First Post

Are you Tim Allen? LOL

My parents met when they went to Hope College
PiMP? No, he's a career alcoholic and an ex felon which pretty much means he's a staunch Republican and also explains all the court appearances in Kalamazoo.

Oh Chill PiMP he knows I'm kidding.

I welcome you to our little disfunctional family on the interwebs. I myself hail from the cultural center of the universe Columbus, Ohio. I don't consider myself left or right though I have a visceral dislike of redneck southern populism for which I am classified as a communist by ....well...the rednecks. For many years I was a registered Republican of the Rockefeller variety but left the party in 2004 in protest over the immoral invasion of Iraq but mainly due to the Southern Strategy taking the party to an absurd extreme. I currently poll with the Dems as though they often have more bad ideas than good at least they govern reasonably competently and are not bat shit crazy as the current crop of GOP leaders seem to be.

On the personal side I work in a professional capacity in the environmental division of a major chemical company. Like you I have traveled and lived around the country (Ohio, Iowa, Virginia, Arkansas, the Carolinas) and a little abroad. I'm married to a beautiful Filipina, both inside and out, who is probably far better than I deserve. We don't have any kids but do have a min pin, rat terrier mix with a Napoleonic complex.

Mainly though my reputation on here is as a pseudo-intellectual horses ass...though I have been described by others on here by....shall we say...more colorful metaphors. :)

Glad to make your aquantance and I look forward to some spirited debate. Oh....there are a few knuckle heads on here that can be a pain. You should be able to identify them and ignore them fairly quickly.
Actually, the United States was founded on what we call today "libertarian" principles. We are far closer to them that conservatives or liberals
That's debatable. One should consider that both terms "liberal" and "libertarian" have the same root word, Liberty, and that to say that our nation was founded on modern libertarian principles, given the nations actual history is, to be honest, laughable.
Can you give me an example of something you consider to be a "fact" that's pertinent to the discussion?
OH no you didn't go there? Keep in mind that Desh is JPP's like our crazy Aunt who can and will say it's probably not wise to ask her to give example as she probably will. LOL
Well, OK, but you said I called you "names." Sorry, I didn't lie.

But seriously, your first post to me before we'd discussed a topic is that I'm full of shit. You wanted flowers for that?
Hell yea she does. Desh may be batshit crazy but she's still a woman.
I welcome you to our little disfunctional family on the interwebs. I myself hail from the cultural center of the universe Columbus, Ohio. I don't consider myself left or right though I have a visceral dislike of redneck southern populism for which I am classified as a communist by ....well...the rednecks. For many years I was a registered Republican of the Rockefeller variety but left the party in 2004 in protest over the immoral invasion of Iraq but mainly due to the Southern Strategy taking the party to an absurd extreme. I currently poll with the Dems as though they often have more bad ideas than good at least they govern reasonably competently and are not bat shit crazy as the current crop of GOP leaders seem to be.

mott and I are the mirror image of each other......he used to be a Republican who now votes with the Dem while I am a Reagan Democrat who never went back......he doesn't consider himself left or right (though every one else here considers him left) while I have no problem admitting I am right........he considers Ohio to be the cultural center of the universe, while I have actually been to the universe and know better......and finally, he never thinks before he posts while I never post before I think......
That's debatable. One should consider that both terms "liberal" and "libertarian" have the same root word, Liberty, and that to say that our nation was founded on modern libertarian principles, given the nations actual history is, to be honest, laughable.

Considering Libertarian principles are found in the Enlightenment, no it's not laughable at all except to someone who worships the state (You).
PiMP? No, he's a career alcoholic and an ex felon which pretty much means he's a staunch Republican and also explains all the court appearances in Kalamazoo.

Oh Chill PiMP he knows I'm kidding.

I welcome you to our little disfunctional family on the interwebs. I myself hail from the cultural center of the universe Columbus, Ohio. I don't consider myself left or right though I have a visceral dislike of redneck southern populism for which I am classified as a communist by ....well...the rednecks. For many years I was a registered Republican of the Rockefeller variety but left the party in 2004 in protest over the immoral invasion of Iraq but mainly due to the Southern Strategy taking the party to an absurd extreme. I currently poll with the Dems as though they often have more bad ideas than good at least they govern reasonably competently and are not bat shit crazy as the current crop of GOP leaders seem to be.

On the personal side I work in a professional capacity in the environmental division of a major chemical company. Like you I have traveled and lived around the country (Ohio, Iowa, Virginia, Arkansas, the Carolinas) and a little abroad. I'm married to a beautiful Filipina, both inside and out, who is probably far better than I deserve. We don't have any kids but do have a min pin, rat terrier mix with a Napoleonic complex.

Mainly though my reputation on here is as a pseudo-intellectual horses ass...though I have been described by others on here by....shall we say...more colorful metaphors. :)

Glad to make your aquantance and I look forward to some spirited debate. Oh....there are a few knuckle heads on here that can be a pain. You should be able to identify them and ignore them fairly quickly.

I left off that I believe in animal husbandry so much, that I "breed" sheep.

That's debatable. One should consider that both terms "liberal" and "libertarian" have the same root word, Liberty, and that to say that our nation was founded on modern libertarian principles, given the nations actual history is, to be honest, laughable.

Libertarians are classic liberals. Liberals are not liberals at all. They are close minded, rigidly intolerant and fear change. Liberal in libertarian represents our views, liberal in liberalism is an antonym. There is nothing liberal at all in using 50% plus one to oppress the rest of the population, there is nothing liberal about government confiscating your money and giving it to someone else and there is no tolerance for disagreement on any issue in the left. They are autoritarian leftists, not liberals
mott and I are the mirror image of each other......he used to be a Republican who now votes with the Dem while I am a Reagan Democrat who never went back......he doesn't consider himself left or right (though every one else here considers him left) while I have no problem admitting I am right........he considers Ohio to be the cultural center of the universe, while I have actually been to the universe and know better......and finally, he never thinks before he posts while I never post before I think......

It is common for leftists to say they are moderate and yet never find a reason to disagree with Democrats.

It was after Reagan I left the Republican party. I voted for HW the first time. But when he proved there was no difference between him and Democrats, I voted for Perot when he ran for reelection. I set a high bar for Republican, they have to give me one reason to vote for them, LOL. Sadly, they haven't since. Though I did break my string and vote for Romney, but it was because Obama ended the string of Democrats just running as Marxists and actually served as one. We'll see how it goes.

Socons call me a Democrat, though other Republicans generally know I'm neither Republican nor Democrat. Democrats always call me a Republican and say I'm in lock step with them and parrot their views. Which is amazing since I argue liberal social positions and against using our military for non-defensive wars as we are doing all the time. In the end, all that matters to Democrats is money. It's the only thing they measure us on. That being while they call us greedy....