Food Riots

Ethanol is junk, it's not the right route for alternate fuels. Why put us into a situation like that in the first place on a fuel that isn't going to benefit anone but American farmers?

It beats the he** out buying fuel from the ME.
This is one issue people will refuse to acknowledge until it's right on their doorstep. People who talk about it are dismissed as chicken littles, but it's simple mathematics: population growth in the year 2008 is unsustainable, and we're running out of food.

Or maybe it the illuminati-led idiocy of the inefficient bio fuel projects that are driving up food prices?

Why isn't there a serious push to promote telecommunicating, if everythings so serious and dire?
Or maybe it the illuminati-led idiocy of the inefficient bio fuel projects that are driving up food prices?

Why isn't there a serious push to promote telecommunicating, if everythings so serious and dire?

LOLs......this coming from the resident tin foil hat nutbag who thinks there's some global conspiracy to make us slaves? Yeah. Great idea. that won't push any jobs offshore.
lol on larax's running out of food.
Increased prices will result in increased supply.
Not even debatable.
Ethanol is junk, it's not the right route for alternate fuels. Why put us into a situation like that in the first place on a fuel that isn't going to benefit anone but American farmers?

Yep dave it does suck, but at least it does benefit American Farmers instead of Abdul.
And like usual Lori is clueless,
Wanna bet which way corn production is going you dumbass salesman???
Yep dave it does suck, but at least it does benefit American Farmers instead of Abdul.

Am I the only one who sees this as a good step in riddign ourselves dependent on foreign oil? Even if ethanol proves to be just as effective, keeping (US) jobs and creatign a domestic dependency is still very good.
Yepper LadyT it is a necessary step. the last figures I saw were something like a 3% reduction in imports becuase of Ethanol.
And supposedto grow at least 1% more this year, but probably more than that since demand will drop because of high oil prices.
no DDR you sell software.
Watch wheat and rice production.
Did you skip economics in that third rate college you supposedly attended?
Yeah, well, I'm perfectly fine making a few farmers fat and happy as opposed to sending our $$$ to the ME along to further hurt the middle class.
no DDR you sell software.
Watch wheat and rice production.
Did you skip economics in that third rate college you supposedly attended?

Food shortages aren't decided on the commodities exchange. You have such a one-track line of thought; it's kind of embarassing...
Seriously, are you still ashamed to state your college.
Signifiacantly higher prices especially in a simple industry like farming will always raise production. The shortages are temporary, investors see the lagging ag sector compared to oil and minerals and are making wise investments in ag going up. Guess where I'm investing next?
Seriously, are you still ashamed to state your college.
Signifiacantly higher prices especially in a simple industry like farming will always raise production. The shortages are temporary, investors see the lagging ag sector compared to oil and minerals and are making wise investments in ag going up. Guess where I'm investing next?

Yeah, well, I'm perfectly fine making a few farmers fat and happy as opposed to sending our $$$ to the ME along to further hurt the middle class.

But if it's causing food shortages, wouldn't we be wise to invest in technology that can do the same thing, but without the corn? There must be a synthetic alternative. I feel we haven't put the money into research in this most important of all areas, and we are paying a huge price for our short-sightedness and political expediency.
Now if we just figure out how to control the climate, rainfall, etc. Darned pesky stuff like that might impede profit.
But if it's causing food shortages, wouldn't we be wise to invest in technology that can do the same thing, but without the corn? There must be a synthetic alternative. I feel we haven't put the money into research in this most important of all areas, and we are paying a huge price for our short-sightedness and political expediency.

Yep, why I say it is one step.
But if it's causing food shortages, wouldn't we be wise to invest in technology that can do the same thing, but without the corn? There must be a synthetic alternative. I feel we haven't put the money into research in this most important of all areas, and we are paying a huge price for our short-sightedness and political expediency.

An increase in supplies to offset what's being produced for fuel is all we need to do long term. Short term, I fully support my tax dollars going to give relief to the people in need.

I'm not well versed in alternative energy sources, so I have no opinion of synthetic alternatives or what the advantages or disadvantages will be. Honestly I'd feel more comfortable with just producing more food. We know that more food supplies will stop this. What's the hinderance in simply producing more?

Who knows what kind of nuclear sister people would come up with.