First Annual Fake News Awards

Spin spin spin, is this actions befitting to the President of the United States? or is this a reality TV stunt? I say the latter, I have never seen this type of behavior in any sitting president before Trump. It’s petty and it’s embarrassing.
30% of the country loves it.
The media didn't report on things like that back then regardless - it was essentially the same w/ Nixon & other politicians. But they were very critical of JFK in other areas; he just had a thick skin and was emotionally equipped to handle it without trying to discredit the entire profession.
All of the Presidents have handled the press and it’s stories and criticism far better than Trump, who is thinner skinned and vindictive, it’s embarrassing.
you are completely dismissing Fake News - egregious reporting not based on fact but vindictive advocacy- as Trump's thin skin.

And you are calling many things fake news which are not - inaccurate details which outlets issue corrections for, and opinion pieces.

You're complicit in Trump's campaign to discredit the media. You have no idea how damaging this could be to our democracy. And your case for it is thin & flimsy, at best.
Do you think giving this type of award is Presidential? Especially from a President who lies and fabricates on a daily basis?
You can go after his tweets. I do . But that doesn't balance out Fake news.

These are media centers..It's their job to fact check, it's their job not to just throw out stories without
at least some confirmation beyon pure anonymous sourcing on a regular basis.

IOWs' whatever Trump tweets, should have no effect on what so called journalists publish
The only thing Trump's awards are a reflection of are his own insecurity. He can't handle criticism. He is not emotionally qualified for the office which he holds.


There is nothing wrong with the awards. They were all fake. I'm pretty sure no other President has had to endure so much fake news against him.

Trump is responsible for the wrath, but they don't have to sink to his level.

He isn't the leader of North Korea, afterall.....
All of the Presidents have handled the press and it’s stories and criticism far better than Trump, who is thinner skinned and vindictive, it’s embarrassing.

What's amazing is the use of the term "snowflake" to describe those in the resistance. There is no bigger snowflake than Trump. So thin-skinned.
You can go after his tweets. I do . But that doesn't balance out Fake news.

These are media centers..It's their job to fact check, it's their job not to just throw out stories without
at least some confirmation beyon pure anonymous sourcing on a regular basis.

IOWs' whatever Trump tweets, should have no effect on what so called journalists publish

And you are calling many things fake news which are not - inaccurate details which outlets issue corrections for, and opinion pieces.

You're complicit in Trump's campaign to discredit the media. You have no idea how damaging this could be to our democracy. And your case for it is thin & flimsy, at best.
these are not minor details.
They drive headlines and news cycles. Acosta was so bad CNN had to actually suspend him, and they had to fie 3 more on another story.
and they aren't opinions by and large
( yes Krugman's is, but even he copped to fucking it up by his prejudice agaisnt trump.)

The 4th is a free press, but part of that means accepting the role of providing factual news,
not fake news because you hate POTUS
these are not minor details.
They drive headlines and news cycles. Acosta was so bad CNN had to actuall suspend him, and they had to fie 3 more on another story.
and they aren't opinions by and large ( yes Krugman's is, but even he copped to fucking iot up by his predudice agaisnt trump.

The 4th is a free press, but part of that means accepting the role of providing factual news,
not fake news because you hate POTUS

Is that finally an admission that Krugman's opinion isn't "fake news"?

If so, it's a start.

But the fake awards are awesome
Sure. For you. They are a typical distraction from the fact that trump's lies far outweigh the supposed 'lies' by the media. Bigger in scope, and at last count, more than 2000 since inauguration day.

'Awesome', was trump lying about crowd numbers at his inauguration. Spicy still has nightmares about his first presser.
And you are calling many things fake news which are not - inaccurate details which outlets issue corrections for, and opinion pieces.

You're complicit in Trump's campaign to discredit the media. You have no idea how damaging this could be to our democracy. And your case for it is thin & flimsy, at best.

This, times a million.
Only a true idiot would help discredit the press, some one with no concept of the necessity of a free press.
Is that finally an admission that Krugman's opinion isn't "fake news"?

If so, it's a start.
you can start by admitting press bias/hate produces fake news.
and agian these are just the worst. the ones that are undeniable, not including falsifing perspective, or misleading headlines, or just not providing favorable coverage.

Krugman copped to the fact his hatred drove him to publish an erroronious assessment. good for him.

There is nothing wrong with the awards. They were all fake. I'm pretty sure no other President has had to endure so much fake news against him.

Trump is responsible for the wrath, but they don't have to sink to his level.

He isn't the leader of North Korea, afterall.....

Laughing my ass off.
Shut up hypocrite.