Floridians are pissed!

Governor DeSatin spent money on "Don't Say Gay laws" and shipping Texas immigrants to Martha's Vineyard.

Now a million Floridians are out of power, that would have been money better spent hardening the electrical grid for such a situation.

Shame on him!

I love how pissy you people get.
So now you are an expert on the electrical grid and the cost of removing and replacing overhead lines with buried utilities? Don't you think these companies have already done a cost analysis? Buried utilities make sense on most new construction but not on most existing overhead lines.
I have become educated on the subject because of Texas power grid problems, not an expert, but I read the experts.
I have become educated on the subject because of Texas power grid problems, not an expert, but I read the experts.
Link? So where did you read that replacing existing power lines was cost effective in most places. BTW my brother and my sister in law , both engineers with 40 years of power generation experience, say it isn't cost effective.
She denies the science of hurricanes and the laws of physics.

I love the "unprepared" comment like anyone could adequately prepare for a cat 4 hurricane. When Ian made landfall it was 2 mph shirt if a cat 5. You can't imagine how stupid leftists actually are.
So where did you read that replacing existing power lines was cost effective in most places. BTW my brother and my sister in law , both engineers with 40 years of power generation experience, say it isn't cost effective.
When those power lines are destroyed in a storm. Studies have also shown that burying only 5% of lines improves the grid.
Can’t they be protected by conduit and by burying only 5% of the lines improves the grid during storms.

Private electric companies are regulated by commissions and they report to the Governor and the legislature who make laws regulating utilities.

You are correct burying the line would protect them the problem is the relay stations which are too big to bury and seal. Then there are the transformers that run the buildings.
If it was easy and economical don't you believe it would have already been done?