Filthy scumbags cant beat a candidate so you try to murder him....

Filthy scumbags who don't even know who the shooter was or why he did, it are already trying to make it political.

That's what filthy scumbags do.

Nobody has a clue who shot Trump or why. They should ask Stone, another right-wing conspiracy nut who ignorantly thinks he has the answers.

1. Of course, you know more than the cops/Secret Service as to who the guy is and his motivation or is he affiliated with any organization, or his mental status. :rolleyes:

2. Once again, you nearly orgasm over the bravado of Cheeto Jeezus, whose life has been documented on using working stiffs like you and I as doormats, and who'll throw anyone under the bus in a heartbeat if they step off the reservation by a millimeter.

3. Dump's legal troubles are his own doings. Falsifying business records, dubious phone calls to national leaders, etc. But deluded fools like you will bend over with a smile and ask for another, as Dump did NOTHING for the jackasses now in jail for Jan. 6th, or when he burdens you with bulk of the country's revenue as he gives massive tax breaks to the wealthy class. I could go on, but MAGA mooks just :seenoevil::hearnoevil:

fuck off, shit for brains......

Thomas Mathew Crooks​

A white male Republican

He’s the product of a very Republican area

Sure it was political. An AR-15 (what else?) in the hands of a Right wing nutcase.
Tell us all how it is Not political, NaziMad
The kid was a registered Republican and like all Republicans, he had behavioral, anger and possible mental issues.
Another election, another white lib nazi assassination attempt to end democracy.

On May 29, 2020 ... mobs of white libs stormed the White House in an attempt to assassinate President Trump ...

"Washington, D.C. -- On Saturday, May 30, and into early Sunday, May 31, 2020, U.S. Secret Service Uniformed Division Officers made one arrest during the demonstrations near 15th St. NW and Pennsylvania Avenue.

Some demonstrators repeatedly attempted to knock over security barriers, and vandalized six Secret Service vehicles. Between Friday night and Sunday morning, more than 60 Secret Service Uniformed Division Officers and Special Agents sustained multiple injuries from projectiles such as bricks, rocks, bottles, fireworks and other items. Secret Service personnel were also directly physically assaulted as they were kicked, punched, and exposed to bodily fluids. A total of 11 injured employees were transported to a local hospital and treated for non-life threatening injuries."

Nigga please.

From your link:

"No individuals crossed the White House Fence and no Secret Service protectees were ever in any danger."
I've seen the news articles that reported his registration. His motive seems obvious.
The reports also say that when he was seventeen , he Is donated to some liberal activist group... The registration doesn't mean anything really...not for a 20 year old...He's only voted in local elections... But I've got to ask....what is the "obvious" motive?
The reports also say that when he was seventeen , he Is donated to some liberal activist group... The registration doesn't mean anything really...not for a 20 year old...He's only voted in local elections... But I've got to ask....what is the "obvious" motive?

To disrupt his run for President, possibly?
So that is the obvious motive?
In your humble opinion? That wouldn't make sense if he's a dedicated young registered Republican....
What makes you think the motives of lunatics necessarily make sense or that all registered young Republicans are dedicated to Donald Trump?
I almost can't believe you are this dumb.
You said that he was republican and the motive was obvious... that Is what I was replying to... Nothing about this is obvious... Or there would be no huge investigation...
The kid was a registered Republican and like all Republicans, he had behavioral, anger and possible mental issues.

Nigga please.

From your link:

"No individuals crossed the White House Fence and no Secret Service protectees were ever in any danger."
He did not act like a republican. I suspect it was just "cover" to infiltrate the rally, and try to assassinate Trump.

Yep, both white lib assassination attempts failed. What's your point?
You people are crazy. WTF,...are you kidding me. And also kill an innocent bystander in the process. Trump had it right as he left the stage when he said FIGHT. Oh,...we will,....believe you me we WILL. You tried to bankrupt him, jail him,..and now murder him. Total losers.
It was an official act, dammit!:)
He did not act like a republican. I suspect it was just "cover" to infiltrate the rally, and try to assassinate Trump.

Yep, both white lib assassination attempts failed. What's your point?

He acted EXACTLY like a Republican.

He took his gun and used it.
You people are crazy. WTF,...are you kidding me. And also kill an innocent bystander in the process. Trump had it right as he left the stage when he said FIGHT. Oh,...we will,....believe you me we WILL. You tried to bankrupt him, jail him,..and now murder him. Total losers.
Too bad the shooter was a registered Republican with an AR.

This is just another #ReichwingPoutrageFail, brought to you by the makers of TrumpBrandKoolaid(tm).