Floridians are pissed!

All you Desantis boot lickers have done for 12 months is giggle and chuckle about how he is fighting the culture war against Critical race theory and wokeness. And yes, that includes school curriculum.
I have never seen any of you Desantis ass-lickers post anything about what he is doing in the tangible realm of real governance, such as infrastructure, health care, etc.
We are doing just fine. Remember, there are many reasons so many are fleeing the concrete jungle and iglooland abode states to live here.
Power is being restored across North Central Florida - WCJBhttps://www.wcjb.com › 2022/09/29 › power-is-being-rest...
21 hours ago — GAINESVILLE, Fla. (WCJB) - Electric utility crews are out working to restore power across North Central Florida following the storm.

Crews from as far away as N.D. are out restoring power.
Governor DeSatin spent money on "Don't Say Gay laws" and shipping Texas immigrants to Martha's Vineyard.

Now a million Floridians are out of power, that would have been money better spent hardening the electrical grid for such a situation.

Shame on him!

Like Trumpanzees, DeSatan supporters are morons who cannot understand such concepts.
All you Desantis boot lickers have done for 12 months is giggle and chuckle about how he is fighting the culture war against Critical race theory and wokeness. And yes, that includes school curriculum.
I have never seen any of you Desantis ass-lickers post anything about what he is doing in the tangible realm of real governance, such as infrastructure, health care, etc.

DeSatan is great because, like his idol and mentor #TRE45ON, he hates and despises the same people they do -- the educated, the intelligent, the non-whites, the non-Xtians, doctors, scientists, etc.
We are doing just fine. Remember, there are many reasons so many are fleeing the concrete jungle and iglooland abode states to live here.

I've never seen any of you write anything about what Desantis is doing in the realm of real, actual governance.

The worship of Desantis seems to be entirely based on him 'stickin' it' to teachers, liberals, asylum seekers
DeSatan is great because, like his idol and mentor #TRE45ON, he hates and despises the same people they do -- the educated, the intelligent, the non-whites, the non-Xtians, doctors, scientists, etc.

That's what the cultists like about Trump. He's dumb, barely literate, and knows nothing substantive about policy and governance. But he supposedly sticks it to the libs on Twitter and on the failing Truth Social.
I've never seen any of you write anything about what Desantis is doing in the realm of real, actual governance.

The worship of Desantis seems to be entirely based on him 'stickin' it' to teachers, liberals, asylum seekers

Bingo. Exactly the same reasons why Minty and the other dupes worship #TRE45ON too.

He is a good and decent man, a true leader, who has stopped the teaching and advocacy of perversion to kindergarteners.

The far left, radical Democrat Socialists are in panic mode as his leadership in times of crisis is shining... presidential material.

He is an asshole who only appeals to others who are assholes. So...he is perfect for the assholes of the MAGA crowd. They love assholes.
That's what the cultists like about Trump. He's dumb, barely literate, and knows nothing substantive about policy and governance. But he supposedly sticks it to the libs on Twitter and on the failing Truth Social.

If we had a dollar for every time one of the Cultists has posted "Trump (or DeSantis) makes libtards' heads explode," we too could buy a golf course. lol
I've never seen any of you write anything about what Desantis is doing in the realm of real, actual governance.

The worship of Desantis seems to be entirely based on him 'stickin' it' to teachers, liberals, asylum seekers

He does very little in that realm, he spends his time playing, cultural war, games, and trying to “own the libs”.
Was that really a significant problem there in Florida? Lots of kindergartens teaching perversion 101?

If you ask the idiotic conservatives, they believe it really was a bad problem here in Florida, but it never was. There’s no documentation anywhere if such a problem. Trumpers are so idiotic that you can make up a pretend problem, then pretend you solve it, then they love you because you solved the pretend problem.
Governor DeSatin spent money on "Don't Say Gay laws" and shipping Texas immigrants to Martha's Vineyard.

Now a million Floridians are out of power, that would have been money better spent hardening the electrical grid for such a situation.

Shame on him!

First, I think DeSantis is an idiot.

But second - DeSantis has NOTHING DIRECTLY to do with the power grid in Florida.

Florida Power & Light Co is the state's, largest power provider.


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He is an asshole who only appeals to others who are assholes. So...he is perfect for the assholes of the MAGA crowd. They love assholes.

Well, he maybe an asshole.

But I am quite sure there are decent people who support him.
Just as there were millions of decent Reps who disliked Trump.
But held their noses and voted for him anyway.

Making derogatory, all-encompassing assumptions about millions of people you have never met is NEVER a good idea.
Was that really a significant problem there in Florida? Lots of kindergartens teaching perversion 101?

It was significant enough to cause parents to lobby their legislators to pass a bill to stop the teaching of perversion and CRT to kindergartens.

It caused Virginia to flip from blue to red.

Don’t get between parents and their children’s education.
It was significant enough to cause parents to lobby their legislators to pass a bill to stop the teaching of perversion and CRT to kindergartens.

Yeah, and some of us still remember the "Satanic Panic" of the late 80's when parents were convinced teachers in various schools were leading their children down into dungeons for satanic rites. Parental fear seems a bit easily manipulated.

Don’t get between parents and their children’s education.

First, I think DeSantis is an idiot.

But second - DeSantis has NOTHING DIRECTLY to do with the power grid in Florida.

Florida Power & Light Co is the state's, largest power provider.



It is a private for profit corporation heavily regulated by the government and granted a monopoly by the State of Florida. TECO is also in the same situation.

FPL has to ask the State for permission to charge customers more than what was already agreed upon by the State. They get huge funding from the state for improvement projects.
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