First Annual Fake News Awards

Opinion panels on CNN & MSNBC talking about Russian collusion are not news outlets reporting that there was Russian collusion.
this is, and it's not some mouthy panelist

3) CNN report that the Trump campaign had early access to hacked documents from WikiLeaks

I don't even know what this one is:but again these are just the one's that won the awards -
outright Fake News, not just slanted news

2) ABC News' Brian Ross’ bungled report on former national security adviser Michael Flynn
It's factual. It's not even trying to over-reach by showing SLANT which shows INNATE BIAS.

Those are some pretty nasty moves in there by Fake news -like claiming Russian Collusion by Acosta.
It actually caused a small market panic.

Or fake tweets showing Trumps "small audiences"-to falsify his popularity at rallies.

Or the lies about sSaramuchi -it got him fired, that;s consequential.

Or saying Comey ws going to dispute the fact Trump wasn't a target of the FBI counterintellienc investigation-
part of the reason Comey got fired.

Hiding Climate change reports - another lie.

There is some big stuff in there,and it's just the highlites
Spin spin spin, is this actions befitting to the President of the United States? or is this a reality TV stunt? I say the latter, I have never seen this type of behavior in any sitting president before Trump. It’s petty and it’s embarrassing.
this is, and it's not some mouthy panelist

I don't even know what this one is:but again these are just the one's that won the awards -
outright Fake News, not just slanted news

Very thin stuff. It hardly paints a picture of widespread abuse and a lack of commitment to the truth.

Are you capable of at least admitting that Krugman's opinion - #1 on the list of "awards" - is NOT "fake news"?
That's a medical opinion...but it's not an opinion?

You have no idea what you're complicit in right now. None of these so-called awards were "fake news." You can think Krugman is a hack economist - nothing wrong w/ that. But he wasn't "reporting news." His OPINION is not "fake news."

You have made the term "fake news" meaningless w/ its repetition and by misapplying it to opinion pieces and inaccurate stories for which corrections were issued.
you MORON.

That is a a specific diagnosis! not just some medical kibbutzing

and he was wrong about that too. high LDL by itself is not "heart disease" without other risk factors
It's a pretty noteworthy thing for a sitting President to do. I can't even think of a precedent.

So, the discussion of it shouldn't be surprising.

Did I say otherwise? I think it is great that he did it. Now thingy, don't go lyin and claimin u support his war with the media. Calm down little fella.
Spin spin spin, is this actions befitting to the President of the United States? or is this a reality TV stunt? I say the latter, I have never seen this type of behavior in any sitting president before Trump. It’s petty and it’s embarrassing.

They just seem to defend anything. This is another one that is pretty low-hanging fruit - at minimum, set the bar a little higher for a President, even one you wholeheartedly support.

They showed JFK talking about the media on one of the shows last night. He was saying that it was hard to hear some of the criticism, but talked about how vital the 4th estate was to democracy, and how necessary that right of criticism was. Trump is really the opposite; it's all about him. He is too insecure for the office he holds.
Spin spin spin, is this actions befitting to the President of the United States? or is this a reality TV stunt? I say the latter, I have never seen this type of behavior in any sitting president before Trump. It’s petty and it’s embarrassing.
right. call it spin and not address the fact these are gruesome fallacies cooked up to undermine a POTUS..

Your partisan dismissal of fabricated reporting is noted and expected.
They just seem to defend anything. This is another one that is pretty low-hanging fruit - at minimum, set the bar a little higher for a President, even one you wholeheartedly support.

They showed JFK talking about the media on one of the shows last night. He was saying that it was hard to hear some of the criticism, but talked about how vital the 4th estate was to democracy, and how necessary that right of criticism was. Trump is really the opposite; it's all about him. He is too insecure for the office he holds.
the 4th estate is not in danger. The first Amendment is expansive
the 4th estate is undermining it's own credibility by itself.
Trump's Fake News awards merely a reflection of that fact.
right. call it spin and not address the fact these are gruesome fallacies cooked up to undermine a POTUS..

Your partisan dismissal of fabricated reporting is noted and expected.

Gruesome fallacies? Like birtherism? What about Trump's claims regarding Hillary's health that you & yours all repeated w/ glee when she had that fainting spell?

Such epic hypocrisy. Nothing is as widespread as you're making it out to be. Just a 24x7 media doing its job.
They just seem to defend anything. This is another one that is pretty low-hanging fruit - at minimum, set the bar a little higher for a President, even one you wholeheartedly support.

They showed JFK talking about the media on one of the shows last night. He was saying that it was hard to hear some of the criticism, but talked about how vital the 4th estate was to democracy, and how necessary that right of criticism was. Trump is really the opposite; it's all about him. He is too insecure for the office he holds.

The biased Media protected JFK :palm:

Hid his health problems, drug addiciton, and extra marital dalliances
. :palm:
the 4th estate is not in danger. The first Amendment is expansive
the 4th estate is undermining it's own credibility by itself.
Trump's Fake News awards merely a reflection of that fact.

The only thing Trump's awards are a reflection of are his own insecurity. He can't handle criticism. He is not emotionally qualified for the office which he holds.
Gruesome fallacies? Like birtherism? What about Trump's claims regarding Hillary's health that you & yours all repeated w/ glee when she had that fainting spell?

Such epic hypocrisy. Nothing is as widespread as you're making it out to be. Just a 24x7 media doing its job.

Hillbag's health problems were real and obvious to all
The biased Media protected JFK :palm:

Hid his health problems, drug addiciton, and extra marital dalliances
. :palm:

The media didn't report on things like that back then regardless - it was essentially the same w/ Nixon & other politicians. But they were very critical of JFK in other areas; he just had a thick skin and was emotionally equipped to handle it without trying to discredit the entire profession.
right. call it spin and not address the fact these are gruesome fallacies cooked up to undermine a POTUS..

Your partisan dismissal of fabricated reporting is noted and expected.
Do you think giving this type of award is Presidential? Especially from a President who lies and fabricates on a daily basis?
The only thing Trump's awards are a reflection of are his own insecurity. He can't handle criticism. He is not emotionally qualified for the office which he holds.
you are completely dismissing Fake News - egregious reporting not based on fact but vindictive advocacy- as Trump's thin skin.