First Annual Fake News Awards

We could go through this whole list. The 1st few I checked, one was an opinion piece, and the others all had corrections issued.


Trump is a reckless fool.
it's 100% accurate false news reports. and these are the egregious ones, not the one's that bend perspective-
just flat out lies

These are “egregious”? Pally boy, you’d best be looking up the definition of the word. These are laughably pathetic and desperate.

A tweet about crowd size? A TWEET? Egregious? Priceless!
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And completely forgotten by Friday

Still cracks one up how the conservatives are in a state of denial with the Russia investigation. Mueller has been at it less than nine months and he already has inditements against three top Trump campaign leaders, two guilty pleas, proof of a covert meeting between individuals associated with the Russian Gov't and the heads of the Trump campaign, and has the White House dictating to witnesses what to say at Congressional hearings, yeah, a big "nothingburger"

And it is only the end of the beginning

So you think it’s the end of the beginning, finally?
No, they are supposed to be accurate from the get go...

Most of the time, sure. But that isn't correct overall - news outlets have made mistakes from the beginning of time. The important thing is that they issue corrections.

That isn't "fake news." Stop this.
Most of the time, sure. But that isn't correct overall - news outlets have made mistakes from the beginning of time. The important thing is that they issue corrections.

That isn't "fake news." Stop this.
Exactly, which isn’t what Trump does, in fact, he even doubles down on his lies.
And completely forgotten by Friday

Still cracks one up how the conservatives are in a state of denial with the Russia investigation. Mueller has been at it less than nine months and he already has inditements against three top Trump campaign leaders, two guilty pleas, proof of a covert meeting between individuals associated with the Russian Gov't and the heads of the Trump campaign, and has the White House dictating to witnesses what to say at Congressional hearings, yeah, a big "nothingburger"

And it is only the end of the beginning

Is this......IT !!!

Exactly, which isn’t what Trump does, in fact, he even doubles down on his lies.

How is it not possible for anatta & the rest to see this? The guy they're relying on to determine the truth has an incredibly long history of his own "fake news" - and not once has he issued a correction, said he was wrong or owned up to it. Even when he acknowledged that Obama was born in the U.S., he didn't take responsibility for his lie.
Most of the time, sure. But that isn't correct overall - news outlets have made mistakes from the beginning of time. The important thing is that they issue corrections.

That isn't "fake news." Stop this.

They all report the same thing constantly for a 24 or 48 hour news cycle, then issue a correction later at the bottom of page four. Repeat.
One of the most stupid ploys of dumbassery in entertainment, and news history. I think I'd assume watch a burrito cook in the microwave if I wanted to inflict upon my mind like that. Hell I'd get a burrito out of it, as opposed to just wanting to be put out of my misery.

:hand: :hand: :hand:

These clowns actually think this is a winner .. boggles the mind