If you dudes can peel yourselves away from the CATO institute website for a minute, can you name for me one, single, solitary developed and prosperous nation on this planet that exists in some sort of CATO institute Nirvana of a union-free economy, guided by the brilliant hand of the free market and the captains of industry?