First Annual Fake News Awards

and he was accurate every time.......why do you deny it?......they were in fact, lying each time.......

He was?

He was accurate about birtherism, and Cruz's father?

He was accurate about how his tax plan affects him personally?

He was accurate about Obama wiretapping him?

You sure about all of that, PMP?
You have no idea how accurate that statement is. 'Snowflakes', throughout history, was used to refer to White Supremacists.

oh for fucks sake.......stop trying to hide from're a fucking anti-Trump're a with your shame.....
It's a spell. It will break, and then there will be either denial, or contrition. Perhaps a combination of the two.

With FOOLISS, it is:


Same pattern, every time. Then comes the obsession and stalking.
These aren't overblown fears. There is plenty of historical precedent; it is generally a gradual discrediting and dismantling, and not the strawman of "has Trump made the press illegal" or repealed the 1st amendment.

And there is no question whatsoever that this has been a relentless campaign on Trump's part & the part of his admin and supporters. "Fake news" has lost meaning because it has been repeated so much. And it is a campaign which has been effective.

This isn't a few offhand remarks. This is an organized effort to completely undermine the media.

when has the media lied about things as much as they have in the last 18 months?......liars SHOULD be undermined......