First Annual Fake News Awards

I'm sadly surprised you agree with Runetard.

The press should be above criticism. That is so sad, I can only laugh at such stupidity.

You fucking moron...there is very little we disagree upon...perhaps gun control or privatization of S.S.
How could you be so ignorant?
I'm sort of ignoring you, because it's clear you're here to troll, and not here for serious discussion.

But, since you're clamoring for attention on this question, I have explained that multiple times. The list is composed mainly of opinion pieces, and details that were reported inaccurately, for which most of the outlets issued very prompt corrections for.

Do you consider opinion pieces to be "news"? If so, you have a fundamental misunderstanding of what news is, and I can't help you there.

Do you consider news outlets that aren't 100% accurate to be "fake news"? If so, we have likely never had real news in the history of the planet. So, again, there isn't much I can do for you.

I have answered your question. Please stop trying to provoke me w/ namecalling, falsehoods and other trollish behavior. It's boring and repetitive, and I am going to endeavor to only engage in those here who actually want to discuss something going forward.

Calm down little fella. Breathe.

I've seen only one post where you aimed the 1st one was an opinion piece.

It is important to note that you do admit most of this list is fake news. Yet, for some weird reason you want to fight it and get all pissed off when it is pointed out.

Meds, take them
You are such a duplicates ass. You come on here nearly every day and just insult with zero debate and now you're asking for more.

I'll give it because I'm not a drunk troll like you. From the posts I've read of hers, she does support the amendments. Why don't you actually back up a claim for once and show where she doesn't.

We both know own you won't and we both know why.

This thread is abundant proof that she doesn't support a free press, don't care if you agree, and she will tell you herself that she doesn't agree with the second.
Calm down little fella. Breathe.

I've seen only one post where you aimed the 1st one was an opinion piece.

It is important to note that you do admit most of this list is fake news. Yet, for some weird reason you want to fight it and get all pissed off when it is pointed out.

Meds, take them

I'm not pissed at all. And your lie - bolded, yet another one about me - is noted.

Quite honestly, a poster like you - who lies literally on a daily basis - should not be calling anything out as fake or dishonest.

I'm breathing. It's cool. I won't take too much time responding to you going forward, so you can focus your trolling energy elsewhere. Try to be better on JPP.
I wonder if anatta is willing to read this
The central theme was the relationship between truth and tyranny. “You submit to tyranny,” he wrote, “when you renounce the difference between what you want to hear and what is actually the case.”
the press spreading fake news is encouraging falsifications as truth.
In the USSR that was called Pravda.

the role of the press is to enlighten, to show the facts. It's NOT a political adversarial role.
This practice of advocacy journalism does not serve the truth. it leads to slanted coverage, or fake news.

The press needs to investigate, but it should not slant or ( obviously) publish falsehoods.
The only time it can slant is when it labels itself as an editorial- otherwise it is there to report the real news Anything regarding the frequency increasing in some sort of dramatic fashion?

I guess "every 10 minutes" is out. Let's see if you have anything at all.
Damocles is another that is confusing opinions with actual news stories.
I'm not pissed at all. And your lie - bolded, yet another one about me - is noted.

Quite honestly, a poster like you - who lies literally on a daily basis - should not be calling anything out as fake or dishonest.

I'm breathing. It's cool. I won't take too much time responding to you going forward, so you can focus your trolling energy elsewhere. Try to be better on JPP.

So most of the list is not fake news? It was true news?
Below is the full list of winners of the 2017 Fake News Awards.

1) The New York Times’ Paul Krugman claiming markets would ‘never’ recover from Trump presidency

2) ABC News' Brian Ross’ bungled report on former national security adviser Michael Flynn

3) CNN report that the Trump campaign had early access to hacked documents from WikiLeaks

4) TIME report that Trump removed a bust of Martin Luther King, Jr. from the Oval Office

5) The Washington Post’s Dave Weigel tweeting that Trump’s December rally in Pensacola, Florida, wasn’t packed with supporters

6) CNN’s video suggesting Trump overfed fish during visit with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe

7) CNN’s retracted report claiming Anthony Scaramucci-Russia ties

8) Newsweek report that Polish First Lady Agata Kornhauser-Duda did not shake Trump’s hand

9) CNN report that former FBI Director James Comey would dispute President Trump’s claim he was told he was not under investigation

10) The New York Times report that the Trump administration had hidden a climate-change report

11) In Trump’s words, "‘RUSSIA COLLUSION!’ Russian collusion is perhaps the greatest hoax perpetrated on the American people. THERE IS NO COLLUSION!”

I'd go with 2-8 as fake news.

The rest are opinions or borderline.

Poor Thingy
What's amazing is the use of the term "snowflake" to describe those in the resistance. There is no bigger snowflake than Trump. So thin-skinned.
You have no idea how accurate that statement is. 'Snowflakes', throughout history, was used to refer to White Supremacists.
This, times a million.
Only a true idiot would help discredit the press, some one with no concept of the necessity of a free press.
Hard to believe that he marched in the streets to end the Vietnam war?
It's easy for those not under the spell to see what Trump's goal is here. It's Trump the narcissist at his best - and he is good at this.

If he successfully discredits the media (and he has already bragged about accomplishing this), there is no real source for truth or information. HE becomes as trusted a source for truth as anything else. A confused, ill-informed populace is easily manipulated.
He's a student of Hitler. He studied Hitler's quotes. Nobody did it better.
the press spreading fake news is encouraging falsifications as truth.
In the USSR that was called Pravda.

the role of the press is to enlighten, to show the facts. It's NOT a political adversarial role.
This practice of advocacy journalism does not serve the truth. it leads to slanted coverage, or fake news.

The press needs to investigate, but it should not slant or ( obviously) publish falsehoods.
The only time it can slant is when it labels itself as an editorial- otherwise it is there to report the real news

By your thinking there should be no editorial slant...sorry that just isn't the case.
Advocacy journalism is an incredibly important tool against corruption and govco over reach.

No one, not one, not a single person is saying that there should be falsehoods spread by the press but your war against advocacy journalism is you tilting at windmills.