Floridians are pissed!

We are doing just fine. Remember, there are many reasons so many are fleeing the concrete jungle and iglooland abode states to live here.

Just fine?

Are you fucking insane?

You are going to be sucking up federal dollars for a decade because of this storm

Rebuild using the reality of science



we can’t keep rebuilding your state because you hate science
They do not care about it being a republic. If they can get their way, they are fine with a dictatorship.
Yeah a dictator would force American's to take medications they don't want and use the FBI to investigate parents for being concerned about their kids education or to raid the home of their primary political opponent. That is what America would look like with a dictator in office.
All utilities are needs and should be totally run by the government for the people in society. Power, water, sewer, phone, internet, trash service, roads, parks, bridges, airports, mass transportation are all needs. There is little to no competition anyway. It is wrong to have big money making bigger money fleecing the public in need of these basic services to modern life. And ripping off the workers while they are at it.

The government could create great solid secure jobs by directly hiring the talented people needed to provide these services. What on Earth is government for, anyway, if it can't provide these basic needs of modern society?

When you have big corporate executive profit-maximizing management, you are going to get minimized services and maximized profits. That is their job goal.

We want managers whose job goal it is to maximize services while minimizing cost. People are highly motivated to do a good job of public service. There are a lot of very talented and qualified people who would love to have such responsibilities and would be happy to perform them at a reasonable salary that provides them a very comfortable life. Not opulent, not gaudy displays of wealth, simply a salary which provides them a good secure life with paid time off for illness, maternity, and 6-12 weeks of paid vacation every year, a nice retirement in the living style they are accustomed to, the ability to send their children to college (which should be free to everyone who can get passing grades anyway.) We could pay high managers for all of that and it still wouldn't cost as much as the salary of big corporate executives.

And the government doing things would not have the big expense of hyper-advertising and marketing. And it would not have to make a big fat profit.

We are doing things all wrong.

Capitalism only rewards those who have capital invested in the endeavor. Everybody else gets screwed. All the workers, the customers, suppliers, etc. It's all for the executives and investors. That's who capitalism rewards.

We need capitalism with it's motivation and ingenuity for wants; and we need socialism for our social needs. That's logical.

Tax the rich enough to pay for it already.

That would make America MUCH greater.

Universal Health Care, a UBI, and a housing program for the poor, too. Get everybody who wants one owning their own home.

Come on. Let's fix this country right. The logical way.

We live in squalor.
There is no “don’t say gay law “ in Fla.

The word “gay” does not appear in the law. Even an ambulance chaser should know that.

Mar 28, 2022 — The law says public school teachers may not instruct on sexual orientation or gender identity in grades kindergarten through third grade.

Shame on you for lying...again.
He is a lawyer. Lying is in his blood
Yeah a dictator would force American's to take medications they don't want and use the FBI to investigate parents for being concerned about their kids education or to raid the home of their primary political opponent. That is what America would look like with a dictator in office.

I absolutely agree, I’m very glad none of those things are happening.
They are scared to death because he will be their next President. He is untouchable and a political juggernaut. The quintessential President, with every facet of his skill set and right down to his lovely wife who would make a perfect First Lady.
You know Dementia Joe is unbeatable.
You are in a state of denial. If I had helped put Dementia Joe the wantabe dictator into office I might have been in denial like you too.

No, its simply that you are a delusional Trumpper who bought into his "alternate facts".

NOne of the thinks you listed are happening.
So, you make broad and derogatory assumptions of tens of millions of people who you have never met?

Thus...you are a prejudiced person.
EXACLTY (in this regard) like all the Trumpbots you hate so much.

That also makes you a hypocrite.
As I am quite sure you have derided others for acting in the EXACT, same manner.

So noted.

If you want to delude yourself that there is a supposed equivalence here...one that I do not see...be my guest.

Trump did that horseshit when he said that there were decent people on both sides...back when that asshole was president.

Anyone writing in Adolf Hitler's name as a write-in during the next election is an asshole. If you disagree with that...YOU are an asshole. Anyone even considering voting for Trump or DeSantis in the next presidential election is an asshole. If you disagree with that...YOU are an asshole. AND ANYONE VOTING REPUBLICAN IN THE NEXT ELECTION IS AN ASSHOLE. If you disagree with that...YOU are an asshole.

BTW - I would learn what the legal term 'libel' means...were I you.

Fuck you, Asshole.

We are done here.

Have a nice day.

Okay. I've had my say. You have a nice day, too, McRocket.