First Annual Fake News Awards

Spin spin spin, is this actions befitting to the President of the United States? is fitting and timely that every person who has at least half a brain acknowledge the fact that lib'ruls constantly lie.......on the news, in their posts to this board, even in the mumbles they make in their sleep.......
you think outright lies were errors?, if anyone finds a lib'rul poster who rises above the level of worthless shit, please let me know in a PM........

As I said repeatingly, it cracks one up when a conservative suddenly shows a concern about lies, they support a President who has been lying habitually since day one of his Presidency and now they are concerned with lies? Beautiful

Fact of the matter is if conservative don't like what they see, read, or hear, it is automatically labeled fake regardless of it's validity

"Four in 10 [or 42 percent of] Republicans consider accurate news stories that cast a politician or political group in a negative light to always be “fake news.” [The corresponding figure for Democrats is 17 percent.]"

" Anything regarding the frequency increasing in some sort of dramatic fashion?

I guess "every 10 minutes" is out. Let's see if you have anything at all.

guess he should issue a correction.....he probably just meant that the lib'rul press lies every time they open their mouths.......