First Annual Fake News Awards

It was nice being able to tune in to the evening news and get the true story from men like Walter Cronkite. Sadly those days are long gone.
It's not that the news was 'more true'. It wasn't possible to fact check the bullshit that Washington was releasing. See Vietnam casualty numbers as exhibit 1.
It's not that the news was 'more true'. It wasn't possible to fact check the bullshit that Washington was releasing. See Vietnam casualty numbers as exhibit 1.

and exactly the point, today they most certainly can fact check anything before reporting it.
But reporting is not what they do any more.
They drive their opinion through hypothetical News. That's simply fake news no matter how you look at it.
Forget Trump’s ‘Fake News Awards,’ Former Obama Ethics Chief Announces President’s Bi

Forget Trump’s ‘Fake News Awards,’ Former Obama Ethics Chief Announces President’s Biggest Lie of 2017

Your opinion. Next?

No - that was your opinion. You implied that you agreed w/ the concept that any news organization which issues corrections is "fake news".

Are you not saying that? If so, I apologize for misinterpreting, and welcome your agreement that the list in the OP is bogus.
CNN has no choice but to make stuff up, their numbers are in the tank. No ne believes anything they say anyway.
Americans are not stupid, we see what they are doing, they literally spent 7 straight days spinning the "hot news" being Trump used the word shithole.

I can only imagine the rest of the world sees what they are doing also.
They are at war with Trump. Period. News, actual news means nothing to them. Otherwise we might actually see some from time to time.

Entertainment tonight should be worried, a competing show with competing stories has a better time slot than they do.

C̶N̶N̶ SNN.... Shithole News Network
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CNN has no choice but to make stuff up, their numbers are in the tank. No ne believes anything they say anyway.
Americans are not stupid, we see what they are doing, they literally spent 7 straight days spinning the "hot news" being Trump used the word shithole.

I can only imagine the rest of the world sees what they are doing also.
They are at war with Trump. Period. News, actual news means nothing to them. Otherwise we might actually see some from time to time.

Entertainment tonight should be worried, a competing show with competing stories has a better time slot than they do.

CNN.... Shithole news Network

Thanks Rush
Originally Posted by Althea It's not that the news was 'more true'. It wasn't possible to fact check the bullshit that Washington was releasing. See Vietnam casualty numbers as exhibit 1./QUOTE said:
WTF do you know about Vietnam? No government accurately reports casualty figures. That is telling the enemy how you are doing!
Below is the full list of winners of the 2017 Fake News Awards.

1) The New York Times’ Paul Krugman claiming markets would ‘never’ recover from Trump presidency

2) ABC News' Brian Ross’ bungled report on former national security adviser Michael Flynn

3) CNN report that the Trump campaign had early access to hacked documents from WikiLeaks

4) TIME report that Trump removed a bust of Martin Luther King, Jr. from the Oval Office

5) The Washington Post’s Dave Weigel tweeting that Trump’s December rally in Pensacola, Florida, wasn’t packed with supporters

6) CNN’s video suggesting Trump overfed fish during visit with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe

7) CNN’s retracted report claiming Anthony Scaramucci-Russia ties

8) Newsweek report that Polish First Lady Agata Kornhauser-Duda did not shake Trump’s hand

9) CNN report that former FBI Director James Comey would dispute President Trump’s claim he was told he was not under investigation

10) The New York Times report that the Trump administration had hidden a climate-change report

11) In Trump’s words, "‘RUSSIA COLLUSION!’ Russian collusion is perhaps the greatest hoax perpetrated on the American people. THERE IS NO COLLUSION!”

and when he is put in prison will you riot in the streets ?

that is a long plane flight from russia to the USA for putin to agree to pay for
No - that was your opinion. You implied that you agreed w/ the concept that any news organization which issues corrections is "fake news".

Are you not saying that? If so, I apologize for misinterpreting, and welcome your agreement that the list in the OP is bogus.

If any news org. has to issue corrections 3, 4, 5 times over a short period of 3,4 or 5 months....they are fake news.....
Take the case of CNN's Dr. Grupa, flatly stating over and over that Trump has heart disease in absolute terms....thats a lie, plain and simple....thats FAKE NEWS....
Its one man's opinion in spite of the facts....
Anyone can make a mistake, but news orgs. have a obligation to fact check, as many times as it takes, to prove what they are saying has merit....not take the word
of some anonymous source as gospel....especially when that source refuses to identify
themselves or might or has an obvious motive to embellish a story that seems to be nothing more than
character assassination....

So you are misinterpreting and generalizing to make your own opinions appear more credible....

And please don't tell me how much you think Trump 'lies' to justify your argument.....its totally irrelevant, this is about news organizations.....
If any news org. has to issue corrections 3, 4, 5 times over a short period of 3,4 or 5 months....they are fake news.....
Take the case of CNN's Dr. Grupa, flatly stating over and over that Trump has heart disease in absolute terms....thats a lie, plain and simple....thats FAKE NEWS....
Its one man's opinion in spite of the facts....
Anyone can make a mistake, but news orgs. have a obligation to fact check, as many times as it takes, to prove what they are saying has merit....not take the word
of some anonymous source as gospel....especially when that source refuses to identify
themselves or might or has an obvious motive to embellish a story that seems to be nothing more than
character assassination....

So you are misinterpreting and generalizing to make your own opinions appear more credible....

And please don't tell me how much you think Trump 'lies' to justify your argument.....its totally irrelevant, this is about news organizations.....

His show is an OPINION SHOW.

Once again: his show is an OPINION SHOW. Just as Krugman's column is.

Enough w/ this. You guys can't distinguish between what is news and what is not news. How are you determining "fake news" if you can't make that basic distinction?
No - that was your opinion. You implied that you agreed w/ the concept that any news organization which issues corrections is "fake news".

Are you not saying that? If so, I apologize for misinterpreting, and welcome your agreement that the list in the OP is bogus.

Your opinion that I implied that.
If any news org. has to issue corrections 3, 4, 5 times over a short period of 3,4 or 5 months....they are fake news.....
Take the case of CNN's Dr. Grupa, flatly stating over and over that Trump has heart disease in absolute terms....thats a lie, plain and simple....thats FAKE NEWS....
Its one man's opinion in spite of the facts....
Anyone can make a mistake, but news orgs. have a obligation to fact check, as many times as it takes, to prove what they are saying has merit....not take the word
of some anonymous source as gospel....especially when that source refuses to identify
themselves or might or has an obvious motive to embellish a story that seems to be nothing more than
character assassination....

So you are misinterpreting and generalizing to make your own opinions appear more credible....

And please don't tell me how much you think Trump 'lies' to justify your argument.....its totally irrelevant, this is about news organizations.....

It wasn't only one docter;

"White House doctor Dr Ronny L Jackson gave the positive medical assessment of Mr Trump despite his LDL cholesterol level being 143, well above the ideal score of 100 or less."

"Cardiologists said Mr Trump was at risk of having a stroke or a heart attack, particularly since he is overweight and has a sedentary lifestyle. He should work to dramatically lower his LDL level to below 100 or even 70, they said."

"Dr David Maron, director of preventive cardiology at Stanford University’s medical school, told The New York Times Mr Trump’s LDL level was surprising, since he was on powerful cholesterol-lowering drug Crestor."

Gupta may have exaggerated, but I'd hardly describe the President's health as "excellent," just looking at him tells an objective viewer that

And the fact that even Fox has had to issue corrections on stories they reported does that also make them "fake news?"