Floridians are pissed!

It is a private for profit corporation heavily regulated by the government and granted a monopoly by the State of Florida. TECO is also in the same situation.

It is still a for-profit corporation.

You are talking like they are a state-owned corporation.
Which they are not.

Are you seriously suggesting that the Florida government should be giving BILLIONS of taxpayer dollars, DIRECTLY to publicly-owned/traded, for-profit corporations?

Yes or no, please?
Hello Jarod,

Governor DeSatin spent money on "Don't Say Gay laws" and shipping Texas immigrants to Martha's Vineyard.

Now a million Floridians are out of power, that would have been money better spent hardening the electrical grid for such a situation.

Shame on him!

Must be no fun living in hot and humid conditions with no AC and living out of a cooler. We can almost hear the collective "Thanks a lot, DeSantis."
It is still a for-profit corporation.

You are talking like they are a state-owned corporation.
Which they are not.

Are you seriously suggesting that the Florida government should be giving BILLIONS of taxpayer dollars, DIRECTLY to publicly-owned/traded, for-profit corporations?

Yes or no, please?

Yes, and they already do.
Hello Jarod,

Must be no fun living in hot and humid conditions with no AC and living out of a cooler. We can almost hear the collective "Thanks a lot, DeSantis."

I did not lose power, but I have lived that in past hurricanes, it is NOT fun. It can be avoided, and it should be avoided.
Well, he maybe an asshole.

But I am quite sure there are decent people who support him.
Just as there were millions of decent Reps who disliked Trump.
But held their noses and voted for him anyway.

Making derogatory, all-encompassing assumptions about millions of people you have never met is NEVER a good idea.

To anyone considering voting for Trump again...or considering voting for DeSantis...or, for that matter, voting for ANY Republican right now...

...I say, "You are a fucking asshole, no matter what McRocket seems to think."

Right now our Republic is in danger from the Republicans.

McRocket...I do not care how sure you are that there are decent people who support DeSantis...or how sure you are that there were decent Republicans who "held their noses and voted for Trump."

ANYONE right now considering voting for Trump, DeSantis, or any other Republicans, in my opinion, is considering giving our nation over to people not fit for leadership of any kind.

And where EXACTLY do Floridians gives billions of tax dollars to publicly-traded, for profit corporations for the latter's, 'business assets' (like hardening their power grid')?

Where? Tallahassee I presume.
To anyone considering voting for Trump again...or considering voting for DeSantis...or, for that matter, voting for ANY Republican right now...

...I say, "You are a fucking asshole, no matter what McRocket seems to think."

Right now our Republic is in danger from the Republicans.

McRocket...I do not care how sure you are that there are decent people who support DeSantis...or how sure you are that there were decent Republicans who "held their noses and voted for Trump."

ANYONE right now considering voting for Trump, DeSantis, or any other Republicans, in my opinion, is considering giving our nation over to people not fit for leadership of any kind.

So, you make broad and derogatory assumptions of tens of millions of people who you have never met?

Thus...you are a prejudiced person.
EXACTLY (in this regard) like all the Trumpbots you hate so much.

That also makes you a hypocrite.
As I am quite sure you have derided others for acting in the EXACT, same manner.

So noted.

BTW - I would learn what the legal term, 'libel' means...were I you.

We are done here.

Have a nice day.
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Governor DeSatin spent money on "Don't Say Gay laws" and shipping Texas immigrants to Martha's Vineyard.

Now a million Floridians are out of power, that would have been money better spent hardening the electrical grid for such a situation.

Shame on him!
Oh please. No one has ever hardened an electrical grid enough to withstand an event like Ian now shut up with your partisan blather and try to help Floridians like DeSantis is doing.
Where? Tallahassee I presume.

Good one.

I shall rephrase.

Where is a link to an example of Floridians giving billions of tax dollars to publicly-traded, for-profit corporations for the latter's, 'business assets' (like hardening their power grid')?
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Texas "immigrants?"

You mean the illegal aliens Brandon normally drops off in Jacksonville at 4 in the morning?

DeSantis is on TV now orchestrating another flawless operation.

You are just jealous because the libtards have NO ONE to offer as Governor who is competent and strong as him.

Thank God that Gillum degenerate is not in office. I know you voted for him. Because of the Florida voters, YOU dodged a bullet.

There is no “don’t say gay law “ in Fla.

The word “gay” does not appear in the law. Even an ambulance chaser should know that.

Mar 28, 2022 — The law says public school teachers may not instruct on sexual orientation or gender identity in grades kindergarten through third grade.

Shame on you for lying...again.

Gay is a gender identity

So they can’t say gay you dumb fuck
It was significant enough to cause parents to lobby their legislators to pass a bill to stop the teaching of perversion and CRT to kindergartens.

It caused Virginia to flip from blue to red.

Don’t get between parents and their children’s education.
I don't know anyone complaining....nothing but praise for Gov. DeSantis....


for bad planning because you and him pretend global warming isnt real so you don’t plan for what it’s going to bring to florida
The teaching of sexual perversion from K to third grade will no longer happen in Florida.

It should never be taught to primary students.

It’s a parental choice...morality is a parental responsibility.

Get between parents and their children at your peril...see Virginia.

So how is pretending some kids don’t have gay parents going to make sense?
To anyone considering voting for Trump again...or considering voting for DeSantis...or, for that matter, voting for ANY Republican right now...

...I say, "You are a fucking asshole, no matter what McRocket seems to think."

Right now our Republic is in danger from the Republicans.

McRocket...I do not care how sure you are that there are decent people who support DeSantis...or how sure you are that there were decent Republicans who "held their noses and voted for Trump."

ANYONE right now considering voting for Trump, DeSantis, or any other Republicans, in my opinion, is considering giving our nation over to people not fit for leadership of any kind.

They do not care about it being a republic. If they can get their way, they are fine with a dictatorship.
Texas "immigrants?"

You mean the illegal aliens Brandon normally drops off in Jacksonville at 4 in the morning?

DeSantis is on TV now orchestrating another flawless operation.

You are just jealous because the libtards have NO ONE to offer as Governor who is competent and strong as him.

Thank God that Gillum degenerate is not in office. I know you voted for him. Because of the Florida voters, YOU dodged a bullet.
Yeah Gillum would be held up in a motel room high on crystal meth and drunk with gay male prostitutes instead of working to help Floridians right now. That's who Jarod wanted for governor.