First Annual Fake News Awards

Seems pretty obvious.

I mean, it's clear what Trump is doing. This isn't offense about bad reporting. This is a campaign to remove the media as a factor in our democracy. It is organized and relentless, and sadly, VERY effective. He has done all of this in just one year.


Report yourself to the nearest psychiatric ward, IMMEDIATELY
you are 7 ways from stupid on this.

Trumps behavior is Trump's to own.
The press behavior is theirs to own
The FBI is their's to own.

stop conflating.
You are in no position to point the stupid finger as you batter away at the Bill of Rights.

You are an embarrassment to all right thinking Americans and a danger to freedom worldwide.
You really need to shut up
Yup, Trump is a wrecking ball.
Hopefully the damage he is doing to the GOP , which is massive and inspiring, outweighs the damage to democracy and the free world.

Oh, he'll wreck the GOP alright.

This will be like Iraq for them. In 10 years, total denial that they ever supported him & backed him up on stuff like this.
We could go through this whole list. The 1st few I checked, one was an opinion piece, and the others all had corrections issued.


Trump is a reckless fool.

LOL. No, news organizations, should they wish to be trusted, actually should check on their story before publishing it. We all know that the vast majority of the US never hear of corrections and are stupid enough to believe whatever they hear unless they are informed by other means of the false news.

Corrections are not what "news organizations are supposed to do" at least not every 10 minutes. That's just insane. When it was super news when Fox News corrected something every once in a while, then suddenly it is "what news organizations are supposed to do" when they are correcting themselves every week all we have is a handful of apologist nonsense.
LOL. No, news organizations, should they wish to be trusted, actually should check on their story before publishing it. We all know that the vast majority of the US never hear of corrections and are stupid enough to believe whatever they hear unless they are informed by other means of the false news.

Corrections are not what "news organizations are supposed to do" at least not every 10 minutes. That's just insane. When it was super news when Fox News corrected something every once in a while, then suddenly it is "what news organizations are supposed to do" when they are correcting themselves every week all we have is a handful of apologist nonsense.

Every 10 minutes?

LOL. No, news organizations, should they wish to be trusted, actually should check on their story before publishing it. We all know that the vast majority of the US never hear of corrections and are stupid enough to believe whatever they hear unless they are informed by other means of the false news.

Corrections are not what "news organizations are supposed to do" at least not every 10 minutes. That's just insane. When it was super news when Fox News corrected something every once in a while, then suddenly it is "what news organizations are supposed to do" when they are correcting themselves every week all we have is a handful of apologist nonsense.

Yep... When it was supposedly Fox liberals loved the fake news mantra.

What happened?
Every 10 minutes?


The reality is, corrections have become the norm rather than the exception when Trump is involved. Even when somebody uses hyperbole during a conversation. This is simply another attempt to distract and more apologist nonsense.
The reality is, corrections have become the norm rather than the exception when Trump is involved. Even when somebody uses hyperbole during a conversation. This is simply another attempt to distract and more apologist nonsense. Anything regarding the frequency increasing in some sort of dramatic fashion?

I guess "every 10 minutes" is out. Let's see if you have anything at all.
The reality is, corrections have become the norm rather than the exception when Trump is involved. Even when somebody uses hyperbole during a conversation. This is simply another attempt to distract and more apologist nonsense.
That isn’t true, there have been 18 corrections in all of the stories run on Trump.
Express how I am incorrect unless you are just a troll.

You are such a duplicates ass. You come on here nearly every day and just insult with zero debate and now you're asking for more.

I'll give it because I'm not a drunk troll like you. From the posts I've read of hers, she does support the amendments. Why don't you actually back up a claim for once and show where she doesn't.

We both know own you won't and we both know why.
I can see why thingy avoids answering this.

I'm sort of ignoring you, because it's clear you're here to troll, and not here for serious discussion.

But, since you're clamoring for attention on this question, I have explained that multiple times. The list is composed mainly of opinion pieces, and details that were reported inaccurately, for which most of the outlets issued very prompt corrections.

Do you consider opinion pieces to be "news"? If so, you have a fundamental misunderstanding of what news is, and I can't help you there.

Do you consider news outlets that aren't 100% accurate to be "fake news"? If so, we have likely never had real news in the history of the planet. So, again, there isn't much I can do for you.

I have answered your question. Please stop trying to provoke me w/ namecalling, falsehoods and other trollish behavior. It's boring and repetitive, and I am going to endeavor to only engage in those here who actually want to discuss something going forward.
I barely made it past the first few paragraphs.

I'm saddened you believe that crap. It is as bad as the right shoveling that crap when Obama was president.

Tell me, what rights have been restricted since Trump took office?
I’m not surprised, your a Trumptard.
you are completely dismissing Fake News - egregious reporting not based on fact but vindictive advocacy- as Trump's thin skin.

You did not even start parroting the terms "Fake News" or "Deep State" until Team Trump put out the word to defend the Orange Hog with these words and the partisan premise underlying them.

Since you had to wait until you received orders from Team Trump about this topic, I have serious doubts as to whether your concerns about "fake news" are based on any long-standing, genuine, principle you would purport to have.

Were you routinely starting threads about Fake News prior to 18 months ago?