First Annual Fake News Awards

This thread is a good record - sort of a stand up & be counted thing.

We can look back on this & see who was willing to try to completely discredit an entire institution, vital to our democracy, because an opinion columnist doubted Trump's economics and a reporter tweeted that a rally wasn't packed w/ Trump's supporters, among other egregious offenses.
You did not even start parroting the terms "Fake News" or "Deep State" until Team Trump put out the word to defend the Orange Hog with these words and the partisan premise underlying them.

Since you had to wait until you received orders from Team Trump about this topic, I have serious doubts as to whether your concerns about "fake news" are based on any long-standing, genuine, principle you would purport to have.

Were you routinely starting threads about Fake News prior to 18 months ago?
Good question. His blind hatred for Obama made it easy to ignore the daily barrage of nonsense being spewed in all Right Wing publications.

Obama was cool, and collected. He laughed off the nonsense, and was nothing but eloquent in response.
So you can't provide one example. How sad. Because this thread is simply a news report you ignorant jackass.

And her every post in it.
Tell me Yurt, has advocacy journalism ever helped democracy?
Should journalism not have a right to editorial opinions?
Because that is her argument.
This thread is a good record - sort of a stand up & be counted thing.

We can look back on this & see who was willing to try to completely discredit an entire institution, vital to our democracy, because an opinion columnist doubted Trump's economics and a reporter tweeted that a rally wasn't packed w/ Trump's supporters, among other egregious offenses.

How DARE anyone criticize the press!!!

Shut your mouth brown shirt.
you MORON.

That is a a specific diagnosis! not just some medical kibbutzing

and he was wrong about that too. high LDL by itself is not "heart disease" without other risk factors

these are not minor details.
They drive headlines and news cycles. Acosta was so bad CNN had to actually suspend him, and they had to fie 3 more on another story.
and they aren't opinions by and large
( yes Krugman's is, but even he copped to fucking it up by his prejudice agaisnt trump.)

The 4th is a free press, but part of that means accepting the role of providing factual news,
not fake news because you hate POTUS

Firing people for errors or for lying?

Lying? Yes. So, why doesn’t Orangetweet fire Sarah? Wait. That’s right.

She lies for HIM!
That isn’t true, there have been 18 corrections in all of the stories run on Trump.

Pretty low rate of error.
Undoubtedly there are rightwingers here who make mistakes at their jobs on a weekly basis, if not more.

I wonder how many corrections Trump has issued for the plethora of incorrect statements, untruthful assertions, and flat out lies he has told?
This thread is a good record - sort of a stand up & be counted thing.

We can look back on this & see who was willing to try to completely discredit an entire institution, vital to our democracy, because an opinion columnist doubted Trump's economics and a reporter tweeted that a rally wasn't packed w/ Trump's supporters, among other egregious offenses.

Oh stop with the sky is falling bit.

The media and some other institutions have never been held accountable—and until Trump came along they’ve been acting like they knew they never would be. The media doesn’t need to fear Trump because, contrary to the histrionics from he left, all of their First amendment rights are still intact.