Feds borrowing over $5 billion per day as programs face insolvency

We are broke and the Democrats do not care. We are on the verge of the debt being more than GDP


Always comical how some think the check book starts out at zero every Presidential Administration

If you wanted to be truthful on the topic, you would add outside of Democrats fighting World Wars, it was GOP Republican Administration who added the most to the National debt, (https://www.investopedia.com/us-debt-by-president-dollar-and-percentage-7371225), in fact, your man Trump set all kinds of records for a four year term
We are debt addicts about to crash.

Buckle Up Fuckers....you were warned.

lib'ruls will say you can't trust what the Congressional Budget Office says......

Lets just be happy Biden is at the wheel and not Trump as the Trumptard would be applauding Trump ramping up the debt 10 times as much, when it caused an economy temporary sugar high that some other POTUS would have to cleanup and fix after.

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Republican preach fiscal responsibility, but are always trying to slash taxes with the goal of government barely existing at all.

Republicans do like tax cuts, but I wish you were right about cutting spending. The budget increases as fast under Republicans as Democrats. From 2017-2021 the deficit went from $700 billion to $3 trillion and the debt increased by $7.8 trillion.
Always comical how some think the check book starts out at zero every Presidential Administration

If you wanted to be truthful on the topic, you would add outside of Democrats fighting World Wars, it was GOP Republican Administration who added the most to the National debt, (https://www.investopedia.com/us-debt-by-president-dollar-and-percentage-7371225), in fact, your man Trump set all kinds of records for a four year term

Trump does not add to the debt. The House does. That's DEMOCRATS, Anchovies.
Lets just be happy Biden is at the wheel and not Trump as the Trumptard would be applauding Trump ramping up the debt 10 times as much, when it caused an economy temporary sugar high that some other POTUS would have to cleanup and fix after.
Trump does not add to the debt. The House does. DEMOCRATS, dude.
Lying is not going to help you either. during the time DEMOCRATS were majority in the House, the debt went from $26 trillion to $32.6 trillion, an increase of $6.2 trillion. That's a 23% increase in the debt, commie. The debt to GDP ratio has now a whopping 123.01%.

Have Republican majorities in the House borrowed a lot? Yes. NOTHING like what Democrats did in their last stint in the House though.
During that same time, the dollar was devalued by 32%.

Source: US Treasury, CBO.
And Elvis was spotted yesterday in Vegas, Big Foot had lunch in Denver, and the Wicked Witch of the West really didn’t melt

The Wicked Witch of the West was kicked out of her speaker position and represents that sewer called the SDTC (formerly California).
Big Foot was reportedly last seen in Louisiana.
Elvis impersonation is a popular business in Las Vegas.

None of that makes the evidence of election fraud by Democrats and the faulted elections they caused go away.
Republicans do like tax cuts,
Because when taxes are too high, the economy stalls.
but I wish you were right about cutting spending.
The 'federal' government has NEVER cut spending...ever.
The budget increases as fast under Republicans as Democrats.
A fair bit faster under Democrats, but yes Republicans have increase spending too.
From 2017-2021 the deficit went from $700 billion to $3 trillion and the debt increased by $7.8 trillion.
Most of that was when Democrats had the House.

Source: US Treasury, CRO
Always comical how some think the check book starts out at zero every Presidential Administration

If you wanted to be truthful on the topic, you would add outside of Democrats fighting World Wars, it was GOP Republican Administration who added the most to the National debt, (https://www.investopedia.com/us-debt-by-president-dollar-and-percentage-7371225), in fact, your man Trump set all kinds of records for a four year term

What about Obama


Total change Percent change
Franklin D. Roosevelt $178,464,714,660.98 791.8%
Woodrow Wilson $23,036,251,492.50 789.9%
Ronald Reagan $1,604,482,712,041.16 160.8%
George W. Bush $4,217,261,484,712.34 72.6%
Barack Obama $7,663,615,710,425.00 64.4%
George H. W. Bush $1,207,189,695,334.34 42.3%
Richard Nixon $121,339,561,890.14 34.3%
Donald Trump $6,700,491,178,561.60 33.1%
Jimmy Carter $208,861,000,000.00 29.9%
Bill Clinton $1,262,689,326,747.48 28.6%
Theodore Roosevelt $483,479,337.65 22.6%
Gerald Ford $87,244,000,000.00 16.4%
Herbert Hoover $2,555,913,960.03 15.1%
Lyndon B. Johnson $35,865,507,168.58 11.5%
Joe Biden $2,499,993,043,258.10 8.8%
William Howard Taft $228,827,633.12 8.7%
Dwight D. Eisenhower $20,259,699,209.80 7.6%
John F. Kennedy $16,888,694,386.36 5.8%
Harry S. Truman $422,991,375.50 0.2%
Warren G. Harding -$1,627,743,187.18 −6.8%
Calvin Coolidge -$3,646,519,788.06 −17.2%