Floridians are pissed!

You can't bury flooded and destroyed transmission stations and wind destroyed transmission towers and damaged generation plants idiot.

Want to bet they cannot be made secure asshole?

Just like you deny science

And math

And history

And democracy
Burying cables instead of stringing in the air idiot
That’s what Texans want done, but they say it’s cost prohibitive, but that’s a ridiculous argument when they have to keep repairing lines or replacing them due to inclement weather.

You deny science

That is why Florida was so unprepared for this type of storm

You deny math because you follow Austrian economic ideas

You deny history because you pretend racism isn’t real

You deny democracy by cheating in elections and claiming Trump is still president and is allowed to STEAL Americans secrets
You deny science

That is why Florida was so unprepared for this type of storm

You deny math because you follow Austrian economic ideas

You deny history because you pretend racism isn’t real

You deny democracy by cheating in elections and claiming Trump is still president and is allowed to STEAL Americans secrets
Governor DeSatin spent money on "Don't Say Gay laws" and shipping Texas immigrants to Martha's Vineyard.

Now a million Floridians are out of power, that would have been money better spent hardening the electrical grid for such a situation.

Shame on him!

Tell us Mr. Electrical Engineer how does Desantis harden the privately owned electrical grid from trees, flying debris, tornadoes, caused by hurricanes? Are you suggesting the government should nationalize the electrical companies? One way is to bury the grid except Floridas water table is to high and being an electrical expert you know electricity and water don't mix. Desantis has made some mistakes but this ain't one of them.
That’s what Texans want done, but they say it’s cost prohibitive, but that’s a ridiculous argument when they have to keep repairing lines or replacing them due to inclement weather.
So now you are an expert on the electrical grid and the cost of removing and replacing overhead lines with buried utilities? Don't you think these companies have already done a cost analysis? Buried utilities make sense on most new construction but not on most existing overhead lines.
Trump's Fraud Claims Died in Court, but the Myth of Stolen Elections ...
Oct 11, 2021 — President Trump's baseless and desperate claims of a stolen election over the last seven weeks — the most aggressive promotion of “voter ...
Tell us Mr. Electrical Engineer how does Desantis harden the privately owned electrical grid from trees, flying debris, tornadoes, caused by hurricanes? Are you suggesting the government should nationalize the electrical companies? One way is to bury the grid except Floridas water table is to high and being an electrical expert you know electricity and water don't mix. Desantis has made some mistakes but this ain't one of them.

Why do pretend it’s impossible asshole?
Texas "immigrants?"

You mean the illegal aliens Brandon normally drops off in Jacksonville at 4 in the morning?

DeSantis is on TV now orchestrating another flawless operation.

You are just jealous because the libtards have NO ONE to offer as Governor who is competent and strong as him.

Thank God that Gillum degenerate is not in office. I know you voted for him. Because of the Florida voters, YOU dodged a bullet.

Listen them ppl are so grateful for what he did, THEY'RE DRY!! LOLOLOLOL

Tell us Mr. Electrical Engineer how does Desantis harden the privately owned electrical grid from trees, flying debris, tornadoes, caused by hurricanes? Are you suggesting the government should nationalize the electrical companies? One way is to bury the grid except Floridas water table is to high and being an electrical expert you know electricity and water don't mix. Desantis has made some mistakes but this ain't one of them.
Can’t they be protected by conduit and by burying only 5% of the lines improves the grid during storms.

Private electric companies are regulated by commissions and they report to the Governor and the legislature who make laws regulating utilities.
Anybody can be beat if you are willing to cheat.

You have got to love thse cocky bastards boasting about another Trump/GOP victory. As long as you have all the cheating machinism's in place and gov and legislators willing to call foul should they lose, of course you can win....but truth be told, Republicans can't win a damn thing without scaring the hell out of white ppl, lying to Latino's and CHEATING!!