Food Riots

This is one issue people will refuse to acknowledge until it's right on their doorstep. People who talk about it are dismissed as chicken littles, but it's simple mathematics: population growth in the year 2008 is unsustainable, and we're running out of food.
yah my grocery budget is a we bit short this month so i plan to steal my grocery's in protest of the food costs.
This is one issue people will refuse to acknowledge until it's right on their doorstep. People who talk about it are dismissed as chicken littles, but it's simple mathematics: population growth in the year 2008 is unsustainable, and we're running out of food.

running out of cheap food that it. these people can get off there asses and grow some.
This is one issue people will refuse to acknowledge until it's right on their doorstep. People who talk about it are dismissed as chicken littles, but it's simple mathematics: population growth in the year 2008 is unsustainable, and we're running out of food.

its pretty frightening
Local Bakery just sold me 3 Italian Sub packages of 8 for $1.00. Bagels are 2 packages for .90, and whole wheat bread with no preservatives or High fructose Corn Syrup were $1.49 for two. I spent more money on the Fruit Snacks the little one wanted. People just gotta learn to shop.
Ohh the bakery outlet store ? Yep I hit them too if I am passing by there. but not worth driving 12 miles one way for a $1.49 loaf of bread.

but that is here, in india the price of rice has about tripled. And the poor just do not have the money to buy it. 30% of india depends on the govt rice distribution program.
Its crop shortages combined with raising costs.

Bio fuels, extreme weather due to Global warming and a world wide economic downturn.

How very very sad that we can spend trillions killing people and spend so little to help people.
running out of cheap food that it. these people can get off there a&%es and grow some.

Right......because everyone has an acre or two at their disposal to grow food. Especially people that live in the cities.

lazy fckers.
yeah I was working this weekend on fencing off another 1/4 acre of garden space.
I think I will have a greenhouse before winter.
Desh, for Obama's VP
cut that military budget by 75% desh, and spend it on people and increased agriculture ability
Its crop shortages combined with raising costs.

Bio fuels, extreme weather due to Global warming and a world wide economic downturn.

How very very sad that we can spend trillions killing people and spend so little to help people.

Actually world grain production was at an all time record high in 2007, so crop shortages were not the problem. The problem is that consumption also set record highs.

About 15% of the US grain production is used to produce ethanol.

World grain production per person is about normal.... if we would actually use the grain to feed rather than waste it on a process such as biofuels. We need to focus on the cellulosic methods of biofuel production and stop using grain.
Actually world grain production was at an all time record high in 2007, so crop shortages were not the problem. The problem is that consumption also set record highs.

About 15% of the US grain production is used to produce ethanol.

World grain production per person is about normal.... if we would actually use the grain to feed rather than waste it on a process such as biofuels. We need to focus on the cellulosic methods of biofuel production and stop using grain.

Well, then clearly production needs to increase. Its not rocket science. we can do both: produce ethanol and feed people.
Well, then clearly production needs to increase. Its not rocket science. we can do both: produce ethanol and feed people.

Yes, production could be increased. No doubt, that is an option. We just need to attempt to do so without deforestation.

Or we could focus on cellulosic production of ethanol production and not use grain.
Well, then clearly production needs to increase. Its not rocket science. we can do both: produce ethanol and feed people.

Ethanol is junk, it's not the right route for alternate fuels. Why put us into a situation like that in the first place on a fuel that isn't going to benefit anone but American farmers?