Film Review: SICKO!

That sucks big time. For my nose I went to my local surgeon. Worked out well for me. Until they had to take the stints out. That was worse than the actual break. I won't even tell you about that.

I just cringed. I never broke anything, so I can't really imagine, but it doesn't sound pleasant that's for sure.
I just cringed. I never broke anything, so I can't really imagine, but it doesn't sound pleasant that's for sure.

Well, I lied. I"m going to tell you about it anyway:

My mother was in the waiting room and I was in the office. I literally had no idea what was ahead of me. I thought maybe some gauze was going to be pulled out. or something soft at least. I knew I was in trouble when he put the stuff that the dentist uses to numb your gums in my nose. Now, I don't have a big nose at all, but somehow he pulled 2 long (~3") wiring things out of my nose. It hurt like he**! Imagine the pain you get in your sinuses when you only get water in there - now multiply that by sharp metal. I screamed! My mom said that the kids in the waiting room were getting visibily scared (I was like 20 at the time). She had to come back there to tell me to shut up! :p Next he pulled out 4 other stints in total that were about 1/2" by 2". Till this day I don't understand how they all fit up there. It was not pleasant. And actually if I'm not mistaken, I think he left one up there. I can't really recall though. I tried to forget that time in my life.
I just cringed. I never broke anything, so I can't really imagine, but it doesn't sound pleasant that's for sure.

Oh, btw - you know when you break something! At least when you break something in your face you know it!
Well, I lied. I"m going to tell you about it anyway:

My mother was in the waiting room and I was in the office. I literally had no idea what was ahead of me. I thought maybe some gauze was going to be pulled out. or something soft at least. I knew I was in trouble when he put the stuff that the dentist uses to numb your gums in my nose. Now, I don't have a big nose at all, but somehow he pulled 2 long (~3") wiring things out of my nose. It hurt like he**! Imagine the pain you get in your sinuses when you only get water in there - now multiply that by sharp metal. I screamed! My mom said that the kids in the waiting room were getting visibily scared (I was like 20 at the time). She had to come back there to tell me to shut up! :p Next he pulled out 4 other stints in total that were about 1/2" by 2". Till this day I don't understand how they all fit up there. It was not pleasant. And actually if I'm not mistaken, I think he left one up there. I can't really recall though. I tried to forget that time in my life.

I'm really scared that I'm going to break my nose now.
Breaking it wasn't nearly as painful as getting those stints out. That really was the most pain I'd been in. When I broke it I damaged nerves so I didn't feel anything and I was in shock. At the doctors office I'd healed was cool calm and collected, so I felt everything!
I'm really scared that I'm going to break my nose now.

yeah and for a deviated septum operation. Yes I was a septal deviate :)
They poke must be 50 ft of gauze up in there. Darn near passed out when they pulled it out.
Getting shot hurt no worse.
We already have a single payer universal system of sorts. Medicare. Everyone over 65 covered.

I'm never heard of "waiting lines" for people on medicare, for any kind of life threatening or health-threatening surgery.
Oh BS!

yeah and for a deviated septum operation. Yes I was a septal deviate :)
They poke must be 50 ft of gauze up in there. Darn near passed out when they pulled it out.
Getting shot hurt no worse.

I had a SMR while in the Army...the surgery hurt like hell local pain relief...not under the gun...the cotton pull out did not hurt at all...and for equating this to a gunshot you Lt.Kerry by chance???
yeah and for a deviated septum operation. Yes I was a septal deviate :)
They poke must be 50 ft of gauze up in there. Darn near passed out when they pulled it out.
Getting shot hurt no worse.

OMG! Wasn't that one of the most painful things you've ever experienced? You never realize how sensitive your sinuses are until something actually touches it.
I had a SMR while in the Army...the surgery hurt like hell local pain relief...not under the gun...the cotton pull out did not hurt at all...and for equating this to a gunshot you Lt.Kerry by chance???

Nope, the gunshot wound did hurt much longer , but for a couple of minutes there was no real difference for me.
OMG! Wasn't that one of the most painful things you've ever experienced? You never realize how sensitive your sinuses are until something actually touches it.

Yep for a minute or so it was very extreme pain. As bad as any I have had.
Maybe one of the reasons why Gupta didn't look like he had taken a beating, (although, I thought Moore was awesome myself) is because he was lying through his teeth on air. Amazing

"After Sicko director Michael Moore said that CNN's Sicko fact-check "healthcare expert" Paul Keckley is "a person from a think tank group who is a big Republican contributor," CNN's Dr. Sanjay Gupta asserted that Keckley's "only affiliation" is with Vanderbilt University. Gupta continued, "We checked it, Michael. We checked his conflict of interest. We do ask those questions."

Contrary to Gupta's assertion on Larry King Live that Keckley's "only affiliation is with Vanderbilt University," Keckley is affiliated with Deloitte & Touche USA LLP, part of a global audit, tax, consulting, and financial advisory services group of firms. Keckley is the executive director of the Deloitte Center for Health Solutions. The Deloitte Center for Health Solutions states on its website that "it delivers research on and develops solutions to some of our nation's most pressing health care and public health related challenges." As Moore noted on Larry King Live, the Deloitte Center for Health Solutions is also "connected" to Tommy Thompson. The center's website lists Thompson as the Deloitte Center for Health Solutions' independent chairman.

Keckley is also a Republican contributor, as Moore claimed. According, Keckley has donated $8,500 to Republican candidates or party committees since 1990, including $1,000 to Sen. Bob Corker (TN), $2,000 to the Republican Party of Tennessee, $2,000 to Sen. Lamar Alexander (TN), and $500 to Rep. Marsha Blackburn (TN). During that period, he has made no donations to Democratic candidates or party committees that have been reported to the Federal Election Commission.

Moore's assertion that Keckley "has done business with Blue Cross, with Aventis, with these other groups," is also accurate. According to Keckley's curriculum vitae, posted on Vanderbilt's website, from 1998 to 2002 Keckley served as chief executive officer of EBM Solutions Inc., which licensed software applications to "32 healthcare organizations in 2002 including Health Net of California, Blue Cross of Tennessee, Aventis and others." Keckley's curriculum vitae also lists him as a member of the Aventis Health Outcomes Measurement Committee. Further, Keckley's biography on the website of the Vanderbilt Center for Evidence-Based Medicine notes that he is "a frequent keynote speaker for national healthcare organizations including the AMA House of Delegates, National Quality Forum, The Medical Group Management Association, Disease Management Association, Blue Cross Association, American Association of Health Plans and others."
I liked how they were bickering about the numbers with respect to Cuba. The conclusion was the same, but they were both using incorrect numbers IMO.