First Annual Fake News Awards

This, times a million.
Only a true idiot would help discredit the press, some one with no concept of the necessity of a free press.

It's easy for those not under the spell to see what Trump's goal is here. It's Trump the narcissist at his best - and he is good at this.

If he successfully discredits the media (and he has already bragged about accomplishing this), there is no real source for truth or information. HE becomes as trusted a source for truth as anything else. A confused, ill-informed populace is easily manipulated.
This, times a million.
Only a true idiot would help discredit the press, some one with no concept of the necessity of a free press.

You are so fucking stupid. If we cannot talk against the press, then there is no free speech you eternal retard. The press are not holy and certainly not above criticism.
you can start by admitting press bias/hate produces fake news.
and agian these are just the worst. the ones that are undeniable, not including falsifing perspective, or misleading headlines, or just not providing favorable coverage.

Krugman copped to the fact his hatred drove him to publish an erroronious assessment. good for him.

But it wasn't fake news.
This, times a million.
Only a true idiot would help discredit the press, some one with no concept of the necessity of a free press.
once again for the s l o w learners..the press did these and more to themselves.
Trump didn't publish it, they discredit themselve
This, times a million.
Only a true idiot would help discredit the press, some one with no concept of the necessity of a free press.
It is so vital it was written into our Constitution, which supposedly all these people support.
It's easy for those not under the spell to see what Trump's goal is here. It's Trump the narcissist at his best - and he is good at this.

If he successfully discredits the media (and he has already bragged about accomplishing this), there is no real source for truth or information. HE becomes as trusted a source for truth as anything else. A confused, ill-informed populace is easily manipulated.

I'm sadly surprised you agree with Runetard.

The press should be above criticism. That is so sad, I can only laugh at such stupidity.
once again for the s l o w learners..the press did these and more to themselves.
Trump didn't publish it, they discredit themselve

No, they didn't. You are just rationalizing Trump's incredibly reckless behavior.

Trump serves Trump. He doesn't care what institutions he has to tear down to protect that goal: the media, the FBI, other agencies in the intel community, his own party. He doesn't care.
It is so vital it was written into our Constitution, which supposedly all these people support.

anatta cares not a whit for the Bill of Rights, it is meaningless to him.
The first means no more to him than the second and there is a reason for the order they are in.
And completely forgotten by Friday

Still cracks one up how the conservatives are in a state of denial with the Russia investigation. Mueller has been at it less than nine months and he already has inditements against three top Trump campaign leaders, two guilty pleas, proof of a covert meeting between individuals associated with the Russian Gov't and the heads of the Trump campaign, and has the White House dictating to witnesses what to say at Congressional hearings, yeah, a big "nothingburger"

And it is only the end of the beginning

Top campaign leaders?

No, they didn't. You are just rationalizing Trump's incredibly reckless behavior.

Trump serves Trump. He doesn't care what institutions he has to tear down to protect that goal: the media, the FBI, other agencies in the intel community, his own party. He doesn't care.
you are 7 ways from stupid on this.

Trumps behavior is Trump's to own.
The press behavior is theirs to own
The FBI is their's to own.

stop conflating.
No, they didn't. You are just rationalizing Trump's incredibly reckless behavior.

Trump serves Trump. He doesn't care what institutions he has to tear down to protect that goal: the media, the FBI, other agencies in the intel community, his own party. He doesn't care.

Yup, Trump is a wrecking ball.
Hopefully the damage he is doing to the GOP , which is massive and inspiring, outweighs the damage to democracy and the free world.
Is that the only way to diminish it and it’s importance? Fascism happens in steps.

Seems pretty obvious.

I mean, it's clear what Trump is doing. This isn't offense about bad reporting. This is a campaign to remove the media as a factor in our democracy. It is organized and relentless, and sadly, VERY effective. He has done all of this in just one year.
you are 7 ways from stupid on this.

Trumps behavior is Trump's to own.
The press behavior is theirs to own
The FBI is their's to own.

stop conflating.

Trump has systematically tried to undermine and discredit all of these institutions. I'm sorry you aren't able to see that. It is very obvious.