First Annual Fake News Awards

Pretty low rate of error.
Undoubtedly there are rightwingers here who make mistakes at their jobs on a weekly basis, if not more.

I wonder how many corrections Trump has issued for the plethora of incorrect statements, untruthful assertions, and flat out lies he has told?

There’s not enough hours in the day.
Oh stop with the sky is falling bit.

The media and some other institutions have never been held accountable—and until Trump came along they’ve been acting like they knew they never would be. The media doesn’t need to fear Trump because, contrary to the histrionics from he left, all of their First amendment rights are still intact.

These aren't overblown fears. There is plenty of historical precedent; it is generally a gradual discrediting and dismantling, and not the strawman of "has Trump made the press illegal" or repealed the 1st amendment.

And there is no question whatsoever that this has been a relentless campaign on Trump's part & the part of his admin and supporters. "Fake news" has lost meaning because it has been repeated so much. And it is a campaign which has been effective.

This isn't a few offhand remarks. This is an organized effort to completely undermine the media.
These aren't overblown fears. There is plenty of historical precedent; it is generally a gradual discrediting and dismantling, and not the strawman of "has Trump made the press illegal" or repealed the 1st amendment.

And there is no question whatsoever that this has been a relentless campaign on Trump's part & the part of his admin and supporters. "Fake news" has lost meaning because it has been repeated so much. And it is a campaign which has been effective.

This isn't a few offhand remarks. This is an organized effort to completely undermine the media.


Oh stop with the sky is falling bit.

The media and some other institutions have never been held accountable—and until Trump came along they’ve been acting like they knew they never would be. The media doesn’t need to fear Trump because, contrary to the histrionics from he left, all of their First amendment rights are still intact.

Bull fucking shit!
Learn something about journalists in prison before you dare enter this thread again with your willful ignorance.

You see Annette?
This is the danger you are complicit of.
You are obsessed with Annette.

I don't want to know why, just get help

Yes you idiot, Annette wants to see the world burn.
She is dangerous to democracy and I work against her.
I don't need much help, all but the hopeless 30% see her for what she is.
These aren't overblown fears. There is plenty of historical precedent; it is generally a gradual discrediting and dismantling, and not the strawman of "has Trump made the press illegal" or repealed the 1st amendment.

And there is no question whatsoever that this has been a relentless campaign on Trump's part & the part of his admin and supporters. "Fake news" has lost meaning because it has been repeated so much. And it is a campaign which has been effective.

This isn't a few offhand remarks. This is an organized effort to completely undermine the media.

The media is doing *their damndest* to undermine a president. A duly elected president.

There’s your threat to democracy. If the media’s credibility is down all they need to do is earn it back.
The media is doing *their damndest* to undermine a president. A duly elected president.

There’s your threat to democracy. If the media’s credibility is down all they need to do is earn it back.

The media are doing their jobs. The press is a watchdog - it's not a cheerleader.

Trump just can't handle it. I predicted that, btw.